A must for all trainees, practitioners, and teachers of otolaryngology, An Atlas of Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy is dedicated to teaching office nasal endoscopy. The main focus of this comprehensive tex
With the advent of both flexible and rigid fiber-optic technology and modern imaging techniques, examining the nasopharynx has become easier and more accurate. Additionally, computed tomography and ma
心跳停止了,幸福仍會持續下去──就算化成碎片,也會一直在這兒守護著!登上蘋果日報、金石堂書店排行榜奇幻暢銷小說作家 圈羊人 X 奇幻攝魂畫家 Salah-D超魔幻驚奇冒險,跟著「妖瞳」──守護心中所愛!問題,出在她的眼睛──金色的眼眸、紅色的瞳孔。怪胎。兒時夢魘般的稱呼,無時無刻纏擾著她。「魔鬼發現我們了。」「大家別看她的眼睛,她會勾走我們的靈魂。」「臭魔鬼,滾回地獄去。」「都是妳害的,妳就乖乖的