;Correia, Antonia,Dias Lopes, Jose,Portugal, Miguel
Antonia Correia (EDT)/ Juergen Gnoth (EDT)/ Metin Kozak (EDT)/ Alan Fyall (EDT)
Artal-Tur, Andres (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain),Correia, Antonia,Jimenez-Medina, Maria Pilar
Decrop, Alain (Full Professor of Marketing, University of Namur, Belgium),Correia, Antonia (Dean, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universidade Europeia, Portugal),Fyall, Alan (Associate Dean of A
Pearce, Professor Philip (Foundation Professor of Tourism, Distinguished Professor, College of Business, Law & Governance,, James Cook University, Australia),Correia, Antonia (Universidade do Algarve