Murder, Media, and Metamorphosis

Murder, Media, and Metamorphosis


:NT$ 898 元
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This book delves into the pressing issues facing our world today, from global warming and pollution to social media and democracy. With personal anecdotes and practical suggestions gleaned from his public service career, the author urges individuals, families, and elected officials to take a stand and make a difference.

- Discover the impact of global warming, pollution, overfishing, and overdevelopment on our planet and human life

- Uncover the dangers of social media and the loss of community spirit

- Learn how to protect and preserve our natural resources

- Gain insights on criminal justice reform and successful prisoner reentry

- Find advice for coping with divorce and family dissolution

- Explore how religion can be used to end substance abuse

- Understand how education is the key to the positive metamorphosis of civilization

- Be inspired by the teachings of Jesus, the Bible, and the wisdom of our founding fathers

John D'Amico's legal and political careers began with a connection to two notorious murders, in one of which famous attorney F. Lee Bailey represented the defendant. Out of concern for the well-being of current and future gererations, his focus now is to prevent the murder of our republic and the planet. Don't let society continue down a destructive path. Act now and join the fight for a better world.

Review by Chara Althea:

"A captivating and compelling book which offers a blend of personal narratives, and societal challenges. Murder, Media, and Metamorphosis is an engaging memoir and guide which...offers insightful perspectives on saving American democracy and addressing global challenges....D'Amico links his experiences with broader themes of environmental sustainability, criminal justice reform, and the evolving media landscape, making the book a comprehensive exploration of contemporary issues and personal growth.

His detailed exploration of legal cases, murder trials, and advocacy for parole reforms, provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities within the criminal justice system. Moreover, D'Amico's political journey and environmental advocacy offer a compelling narrative of civic engagement and the challenges faced in promoting public welfare. What struck me most was the author's ability to connect individual experiences with broader societal concerns. His discussions on climate change, media influence, and democratic values are not just theoretical but rooted in real-life experiences and practical solutions. His emphasis on community activism, ethical governance, and environmental stewardship resonates deeply in today's world, where these issues are of paramount importance. His insights into the interplay between media, politics, and public perception offer valuable lessons for navigating a rapidly changing society....I highly recommend it.

...The book's in-depth discussions on criminal justice reform, environmental advocacy, media influence, and personal transformation make it likable to legal and political enthusiasts seeking insights into the intricacies of the justice system and the complexities of policy reforms. Environmental activists will find resonance in D'Amico's passionate advocacy for environmental protection and resilience in the face of climate change. Media and communication scholars will appreciate the book's analysis of media's impact on public opinion and the importance of responsible journalism. Additionally, community leaders and advocates will find valuable guidance on civic engagement, community activism, and ethical governance."







定價:100 898



