The Mystery of Prayer: Accessing Secrets to Answered Prayer

The Mystery of Prayer: Accessing Secrets to Answered Prayer


:NT$ 640 元


We are in a generation where people love prayer but experience little to no results in their prayer life. And the reason for this frustration is not far-fetched-they pray amiss.

The mystery of prayer focuses on the rudiments of prayer. It reveals to you the mysteries or secrets that enhance a world of triumph and victory in the place of prayer and the good news is, the secrets are already revealed.
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deut 29:29
A major reason why people don't receive answers to prayer is that they don't have the secrets of God. The kingdom of God operates on the sequence of revealed secrets or truth. As believers of Christ, we are supposed to know and understand these secrets to experience sweatless triumphs in the battles of life.That is why Jesus said in his teachings that, it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them (unbelievers) it is not given. Matt 13:11

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him, and he will show them his covenant. Psa25:14
God has secrets. These secrets are in the possession of men and women who walk in the fear of God and for this reason, he is committed to showing and revealing these secrets or covenants to them.
Apart from not having the secrets of God being a reason for unanswered prayers, another reason is that we have believers who have refused to grow. They are baby believers who follow their weaknesses and what they see around them. They don't follow the leadings of God but mature believers follow the leadings of God. In other words, mysteries are revealed to sons, not babies.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Rom 8:14
A king will not bother his little child with the affairs of his kingdom, even though the child is his heir. That child cannot bear those things. He has to wait till he is mature enough not necessarily by age only but by the display of maturity.
You don't have to struggle long hours in prayer without results to show because now, you have the rules of engagement in your hands. Don't get me wrong, the time spent has nothing to do with how your prayers are answered.
This book in your hands is not just another book of information, but a book with life experiences and secrets revealed to me by the spirit of God and I'm excited you are one of the many who will experience a great turn in your prayer life.
Congratulations! You will begin to experience a world of answered prayers and sweatless triumph in life.







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