At the current rate of growth, some researchers predict there will be one billion Pentecostals by 2025, with most of them located in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In this volume professor Marius Ne
Pentecostal interpretation of biblical texts starts with the reader experiencing the revelation of the Spirit in the biblical narrative and leads to the reader witnessing about the spiritual experienc
Most of the early twentieth-century Pentecostal denominations were peace churches that encouraged a stance of conscientious objection. However, since the Second World War Pentecostals have largely aba
Many New Testament researchers accept that Mark 13 functions as an apocalypse. But, does this assumption reflect the purpose of the eschatological discourse that Mark the evangelist places in Jesus' m
Abraham J. Malherbe (1930 - 2012), taught Theology of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Abilene Christian University, Dartmout, and was Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Li