Learn more about 4000 Legendary Conglomerates: Pharma, Finance, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, and More!

Learn more about 4000 Legendary Conglomerates: Pharma, Finance, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, and More!


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Once a company reaches the second or third generation and is still growing, it reaches the stratosphere: a place where it is too big to fail. In addition, it acquires a gravitational pull of its own: it attracts the best talent, it attracts media attention, it attracts further business and growth in profits. In addition, for a company to stay at the top of the corporate mountain for decades, it needs to constantly innovate and stay agile, to be at the cutting edge of the latest and greatest in its sector.

The fate of the modern world is decided in the boardroom. Quiet meetings in huge corporations determine the way in which the world's money will flow. This in turn determines every detail of our daily life, from the pop culture we have access to, to the conveniences which make life worth living, to the advertisements we see in any kind of media!

Prestige in the corporate world is a strange thing. One claws one's way to the highest position that one can possibly attain, and then one wants to move laterally to a company that has a bigger name or earns better revenue. This book is dedicated to the biggest companies of all time, by market cap.

Famous corporations led by the brightest lights of the corporate galaxy are the prime movers of influence in the modern world. They are at the forefront of innovation, of the burgeoning middle class movement, and even of philanthropy and social impact.

This book features the most famous companies of all time, irrespective of country or geography. Get ready to be inspired and motivated!

Every Major Industry
This book talks about a large number of companies, divided into five major sectors:
1. Tech companies: These are probably most familiar to us in our daily lives. From Microsoft to Facebook to Apple to Google, vast software and hardware conglomerates are inextricably linked with the modern world.

2. Oil and Gas entities: From Sinopec to IOCL to BP to Aramco, oil and gas companies diversify downstream to petrochemicals and upstream to exploration, and have spread their tentacles deep into the fabric of human existence in the 21st century, when we're all about energy, its scarcity, and its availability.

3. Banks: From public banks that hold a nation's financial stability together, to large co-operative banks that gain their huge fund base from bulk investments, to holding companies that are the power behind the modern world, banks are as relevant today as they have ever been, providing the financial banking that makes every large scale effort possible and feasible.

4. Pharmaceutical Companies: Health is serious business - the events of 2020 brought that home to us in a way that we always suspected, but never completely understood. Pharma companies derive immense profits from every human being alive today, and their size will just scale up exponentially with an increasing population.

5. Other sectors: Insurance, fin-tech, real estate - these are just a few of the sectors that spawn a few unicorns, that are also featured in the pages of this book.

These companies form the basis of this book, but I have added a layer of abstraction that makes the book even more challenging and interesting. Instead of directly telling you about the company names, I have turned it all into a puzzle challenge, where you will have to guess the company names, given some information about the structure of their name, the country of origin, and the industry sector in which they operate.







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