The Home World Chronicles BOOK 6 (Teen Edition): Merlin's Madness

The Home World Chronicles BOOK 6 (Teen Edition): Merlin's Madness


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Time and space, who is it? What is it for and why? All these questions and more will NOT be answered in this book which is the last edition to the Home World Chronicles series, what will be answered will be questions you have never asked and most likely don't want to know the answers to anyway but life isn't perfect and neither are any of us for that matter.
After all who would ever want to be perfect? Perfect is boring and so are the people who consider themselves perfect.
So to the book itself and as I have said this will be the last in the series as I think they have pretty much done as many things as they could possibly do but as to the adventures of their children, well that I can't answer for they decide their own fate and at the moment Mary Ann Hathaway is constantly demanding my attention. You try ignoring an angry female teenage wizard and we will see how you get on.
A new character in this book is called the physician and is in no way related to any other character currently in existence as this character is from the imagination dimension and although he may remind you of another well-known character, he definitely is not the one you may think he is.
All the old characters are in here of course such as William (obviously), Wayne, Andra, Thomas, Demise and so on.
Max is not swearing as much as he used to as he promised Troy that he would try and curb that habit for the sake of the children.
The Druids are back and we get to visit the imagination dimension. Or at least Martin does but at least he was kind enough to take us along for the ride.
This story mostly takes place on Earth (Wales Swansea to be precise) where we find Sloth and some of the watchers up to no good as usual.
Will Merlin kill William for leaving him in the void between the voids, the place of nothingness?
Will Andra and Thomas ever see their children again and will Sloth stand knee-deep in the bones and the blood of her victims?
Read on dear reader and find out if you feel you are brave enough to know the answer.







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