Polyvagal Theory for Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety: How to Reset Your Vagus Nerve and Achieve Resilience

Polyvagal Theory for Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety: How to Reset Your Vagus Nerve and Achieve Resilience


:NT$ 540 元
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Do you struggle with stress, trauma, or anxiety? Do you feel like your nervous system is constantly on edge, ready to fight or flee at the slightest sign of danger? Do you wish you could calm down and feel more resilient in the face of life's challenges?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. In this book, you will learn about the polyvagal theory, a groundbreaking model of how our vagus nerve controls our responses to our environment. The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, connecting the brain to the heart, lungs, digestive system, and many other organs. It is also the key to our emotional and social well-being, as it regulates our heart rate, breathing, facial expressions, and voice tone.

The polyvagal theory explains how the vagus nerve has evolved three different modes of functioning: the freeze or play dead mode, the fight or flight mode, and the social engagement mode. Depending on the situation, we can switch between these modes to adapt and survive. However, sometimes these switches can get stuck or out of balance, leading to chronic stress, trauma, or anxiety.

The good news is that we can learn to reset our vagus nerve and achieve resilience. By using simple and effective techniques, such as breathing exercises, vocal toning, body awareness, and social connection, we can activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming and restoring us. By doing so, we can override the effects of stress hormones, lower our blood pressure, improve our digestion, and enhance our mood.

In this book, you will discover:

  • The basics of the polyvagal theory and how it applies to your mental and physical health
  • How to identify which mode of the vagus nerve you are in and how to shift to a more optimal one
  • How to use the power of your breath, voice, and posture to regulate your nervous system
  • How to cultivate positive emotions and social bonds that support your vagal tone
  • How to heal from trauma and anxiety by rewiring your brain and body
  • How to integrate the polyvagal theory into your daily life and practice

This book is based on the latest scientific research and clinical practice, as well as the author's personal experience of overcoming stress, trauma, and anxiety. It is written in a clear and engaging style, with practical examples and exercises that you can easily follow. Whether you are a therapist, a coach, a teacher, a parent, or anyone who wants to improve their well-being, this book will provide you with valuable insights and tools to help you achieve resilience.

Don't wait any longer. Order your copy of Polyvagal Theory for Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety: How to Reset Your Vagus Nerve and Achieve Resilience today and start your journey to a healthier and happier life.







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