Loved Baby Devotional; 40 Devotions Helping you Grieve After a Pregnancy Loss

Loved Baby Devotional; 40 Devotions Helping you Grieve After a Pregnancy Loss


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Are you struggling to find hope and healing after a pregnancy loss? Do you feel like you're walking through a dark and lonely valley, unsure of how to process your grief?

You are not alone. Loved Baby Devotional is a tender and compassionate guide that will walk with you through the pain of pregnancy loss and into the arms of a loving God. Through 40 heartfelt devotions, you'll find comfort, hope, and healing as you navigate the difficult emotions and questions that follow a pregnancy loss.

What You'll Find Inside:

  • 40 devotions that address the emotional and spiritual struggles of pregnancy loss
  • Personal stories of hope and healing from women who have walked through similar experiences
  • Scripture and prayer to guide you into the presence of God
  • Reflection questions to help you process your emotions and find closure
  • A safe space to acknowledge your grief and find comfort in the love of God

Why This Book Matters:

Pregnancy loss is a painful and isolating experience, but it doesn't have to be faced alone. Loved Baby Devotional is a reminder that you are seen, heard, and loved by a God who cares deeply about your pain. This book is a gentle companion that will help you:

  • Find comfort in the arms of God
  • Process your emotions and find closure
  • Discover hope and healing in the midst of grief
  • Remember your loved baby with honor and dignity

What Readers Are Saying:
  • "This book is a must-have for anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss. Mabel's vulnerability and insight helped me confront my grief and find peace. Her writing is raw, honest, and infused with faith, and I found myself highlighting and re-reading passages multiple times. Love Baby Devotional helped me understand that my feelings are valid and that God is present even in the darkest moments." - Emily, mom of three living children and two in heaven
  • "Love Baby Devotional helped me confront my grief and find solace in God's love. Thank you, Mabel, for sharing your heart and guiding me toward healing. Your devotions reminded me that I'm not alone and that my baby's life mattered. I cherish this book and the hope it's given me for the future." - Sarah, blessed with two rainbow babies
  • "Mabel's devotional was a gentle reminder that I'm not alone in my grief. Her words soothed my soul and encouraged me to hold onto hope. I appreciated the short, daily devotions that I could easily digest during a time when focus was a challenge. This book is a gift to those who are hurting, and I'm grateful for 3 Mabel's courage in sharing her story." - Jessica, mom of one living child and one angel.

Get Your Copy Today:

If you're struggling to find hope and healing after a pregnancy loss, Loved Baby Devotional is a must-read. Order your copy today and find comfort, hope, and healing in the arms of God.







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