Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade: 50 River Beneath 50 Ocean

Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade: 50 River Beneath 50 Ocean


:NT$ 600 元
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"Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade" by Chandan Malana is a captivating collection of poems and quotes that explores the multifaceted nature of beauty. Through lyrical verses and insightful musings, Malana delves into the delicate interplay between light and shadow, joy and sorrow, capturing the essence of beauty in its purest form.

This book is a serenade to the soul, an invitation to pause and reflect on the profound elegance that pervades our everyday lives. Malana's poetry is infused with vivid imagery and deep emotion, drawing readers into a world where each word is a brushstroke, painting scenes of breathtaking beauty and poignant moments of introspection.

Interspersed with the poems are quotes that serve as distilled pearls of wisdom. These quotes offer brief yet powerful insights into the nature of beauty, acting as beacons of light that guide readers through the sometimes tumultuous landscape of their emotions. They are moments of clarity, reminders of the simple yet profound truths that define our world.

"Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade" is not just a book; it is a journey. It invites readers to rediscover the beauty that often goes unnoticed, to find solace in the gentle rhythms of poetry, and to be inspired by the timeless wisdom contained within its pages. Whether you are seeking comfort, inspiration, or a deeper connection to the world around you, Chandan Malana's poetic serenade promises to leave an indelible mark on your heart.

Enter a world where beauty reigns supreme, where every smile tells a story, and every poem is a gateway to a realm of wonder and appreciation. Let "Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade" be your companion on this journey of discovery and reflection, guiding you to see the extraordinary in the ordinary and to feel the profound beauty that surrounds us all.

Each poem in this collection is a testament to Chandan Malana's mastery of language and his profound understanding of the human condition. His words resonate with a universal truth, touching on themes of love, loss, hope, and the eternal quest for beauty. Malana's ability to capture fleeting moments and transform them into timeless pieces of art is what sets this book apart. His verses invite readers to immerse themselves in a world where every line is imbued with meaning and every stanza is a step toward deeper understanding.

The evocative imagery in Malana's poetry creates a vivid tapestry of sensations that engage all the senses. Readers can almost feel the softness of a petal, hear the rustle of leaves in the wind, and see the shimmer of sunlight on water. This sensory richness not only brings the poems to life but also makes the experience of reading them deeply personal and immersive. It is this ability to evoke such strong, tangible feelings that makes "Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade" a truly unique literary work.

In addition to the sensory and emotional depth of his poetry, Malana's quotes provide moments of reflection and contemplation. These succinct, powerful statements distill complex ideas into a few well-chosen words, offering insights that can be revisited and pondered long after the book has been set aside. They are like anchors, grounding the reader in the beauty of the present moment while also encouraging a deeper exploration of the self.

"Saved From The Blade, Cut By Smile's Serenade" is a celebration of the human spirit and its capacity to find beauty in even the most unexpected places. It is a reminder that amidst the chaos and challenges of life, there is always something worth appreciating, something that can bring a smile to our faces and a song to our hearts. Through his eloquent and heartfelt writing, Chandan Malana invites us to embark on a journey of discovery, where every page turned reveals a new facet of beauty, waiting to be embraced and cherished.







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