19 Nearby Galaxies by James Webb's Lens: Mind-blowing' JWST images reveal spiral galaxies in the greatest detail ever seen: Journey into the Cosmic De

19 Nearby Galaxies by James Webb's Lens: Mind-blowing' JWST images reveal spiral galaxies in the greatest detail ever seen: Journey into the Cosmic De


:NT$ 640 元
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Embark on an unparalleled journey through the cosmos with Visions Through the James Webb Space Telescope.This captivating book takes you on a profound exploration of 19 nearby galaxies as seen through the eyes of humanity's most advanced astronomical marvel-the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). With each page, readers are invited to dive deep into the heart of cosmic mysteries, witnessing the stunning beauty and intricate dynamics of spiral galaxies that compose our celestial neighborhood.

This book leverages the groundbreaking capabilities of JWST to reveal the universe in unprecedented detail. The book meticulously details the dance of gas and dust, the nurseries of star formation, and the black holes that anchor these galactic spirals in place. Through high-resolution images and expert commentary, we explore the diversity of spiral galaxies, from the grand design spirals with their well-defined arms to the barred spirals with their central lanes guiding the evolution of stars.

This book is not just a collection of images; it's a journey through the cosmic web that connects these galaxies, delving into the role of dark matter in shaping the universe and the process of galactic evolution that has puzzled astronomers for decades. "Cosmic Visions" brings the universe closer to home, explaining how the interstellar medium-the gas and dust between stars-plays a crucial role in the life cycle of galaxies and the formation of new stars.


  • Spectacular Imagery: High-resolution, infrared images from JWST, showcasing the beauty of the cosmos in detail never seen before.
  • Galactic Portraits: Detailed narratives of each of the 19 spiral galaxies, highlighting their unique features and the mysteries they hold.
  • Astrophysical Insights: Expert explanations of the forces shaping these galaxies, from star formation to the influence of supermassive black holes.
  • The Science of Observation: An insider's look into the technology and science behind JWST's ability to capture these breathtaking images.
  • A Cosmic Context: Discussion on how these galaxies fit into the larger picture of the universe's structure and origins.

It is an essential read for anyone fascinated by the mysteries of space, the science of astrophysics, and the technological marvel that is the James Webb Space Telescope. Whether you're an amateur astronomer, a seasoned astrophysicist, or simply someone who marvels at the beauty of the universe, this book will enlighten, inspire, and captivate your imagination. Join us on this journey through the cosmos and discover the unseen beauty and hidden secrets of our galactic neighbors.







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