A Hustlerz Love 3: Game Over

A Hustlerz Love 3: Game Over


:NT$ 360 元
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A wise person once stated: "The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling. Just to stop the tears from falling." (Unknown Author)
I pulled up to Toni's house to check on my big brother as I heard the shot. Before I could think twice, I jumped out the car and ran into the house. I could hear Toni as she screamed out Snake's name while banging on the door, but Snake wouldn't respond.
Running up the stairs my heart began to pound rapidly. Maybe it was the fear of knowing that my brother had done something stupid.
The emotions continued running through my head as I hoped and prayed that Snake didn't off himself. Shit, was really fucked up in the game right then.
The news of Queenie's current condition spread through the streets like a wild fire that you couldn't put out. On the real, I couldn't even begin to imagine what the fuck my bro could possibly be going through. Nigga if that shit was me I would have thought about offing myself too. Shit, the game was hard without a loyal shorty.
Man, he loved Queenie. I knew he did even when he didn't show it. Now she was in a coma fighting for her life. I am telling you man. That shit was really fucked up.
Finally, hitting the top step, Toni continued to pound on the door. Still there was no response.
"I got it." I said catching my breath before using my side to bust into the room. I came to a quick stop ass I looked down at Snake laying in a pool of blood.
"Hell no nigga, you can't go out like this!" I thought to myself as I kneeled down beside my brother.
"Toni! Call 9-1-1. Yo, hold on Bro! I need you to hold on!" I said repeatedly.
Blood continued to drip out from the wound in his head. What the fuck man? I reached in; checking to see if he was gone. Suddenly Snake grabbed ahold of my hand. Tears rolled down his cheek.
Maybe he became emotional due to his unsuccessful attempt at killing himself. Damn, I had never seen that nigga cry before then. The shit was really serious man.
"Nigga, I need you to hang in there. Don't you die on me you son of a bitch? Come on man keep your eyes open motherfucker." I pleaded as he began mumbling something over and over again. In my mind I was thinking more about what was going on with my brother. I moved in closer trying to hear what he had to say.
"Let me die! I just want to die! I need to die!" he whispered repeatedly as he began drifting in and out of consciousness.







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