Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin

Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin


:NT$ 610 元
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ELFIN, FAE and OTHERKIN TRIBES: Varieties of Elfae Kin is the fifth book by The Silver Elves in the series of elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribe narratives of the modern elfae community. Their first book is composed strictly of Elf tribes; the second book in the series describes Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes; and the third and fourth books are comprised of Elves, Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes. Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes includes 107 tribes of elves, faerie, fae and otherkin, all of which are newly written and are not found in the first four volumes in this series. After publishing the first four books in this series, the Silver Elves continued writing and gifting tribe narratives for their kindred who filled out the kin type survey they had posted on their website and contacted them asking for a tribe narrative. So this fifth book in the series contains all of these new tribe narratives to this date and is dedicated to a variety of tribes of elven kind, faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae. The tribe narratives in this volume are all newly published and are not found in the four previous books in the series. These tribe narratives will beautifully describe to you about their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities.
You will find as you read through the many narratives in this book that the elfin, faerie, fae and otherkin are beautifully varied in their magic, healing abilities, lifestyle, art, ancient ways, governance, love of nature, relationship to mankind, preferences, symbols and skills. The book is divided into three main sections: The first section being 53 tribes of elves, some of these elves are found in oak groves, forests and woodlands along rivers or lakes, while others are near waterfalls or the ocean. Also, in this section there are narratives of forest traveling elves and of elves living on the forest edge, along with some elven tribes in tropical rainforests, mountain valleys and within mountain caves, elves living in forests or the forest edge near towns and cities, as well as some coastal elves and river elves. The second section is composed of 21 tribes of faerie and of fae tribes, who abide in the desert lands; are travelers or troopers; are of the rivers or live in woodland realms near lakes, rivers and waterfalls; sometimes live near caves and where rainbows occur due to mist; are of the deep forests; of the forest lakes; and of the forests near the oceans. Some other of these fae tribes are island forest folk; are those traveling through the forests and on its edges; are of the high mountain areas far away from the world of normal folk or are of mountain valleys; and some are of the lakes or live near springs. And the third section being 33 tribes of a variety of otherkin and various assorted other fae. Included are tribes of Sylphs, Shapeshifters, Pixies, Will-O-Wisps, Water Sprites, Shining Ones, Fauns, Gnomes Nymphs, Dragons, Kitsune, Nixies, Dwarves, Brownies, Bogies, Merfolk, Selkies, Giants, and some mixed Elfae.
In these modern times we now abide, it is most important that the faerie, fae and otherkin have a strong magical narrative of their own in a world that often likes to tell us who we are and who we are not, and mostly quite inaccurately so. It is the hope of The Silver Elves that in reading the magical narratives contained in this series and in this book Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes that elfae kindred and otherkin will be inspired to begin if they have not already done so to create their own narrative or add to what they already remember and intuit.







定價:100 610



