Moon Elves: Their Customs and Their Magic

Moon Elves: Their Customs and Their Magic


:NT$ 540 元
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MOON ELVES: Their Customs and Their Magic is all about moon elves and by the term Moon Elves, we mean elves for whom a relationship with the Moon is an important, but not necessarily exclusive, part of their lifestyle and magic. We Silver Elves, for instance, say we are the elves of moonlight, starlight and the radiance of the forest. Therefore, we could easily call ours'elves Moon Elves, but we could also say we are Star Elves or Starlight Elves, or Forest or Wood Elves, and all that would be true. So it is that when we say Moon Elves, we are not necessarily distinguishing them utterly from other sorts of elves (although some surely are exclusively Moon Elves). We elfae folk are generally a very eclectic bunch.

In Part One of Moon Elves you will find a description of some of the various methods Moon Elves use in their magic. This is not to say that all Moon Elves engage in each particular practice we cover in this book or that we include every practice they may have but that these are the most common practices and magics that the majority of the Moon Elfin engage in. Taken together they might be referred to as Elven Moon Magics. We also illuminate what might be referred to as Moon Elf lifestyle and culture, although it is true to say that all elves and fae folk in going about our lives do magic in everything we do. Thus, as our sisters of the Elf Queen's Daughters in the 1970s used to say, "We elves don't do magic so much as we are magic and therefore all that we do is magic." Our lifestyle is also our magic and our magic our lifestyle and this is true of Moon Elves and every other sort of elfin folk. This stems primarily from the fact that while we elves may practice a variety of different magic styles and techniques (from ceremonial magick to sorcery, from pyromancy to necromancy), we are first and foremost, in nearly all cases, enchanters as the ancient lore suggests and as modern elves and our lives bear out. We do not seek to force our will upon the world but rather to enchant individuals so they will willingly and eagerly do what we desire in order to please us because they feel so empowered and inspired by us and our magical elvish beings. Some of the topics in this book on moon elven culture and magic include: Elven Moon Bathing, Moon Water, Moon Gazing, the Elfin Moon Garden and Moon Garden Herbs, Elven Moon Weddings, Elfin Moon Dancing, Moon Elven Totems and Familiars, Moon Gods and Goddesses, the Day Moon, Light Side and Dark Side of the Moon, Elven Moon Crystals, The Moon in the Tarot, and more.

Also, we will cover in Part Two of Moon Elves the various energies of the different cycles as they progress through the Moon Months and the energies best utilized or evoked at that time. In that way, this book is a sort of Farmer's Almanac, although really a Moon Elf Magic Almanac. We Silver Elves have ever been of the opinion that an Elven Calendar would be like the Chinese Lunar Calendar and that the Elven Zodiac would have thirteen months based on that calendar instead of the twelve sign zodiac of Western lore that doesn't fit exactly with the 12 months of the Western Calendar anyway. In our Elven Moon Zodiac, the moon months and the signs are the same. Covered in this book are the names and meanings that moon elves have for the Elven Moon Zodiac, and these are globally significant rather than seasonally specific to a particular hemisphere.

Part Three of Moon Elves contains some examples of moon elf tribes and a narrative description of each to give you an idea of the varieties of moon tribes that are among us in modern times - including their lifestyle, healing abilities, ancient ways, art and magic, and relationship to nature and to mankind. If you are a Moon Elf, then we hope you enjoy reading about related tribes or perhaps one of them is your very own.







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