Donde Llevan Los Sueños

Donde Llevan Los Sueños


:NT$ 663 元


Where dreams take you...

It isn't a question, but the certainty that prepares us for an extraordinary journey.

A book where illustration and poetry merge, transporting the reader to a world where art accompanies them on every page.

An invitation to let our imagination soar, as dreams take shape and become reality.

A dreamlike text without a starting point, and which feels as if it has no end; a world of fantasy, which makes its presence felt right from the cover, with its bold, atmospheric title.

It's time to dream, and no one can say whether it's just a fantasy, a desire for something to come true, or just things that happen while we are asleep.

That's the magic of this book: we'll never know whether she was dreaming about being an ant or if she was one, but, in any case, it happened ...

A story that symbolizes our goals, our challenges, our aspirations and, above all, the fierce determination to achieve our objectives without giving up; overcoming our fears through the magic formula of trusting in ourselves.

The artist recreates scenes with unique details that intentionally move us between close-ups and wide-angle views, immersing us in a world of vibrant colors.

Gray tones remind us that we are asleep, while deep red brings us back to reality: or was it the other way around?

A book that allows the reader to discover the character and then be spellbound together with them in the worlds of dreams.

Donde llevan los sue隳s...

Una obra donde ilustraci鏮 y poes燰 se funden para llevar al lector a un mundo donde el arte le acompa鎙r?en cada l嫥ina.

Una invitaci鏮 real a desplegar toda nuestra imaginaci鏮 mientras los sue隳s van tomando forma y se hacen realidad.

Un texto on甏ico del que se desconoce el principio y del que se siente que no existe final; la fantas燰, que hace acto de presencia desde la portada, su t癃ulo tan abierto, tan vivo...

Todo est?listo para el sue隳, y nadie nos confirma si es tan solo un anhelo, el deseo de hacer algo realidad, o hechos que se suceden mientras dormimos.

Una lectura que simboliza nuestras metas, los retos, las ilusiones y, sobre todo, esa f廨rea voluntad de conseguir nuestros objetivos sin dejar paso a la rendici鏮; venciendo los miedos

mientras vamos acompa鎙dos de la m墔ica f鏎mula que representa confiar en nosotros mismos.

Un 嫮bum que deja que sea el lector quien descubra al personaje para, despu廥, perderse con 幨 por los mundos de la enso鎙ci鏮.







定價:100 663



