Redefining Motherhood: Unspoken Battles, Unleashed Strength! Rediscovering A Mother's True Purpose & Power!

Redefining Motherhood: Unspoken Battles, Unleashed Strength! Rediscovering A Mother's True Purpose & Power!


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Really, just pause for a moment and take a careful but quick overview at the past 28 (maybe 35 or 40) years of your life (of course, depending on how long you have walked the earth).

Don't rush it.... Feel free to close your eyes and now see in a quick flash of images the key transitions of your life in the past decades. Slowly pause at each interval of those key moments and ask yourself, "what would I have done differently with what I know now?!"

As uncomfortable as it may seem, this current phase of life that you are in, as a wife, a mother, and maybe a working professional, a minister or even just a non-profit advocate.

Whichever side of the bench you are sitting on, whether married or divorced, a co-parent or a single parent. Maybe you lost your spouse to death! As distinct as the uniqueness of our present-day realities may be, if you are a mother, then all of this I have written in this book is for you because it is to you I have been asked to deliver this message!


What really is motherhood? Oh, let's ask it another way, who really is a mother? What defines the characteristics of true motherhood? And what does it really entail? Is one fellow a mother because she gave birth to a living child and is another no more considered a mother maybe because she sadly lost her child?

If all that defines true motherhood is our ability or a reference to if we have birth a child or not, then it is therefore easy to explain why as women, we struggle the most with an identity crisis.

Not only has society chosen to create the boundaries of how it defines us as women and as mothers, but it is even more saddening and worrying to see how much of it we have accepted to be true. This explains why we wake up each day trying to answer to titles we have been given.

Titles such as "mother", "wife", "employee" etc. The problem is not that we have to take on responsibilities in these roles. The problem however is, that too many of us as women, mothers in particular, take on these roles without pausing to ask and get a clear answer deep within us, on "who we really are".

My book, "Redefining Motherhood - Unspoken Battles, Unleashed Strength! Rediscovering a Mother's True Purpose & Power" is a manuscript to help you as a woman and a mother to fully understand and grasp your true purpose, your true identity and the totality of your true power.

We have our share of unspoken battles as mothers but hidden in that is strength yet unleashed, purpose yet discovered and power yet released.

Motherhood is beyond childbearing. Motherhood is beyond kitchen duties. Motherhood is beyond contributing to meeting needs and paying bills. While all of these are noble, necessary, and fully important, it is time to divorce your true purpose and power from the limitations defined by society.

God made you for more! God made you with more than you have realized just yet! And if only you can permit yourself to re-discover true motherhood, I can guarantee you that this is a journey you will be more than glad you took and stayed committed to.

As mothers, we are architects of the future. We are nation builders! Our influence is enduring and our legacy is unerasable.

There is much more to say, but I will let you stay put, reflect deep on these words and

stay in anticipation of the book, "Redefining Motherhood - Unspoken Battles, Unleashed Strength! Rediscovering a Mother's True Purpose & Power".

Dear mother, you were made for much more, it is time to manifest it!

Favour Ntui

Author and Mother's Coach







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