The Golden Eclipse Tarot: A guidebook for the Fools Journey, zodiac correspondences & self discovery

The Golden Eclipse Tarot: A guidebook for the Fools Journey, zodiac correspondences & self discovery


:NT$ 1333 元
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Golden Eclipse Tarot Guidebook: A Language of the Universe is an in-depth book, written by Marie Satori, containing 427 pages of history, the Fools Journey and how it maps to a Kundalini awakening, the zodiac seasons, the ancient planetary rulers, tarot/astrology correspondences, tarot meanings, tarot spreads and a guide to reading tarot. This guidebook is a collection of over thirty years of tarot study and application.

Golden Eclipse Tarot Guidebook: A Language of the Universe is the companion guidebook to psychic medium and astrologer Marie Satori's inaugural tarot deck. Along with descriptions and insights into the ancient form of storytelling known as tarot, it provides a deeper look into the parallel universal movements in Astrology, and the corresponding inner process of spiritual awakening. All are interconnected, and The Golden Eclipse provides you with the deeper understanding necessary to harness the universe's energetic momentum as you recognize obstacles and learn karmic lessons, and teaches you to transmute them into personal growth.

Named after the merging of polar energies that catalyzes a Kundalini awakening, the unfoldment of this psycho-spiritual process within is what provides the archetypal context for the Fool's Journey. This allegory, as told through the cards and elaborated upon by the various modalities that informed the creation of this deck, provides you with invaluable insights - and tools - along the way. Follow along on The Fool's Journey into consciousness and towards enlightenment as depicted by the cards of the Major and Minor Arcana, including the astrological placement and transit whose energy corresponds to the meaning of each tarot card.

In this deck and guidebook, Satori teaches you how to best prepare for and learn from hidden lessons to come that will herald you onto the next step of your spiritual journey. Like an interdimensional rosetta stone, Golden Eclipse Tarot: A Language of the Universe combines multiple teachings and modalities into one, transforming the way you engage with the spiritual path forevermore. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or a young, witchy newcomer to the field of esoterica, these time-honored tools for spiritual seekers activates the conscious recognition of the sacred process undergone between Spirit and Ego, plunging you into unity consciousness as you revel in its inward and outward reflection via the movements of the cosmos.

As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul...

Marie Satori is a world-renowned psychic medium and astrologer, known for her ability to predict events down to the exact date.







定價:100 1333



