Restoring mental health and Healing Trauma within: Guide for emotion

Restoring mental health and Healing Trauma within: Guide for emotion


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When Kathy was just 12 years old, she experienced a traumatic event that would shape her life for years to come. she was walking home from school when a stranger pulled her into a nearby alleyway and assaulted her. she was left feeling violated, alone, and powerless.

In the aftermath of the assault, she struggled with overwhelming feelings of shame, guilt, and fear. as a result, she found it difficult to trust others and withdrew from social situations. Nightmares and flashbacks of the assault haunted her, leaving her with a constant sense of anxiety and dread.

As she sat alone in her apartment scrolling through her social media feed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of envy and anxiety wash over her. Her friends were out having fun, attending events, and living their best lives, while she was stuck at home feeling disconnected and alone.

she knew that she needed to make a change, but didn't know where to start. That's when she came across "Restoring mental health and Healing Trauma within". As she read through the pages, she realized that her feelings of FOMO were actually rooted in deeper issues that she had been avoiding for years.

why did i tell you this story? Are you struggling to overcome the effects of trauma in your life? Do you feel like something is holding you back from experiencing true wholeness and healing?

In "Restoring mental health and Healing Trauma within," renowned therapist and author Genaro R Rew offers a groundbreaking approach to healing trauma and restoring wholeness through the use of internal work.

Drawing on years of experience working with clients who have experienced trauma, this guide shares powerful examples of how internal work can help individuals overcome even the most deeply ingrained patterns of trauma and negative self-beliefs.

Through guided exercises and practical strategies, readers will learn how to tap into their inner resources to uncover and release the root causes of their trauma, leading to greater self-awareness and personal transformation.

Using real-life success stories from clients who have undergone internal work, this guide offers hope and inspiration to anyone who has experienced trauma and is looking for a way to move forward. Whether you are a therapist looking for innovative techniques to help your clients or an individual looking to begin your own healing journey.

"Restoring mental health and Healing Trauma within" is a must-read guide to restoring wholeness and overcoming trauma through the power of internal work.

With practical tools, step-by-step guidance, and powerful insights, this book will help you unlock your true potential and embrace a life of greater health, happiness, and healing.

Grab your copy now before the price goes up!







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