Hashtag Parenthood: Raising Children in a Digital World

Hashtag Parenthood: Raising Children in a Digital World


:NT$ 600 元
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Welcome to "Hashtag Parenthood," your comprehensive guide to nurturing children amidst the fast-paced advances of our digital era. From expectant parents discovering the realms of pregnancy apps to navigating the complexities of screen time with teenagers, this book is designed to equip caregivers with the wisdom and knowledge they need for today's unique parenting challenges.

Part I begins with a foray into the world of The Digital Age and The Expectant Parents. Delve into how digital tools have revolutionized parenting even before the birth of a child. Explore pregnancy applications, online communities, and understand the broader digital landscape that parents now inhabit.

Part II sheds light on the early encounters between Babies and Screens. Discover the effects of digital content on infants, learn about age-appropriate content, and how to strike a perfect balance in this tech-savvy age without overwhelming your little one.

The journey continues with Part III focusing on Toddlers and the Internet. As your child's horizons expand, uncover the right ways to set digital boundaries, prioritize online safety, and instill digital etiquette values from a young age.

Part IV transitions into the world of Pre-Schoolers and the Digital World. From understanding the impact of video games to promoting cybersecurity awareness and fostering real-world social skills, this section ensures that your pre-schooler thrives both online and offline.

Part V dives deep into the complexities of The School Years and the Digital Sphere. It covers essential topics such as the integration of technology in education, introducing social media responsibly, safeguarding children from cyberbullying, and grooming them into responsible digital citizens.

For parents of older children, Part VI explores the vast digital universe of Tweens and Teens. It addresses the challenging territories of digital independence, privacy concerns, and the profound impacts of social media on mental health.

Part VII delves into Special Topics in Digital Age Parenting, giving parents a closer look at emerging trends like Virtual Reality, shifts in family dynamics due to digital media, and preparing children for a future job market that's heavily integrated with technology.

In Part VIII, take a step back and reflect on Your Role as a Digital Age Parent. From understanding the utility and limitations of parental controls to defining your unique parenting style in this era, these chapters guide you towards avoiding digital burnout and advocating for your child's rights in the online world.

Part IX, The Bigger Picture, broadens the lens to consider societal aspects of digital parenting. Understand the significance of the digital divide, the role schools play in shaping digital experiences, and how to inspire young ones to be digital activists working towards a brighter future.

Finally, Part X offers a profound conclusion, encouraging families to understand the Benefits of a Digital Detox, reflecting on their digital journey, and exploring the evolving trends in digital parenting. Moreover, join global conversations in vibrant online communities that serve as a lifeline for #DigitalParents everywhere.

In "Hashtag Parenthood: Raising Children in a Digital World," embark on an enlightening journey to raise empowered, digitally literate children prepared for the future. Whether you're an expectant mother, a father of a teenager, or even an educator, this guide is an invaluable resource for anyone shaping the next generation. Join the #HashtagParenthood revolution today.







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