The Land of Deetzolotseez: For children only

The Land of Deetzolotseez: For children only


:NT$ 280 元
可得紅利積點:8 點


One hundred-year-old Mr. John Deetz stands defiantly straight while chained to the entrance to his beloved Kiddieland. When the wrecking crew and the Sherriff Deputies arrive to enforce the Eminent Domain order; Mr. Deetz knows his current life is over. He expires in the back seat of the squad car. That's when his important life begins as he meets five child spirits and reunites with his wife and their pet kitties. They take him to a new amusement park, named after him-Deetzolotseez. Children that have been good for the day can visit Deetzalotseez in their dreams and do anything they can imagine. But first they must pass by Orangie, the Persian cat who knows who is being truthful. Even bad children can visit but they first must correct their unacceptable behavior of the day. The children can eat all kinds of deserts and not gain a calorie, go on any ride they want, reconstruct, mix and match their favorite movie scenes, or go to a dance club. This is just some of the activities that the children can participate in.
All goes smoothly until a dark mist starts appearing outside of the Land of Deetzalotseez' entrance. In that dark mist Mr. Deetz and the children hear individual cries for help. At first, they rescue a child who drowned while saving his cousin and a friend. Later they find a child who has been lost in that mist for some forty years. Still a third time they find a young girl surrounded by the cancer cells that took her life. When the cancer cells refuse to release their grip on the young girl, they summon Orangie. Just speaking her name sends the cancer cells reeling.
This dark mist is unmasked as an expansion of the underworld. It is now the Deetzalotseez crew's most important task to find these lost children in the dark mist and bring them to the safety of the amusement park. At first Orangie is powerful enough to hold the dark mist at bay. But eventually the dark mist expands so even Orangie is overmatched. It is at this crucial point that the dark mist threatens to influence and destroy the visiting dreamers. In desperation, Mr. Deetz calls on all of the park's cats, his pets and their friends to assist Orangie in defeating the dark mist. All of the cats assume Orangie's size, strength and ferociousness. Thus, a tremendous battle ensues with the cats' super-spirits winning the day.







定價:100 280



