Contorted Futures: Dystopia, Conspiracy & Robot Sex (Books 1 - 5)

Contorted Futures: Dystopia, Conspiracy & Robot Sex (Books 1 - 5)


:NT$ 564 元
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A series of futuristic, dystopian, science fiction short stories containing mature themes and depictions.

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Synthetic Personalisation

'Synthetic Personalisation' presents the reader with a speculative future world, where our science and technology, far from bringing us together, is actually pulling us apart. Alaina and her husband, Christopher, appear to have it all, but both are searching for something else, something more than they already have. With the backdrop of a climate crisis, political upheaval, and the complications of contending with artificial intelligence (that is often more of a hindrance than a help - and sometimes even worse) we engage with Alaina's feelings of detachment from the world around her. She craves a closeness that her life does not provide. However, she may well learn that often we should be careful what we wish for...

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Milgram's Progress

Edward Stanford is a proud member of 'The Community'.

He does his duty, and contributes to society.

He follows the rules, does not question, and he likes it that way.

But Edward Stanford has a secret.

And Edward Stanford is about to learn that sometimes, happy lives can come crashing down without warning.

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If you live among wolves...

The Republic.

A future world created through a Marxist-socio-functionalist ideal.

Where the goal is to become a citizen

The even bigger goal - to contribute to the glory of The Republic.

And the cornerstone of this ideology, how it is propagated and diffused out?

The Four Institutions.

The educational pillars of Republic life.

Integrated and diverse landscapes full of (supposedly) free-thinking, free-loving beautiful people, encouraged to pursue their personal desires - physical, sexual and academic.

And working within one of these institutions is 翼varo Ocean, Professor of Politerature.

Politerature - the critical and literary analysis of literature and language, from the past and present, and the creation of new literature and language, in the backdrop of its relation and 'value' to The Republic.

But Ocean is not just a pawn of this system.

He is a man who sees, and understands, that there is more to the world than just that which is presented to the citizens.

But ultimately, his whole world is about to change.

And in the space of three fateful days.

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Conspiracy - Intrigue - Deception - The Truth?

There is a woman in a room.

Alone. Kept from the world.

Today she will meet another woman.

These two women will embark upon a journey.

Is she a criminal? Is she mad? Is she a liar?

Will both women leave the room unscathed?

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The Reds dropped the gas so long ago now.
It took time to take its affect, but eventually, it took hold.
Men, women and children began to die in their droves.
But more women than most.

Now, in the pit of the epicentre, between life and death, a young man arrives at an outpost, and connects with an older woman - a woman who has lived through the suffering.
Forced to survive, but in his eyes, flourishing.
Is their connection real?
Can anyone be trusted, in a world like this?

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* Warning: Contains adult scenes and depictions
** Also includes, for the first time, the alternative version of 'Synthetic Personalisation'







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