The Faerie Song Oracle: The Elven Way of Singing Down Magic of the Fae

The Faerie Song Oracle: The Elven Way of Singing Down Magic of the Fae


:NT$ 550 元
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THE FAERIE SONG ORACLE is so named because it is an original elfin oracle system based upon the solf銶e or solfeggio system, also called solfa, solfeo, which is used as a music education method in the West to teach aural skills, pitch and the sight-reading of the music scale. That scale is Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol or So, La and Te, with another Do representing a higher octave, at the end. The Silver Elves have presented these notes in this oracle according to the way they would be spelled in Arvyndase, which is the Silver Elves magical elfin language. And, therefore, these musical sounds/notes would be spelled: DO, RAE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, and TE, which as you can see only differs in one instance. The pronunciation, however, is the same. *
The Faerie Song Oracle book is meant to be used as an oracle, but it is also a book of magic. Thus, the sounds can be sung together to create a particular magic that either heightens the power of a boon or dispels unwanted influences. The Silver Elves associate these notes with each of the points of the seven-pointed acute angled Elven Star that many people call the Faerie Star. For each oracle reading, you will be drawing two notes. So you might consider that in drawing the faerie song oracle you are dealing with the power of two of the points of the elven star combined (each point signified by a different note) or one of the points in its pure form (if both of the notes that you draw are the same, as say when you get Rae-Rae as a response). The second Rae can be sung on a higher octave evoking a raising or increase of that power. *
The Silver Elves explain 2 easy ways to use this oracle book, either with dice or a regular card deck to determine the combination of two notes that relates to your oracle. Complete instructions with examples are given in the introduction so you can begin right away using this oracle book. *
Along with the basic descriptive interpretation for each of the 49 oracles you may draw, you will find with each the following 15 additional sections of information designed to help inspire you with any magic you may perform in association with the specific oracle you have drawn. These are: 1.) Conjure (spirit), guides to conjuring an elfin spirit; 2.) Druid (Bard, Ovate), specific tones to enchant energy into your life; 3.) Healing (herbs), healing plants to use in your magic; 4.) Thaumaturgy (stars), the name of an elven spirit or constellation to evoke to help you with the magic of this oracle; 5.) Sorcery (psychology/attitude), perception and attitude for success in your magic; 6.) Spell (spellcasting), spells to enhance the magic of the oracle; 7.) Wizard (knowledge), book and movie suggestions to assist you in gaining more knowledge of the magic of the oracle; 8.) Witch (animal familiar), reveals what familiar will help you with the magic of the oracle you have drawn; 9.) Pyromagery (energy), suggestions are given for action or energy on the various planes, physical, mental/imaginal, astral; 10.) Necromagery (ancestors), you are guided in this section as to what the ancestors have to say to you; 11.) Enchantment (chant/song), songs are suggested to evoke feeling and memory to assist you in your magic; 12.) Alchemy (crystals), gives some gems to use related to your oracle; 13.) Astrology (day of week), suggestions are given for the times that would be most effective for the energies involved; and 14.) Battle Magic (defense/wards, incense, candles, etc.), this section suggests basic Apotropaic magic; and 15.) Mage (motto), here, a motto is given, like a short chant, to help you along the way. These will all aid you to heighten the magical effects of using the oracle drawn, help ward off negative influences, and guide those energies in a better direction. At the end of each oracular response, The Silver Elves have provided a place for handy reference ideas for easy use of this oracle.







定價:100 550



