Chair Yoga for Seniors: Discover how to improve your flexibility, posture and health by training just 10 minutes a day

Chair Yoga for Seniors: Discover how to improve your flexibility, posture and health by training just 10 minutes a day


:NT$ 560 元
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Do you want to regain your best physical shape and your independence without risking injury, perhaps by falling? Keep reading and discover the power of "Chair Yoga for Seniors."
As we age, we all experience limitations to our mobility due to chronic pain, loss of flexibility, and balance. This leads to a reduction in our independence, with consequences for our psychological health as well.

We then begin to long for the past when we were in better physical shape and our health was at its peak. This condition of poor mobility, moreover, will only make you gain weight. Thus, in a short time, you will find yourself not only with poor health and overweight but also sad and discouraged, without self-esteem.

By now, one is ready to give up, as life inexorably passes by. Nothing can be done about the passage of time. But is that really the case? How come, then, there are yogis much older than you, who have the flexibility of a twenty-year-old?

With yoga, you can regain your best physical shape, regaining physical and mental health. However, many are afraid to do yoga at a certain age because they fear getting hurt, as some positions require stability.

This is where "Chair Yoga for Seniors" comes in to solve this problem, an ensemble of the simplest yoga exercises, done on a chair, to prevent you from falling or overexerting yourself, tailoring your training program in detail, without spending anything, with your own chair, in the comfort of your home.

In this guide, you will be gently and step-by-step accompanied in the execution of the most beneficial chair yoga exercises, improving your strength and losing weight. Some may be concerned that chair workouts are not enough to lose weight.

In "Chair Yoga for Seniors" you will find:

- The simplest and most effective yoga exercises to improve your strength and flexibility without risking injury

- A step-by-step guide that will bring you in just one month to regain part of your strength and flexibility, in just 10 minutes a day

- The precise execution of the exercises explained simply, to maximize the effects for mental well-being as well

- Large print, to make the guide easy to read even for people with vision problems

- Illustrations that will show you exactly how to position yourself on the chair for each exercise

- Develop greater body awareness

- Scientifically proven chair yoga exercises that help alleviate pain in individuals with arthritis and chronic joint pain

Even if you fear that chair yoga is not for you, know that this guide will help you make the exercises suitable for your age and physical condition, focusing on the goal of regaining the strength and mobility of the past.

Even if you have already tried to do yoga and have not lost weight, this is because you did not have the right guide and perhaps you were doing too complex positions that drained too much energy and discouraged you. With the best chair yoga exercises, this will not happen, you will remain consistent because the daily 10-minute workouts are enjoyable.

Even if you have balance problems or are very old, with chair yoga you can be safe and practice without problems, since it is you who will decide how long each exercise lasts, listening to your body."Chair Yoga for Seniors" is the path to regaining your ideal physical shape and reclaiming your independence. If you want to get back to your old self, then click on "Buy Now" and start your journey to a healthier and more serene life.







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