Intensified Land and Water Use: A Holistic Perspective of Local to Regional Integration

Intensified Land and Water Use: A Holistic Perspective of Local to Regional Integration


:NT$ 7650 元
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1. Preface2- Hydrological approach for evaluation of soil and water degradation processes as related to climate change and biodiversity losses Idelfonso Pla Sent疄. Universitat de Lleida. Spain3- Prediction of soil salinization and sodification processes as affected by groundwater under different climate and management conditions. Idelfonso Pla Sent疄. Universitat de Lleida. Spain
4- Landscape features as conditions for vegetation and crop growth. Physiological aspects of plants response to salinity, alkalinity and shallow water-table. Andr廥 A. Rodr璲uez and Edith Taleisnik. Laboratorio de Fisiolog燰 de Estr廥 Abi鏒ico en Plantas, Unidad de Biotecnolog燰 1, IIB-INTECH - CONICET - UNSAM, Int. Marino. Chascom, Argentina y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient璗icas y T嶰nicas (CONICET), Instituto de Fisiolog燰 y Recursos Gen彋icos Vegetales, CIAP, INTA. Argentina5- The classical fact in water insecurity: groundwater; the need to recognize the importance of its presence. Jos?Joel Carrillo Rivera. Instituto de Geograf燰, UNAM. M憖ico6- Groundwater and its role in maintaining the ecological functions of ecosystems; advances in holistic approaches in studies on the interaction vegetation-groundwater flows. Elisabet V. Wehncke, Nestor Mariano, Eric Morales-Casique, Blanca Prado, Lucy Mora, Jos?Joel Carrillo-Rivera, Josue Reyes, Alejandra de Le鏮. Universidad Aut鏮oma del Estado de Morelos. M憖ico. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito, La Rioja, Argentina. Instituto de Geolog燰 and Instituto de Geograf燰, Universidad Nacional Aut鏮oma de M憖ico. M憖ico7- Groundwater flows in Bajos Submeridionales of Santa Fe wetlands as part of the Chaque鎙 plain (Argentina) and their use for livestock production. Dora Cecilia Sosa y Eduardo Luis Diaz. Instituto Nacional del Agua and Universidad Nacional de Entre R甐s, Argentina. 8- Geochemical feature of intermediate flow discharging in Paran?river system, Argentina. Dora CeciliThis book combines multidisciplinary studies on the consequences of intensified land and water use, and the fusion of land to provide food security. Studies on water, vegetation, and soil are addressed from an environmental management perspective with a special focus on anthropic effectsa Sosa y Eduardo Luis Diaz. Instituto Nacional del Agua y Universidad Nacional de Entre R甐s, Argentina. 9 - Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater and its interaction with other components of the environment in Mexico. Rafael Huizar. Instituto de Geolog燰. UNAM. M憖ico.10- Landscape functioning as a basis for defining its sustainable intervention: soils and groundwater flows. Margarita M Alconada Magliano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.







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