Demise of Christ: I have been crucified with Jesus Christ

Demise of Christ: I have been crucified with Jesus Christ


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What does it mean to be crucified with Christ

How to go to Heaven!
How to get right with God!

Being crucified with Christ implies that we are at this point not under the punishment of the Law. That punishment was paid by Christ for our sake. At the point when Christ was crucify, maybe we were executed with Him. The punishment was completely paid - similarly as certainly as though we had been crucified for our own transgressions. At the point when Christ miraculously came back to life, we rose, as well. Presently the risen Christ enables us to live for Him in a manner that satisfies God. We used to look for life through our own works, yet presently we "walk with unshakable conviction in the Child of God" (Galatians 2:20)

A few spots in the Holy book discuss being executed with Christ or having passed on with Christ: for instance, Colossians 2:20; 3:3; and 2 Timothy 2:11. A drawn out conversation regarding the matter is tracked down in Romans 6:3-14. Since no devotee was in a real sense crucify with Christ, the expression executed with Christ is emblematic for a profound truth.

Being crucified with Christ underscores our association with Him and His demise for our benefit. We confide in Christ's execution as installment for our wrongdoing punishment, and we depend on His ability to live in a manner that satisfies God. The accentuation is on how He has helped us, not how we need to help God. Time and again, "I have been executed with Christ, and Christ lives in me" becomes "I really want to crucify my wicked longings and put in more effort to live for God." When this turns into our viewpoint, we have gotten out of elegance living and back into regulation living, and we limit the force of Christ's demise for us. We are depending less upon the force of Christ and more upon our own power - and that won't ever turn out great!

To put it plainly, Galatians 2:20 lets us know how we got away from the punishment of transgression to carry on with a day to day existence that satisfies God. Realizing that we are "executed with Christ" ought to give us extraordinary support in our Christian walk. We have the ability to say "no" to sin and "yes" to God.







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