Learn to Play in 5 Minutes a Day: Turn Your Toddler into a Preschool Piano Prodigy

Learn to Play in 5 Minutes a Day: Turn Your Toddler into a Preschool Piano Prodigy


:NT$ 798 元
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Studies show that learning to play an instrument is proven to enhance a child's cognitive development and IQ. Early music lessons have now been proven to increase brain fiber and it is useful in treating children with ADHD and autism.

Starting your child with a musical instrument at a young age-yes, as young as 3!-opens their world up to so many possibilities. Will they become little Bachs and Beethovens? Possibly. But remember, Bach and Beethoven didn't start out fully formed. It takes learning and practice.

Here's what Zo?Madewell says about practice:
"We don't practice to play a piece perfectly. We practice to find peace. We practice to play our purpose."

And that is the gift you can give your child.

But how do you keep your child interested in learning and practicing. How do you as a caring parent navigate the world of lessons and practice and recitals, choosing instruments?

Zo?Madewell has been teaching music to both young and old. In this book, she hands you 25 years of experience in how to avoid the pitched battles over practicing, how to help your child persevere, and to free your child to become inspired by music. You will learn:
  • Which instrument is the best for your child to start on
  • How to avoid having your child become one of the QB1Ys (Quit Before 1 Year)
  • How to keep your child from becoming a "Practice Terrorist"
  • When and how to reward your child: Pay to Play
  • To praise the good stuff, then shut up: It's all good stuff.

You'll also find these tips work in many other parenting situations, whether it is learning how to win a negotiation with your child, inspiring them to learn a new language, teaching them how to honor their commitments.

The benefits of musical training are well documented: children who study music score an average of 7 points higher in IQ, test a full academic year higher, have better focus and cognitive development, and best of all, increased self-confidence.
But it's not just about giving your child a head start in life. You are giving them the gift of music, a lifelong passion that will enhance and enrich their lives-and yours.

Produced by Street Media and Publishing.







定價:100 798



