Double GRATITUDE: ...Understanding The Ancient Secret Of Acceptable Thanksgiving And Appreciation

Double GRATITUDE: ...Understanding The Ancient Secret Of Acceptable Thanksgiving And Appreciation


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"Double Gratitude" is a sequel to my fore-book on gratitude titled, "The Fortitude Of Gratitude". This book is focused on how to render acceptable thanksgiving and appreciation to qualify for the fortitude that gratitude provides. It teaches that gratitude not well expressed is ingratitude well exposed. It goes further to enlighten the reader that to possess the attitude of gratitude whereby one is always thankful and appreciative of things and people is not enough, as what matters most is to render gratitude and show appreciation in the appropriate way and manner to make it acceptable.

Gratitude alone, therefore, is not enough. Acceptable gratitude is what counts at the end of the matter. That is to say that one's gratitude and appreciation must be acceptable. In other words, your acts of gratitude and expression of appreciation must be rendered in a way and manner that is acceptable for them to be accepted. It must be done with an acceptable attitude and appropriate magnitude. That's the core focus of this book: to show you how to always render acceptable gratitude.

In the fore-book, I revealed how '"Gratitude is man's shortest memory" is one wise saying that can't be gainsaid or controverted."' What it means is that "people have a short memory when it comes to expressing gratitude - that is when it comes to giving thanks and, or showing appreciation. They easily remember the ills done to them than recall the good they've enjoyed."

I went further to state that "As a result of this pungent attitude of ingratitude, a great number of people rarely give thanks and scarcely show appreciation for whatever good that comes their way but will readily remember to bemoan any evil they've suffered. In other words, they rarely appreciate favors but will readily castigate faults and wrongdoings."

However, the issue in "Double Gratitude" is not about the lack of the attitude of gratitude or the deficit in expressing the same but the inappropriateness, impropriety, and inadequacy of gratitude which culminate in the rejection of gratitude. It reveals the pains and sad feelings of having one's gratitude rejected and compares it to the pitiable state of thankless ingrates - who don't express gratitude because of their lack of attitude of gratitude. It wonders what happens to ingrates who are thankless and don't show gratitude when grateful fellows still suffer consequences because their acts of gratitude and appreciation are not accepted.

Chapter One, titled, "The Magnitude Of Ingratitude" highlights the causes of ingratitude; that is, reasons why people are ungrateful, stressing further how ingratitude, just like gratitude, is an effect that has causes.

Chapter Two, titled "The Destitute In Ingratitude" reveals the consequences of being ungrateful, explaining that ingratitude is the attitude of the spiritually destitute, hence the need to cultivate the attitude of gratitude so as not to end up destitute.

Chapter Three: "The Latitudes Of Gratitude" teaches how to render acceptable gratitude, as not all acts of gratitude are accepted. It points out the fact that gratitude must be rendered in a way and manner as prescribed for it to be accepted and wonders what will be the lot of ingrates (who don't show gratitude at all) when not all acts of those who express gratitude are always accepted.

Chapter Four is titled, "Double Gratitude". It explains a special brand of gratitude that many are unaware of - the ignorance of which has caused untold hardship, troubles, disaster, and destruction for not a few people.
In all, you will learn many other new things about gratitude: thanksgiving and appreciation that will further enlarge your wisdom base, for all the remaining days of your life.







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