The Warm-Hearted Snowman: Christmas Book for Kids Preschool. (Teaching Children the Joy of Giving)

The Warm-Hearted Snowman: Christmas Book for Kids Preschool. (Teaching Children the Joy of Giving)


:NT$ 560 元
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The Warm-Hearted Snowman

We all know there's magic that comes once a year,
When it snows and we know that Christmas Story,
In one tiny village, all glowing with light,
A very grand snowman stood guard day and night.

The children all waited throughout the whole year
And when the snow fell, they'd give a great cheer,
Building the snowman with love and with pride,
Then waving goodbye and darting inside.
children's books author, Sigal Adler, just keeps adding to her now a rather impressive number of books for children. Each of her books was written in Hebrew and as they became best sellers in Israel she decided to have them translated into English to benefit an even broader range of children. As always Sigal's rhyming style is delightful. The stories are not only entertaining but they also carry some subtle messages to those children fortunate enough to read them - or have them read to them. The books are enhanced by one of the top illustrator/artists of the day - Abira Das, always a welcome sight when reading new stories.

It is the winter season and what better way to introduce customs from around the world than to have a story about a snowman. Sigal introduces children who build the snowman and the snowman speaks to his creators - especially grateful for his carrot nose. At night the children go to their homes leaning the snowman alone - and one day when the snowman awakens his carrot nose is gone. When the children discover the missing part they give the snowman a new carrot nose. Again at night, the snowman wants to stay awake to assure his nose remains in place. He sees a little bunny. The bunny pleads for a snowman's nose to feed his family who are hungry in the wintertime. In friendship, the snowman gives us his nose - every night! And everyday it is replaced so the food chain remains intact. Until summer - and the snowman of course is no longer. The bunny keeps track of the time and come wintertime again he meets p with his old friend - the new snowman!

A fun wintertime story with a solid message beautifully illustrated - and Sigal Adler successfully adds to her repertoire of fine children's books. Grady Harp

A carrot nose and the spirit of giving

This children's book is beautifully illustrated in the spirit of the season, with rolling hills of snow, sparkling snowflakes, and glittering lights, reflecting the images conjured by the writing:

In one tiny village, all glowing with light
A very grand snowman stood guard day and night.

Surrounded by cute children who fit a carrot nose in the middle of its face, the snowman feels deserted when they must leave for the night:

But when nighttime fell, the snowman would groan
For the children must leave, and he'd be all alone

We can all learn from this snowman, from his spirit of giving: When he spots a hungry bunny, he offers his nose to him...

Uvi Poznansky







定價:100 560



