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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:王乾任  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2015/01/22 裝訂:平裝
讀者好評推薦 拒絕孤‧獨‧老! 熟年的人際關係如何經營? 一起創造人生下半場的幸福劇本吧! 本書從家庭、親情、友情與愛情的角度切入,探討熟年世代的人際關係發展需求與經營技巧,帶您認識不同的熟年生活型態。 從與伴侶、子女的溝通相處,親朋好友之間的關係維護,或者一個人的熟年歲月規劃,到成功打造理想的熟年生活,可作為即將邁入或已邁入熟年生活者的參考指南。 希望透過這本書,能夠協助即將進入或已進入
定價:340 元, 優惠價:85 289
作者:塩野七生-著  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
榮獲「義大利國家功勞勳章」的日本作家 【暢銷30年代表作】全新改版 ★全球熱銷千萬冊,一部述說「羅馬何以成為羅馬」的磅礴史詩 ★日本文化功勞者、司馬遼太郎賞得主──塩野七生代表作 ★從崛起、壯大到轉折、衰敗,全面剖析羅馬,帶您看見羅馬千年的輝煌與落寞 專文導讀|翁嘉聲(國立成功大學歷史學系教授) 齊聲推薦| 邢義田(中央研究院院士 歷史語言研究所通訊研究員) 范姜士璁(中興大學歷史系助理教授) seayu(即食歷史專欄作家 ) 說書名家五星激推| 楊照(知名作家) 神奇海獅(作家、知名歷史部落客) 金老ㄕ(「金老ㄕ的教學日誌」粉專創辦人) 馬雅人(「馬雅國駐臺辦事處」大使) 李文成(Podcast《一歷百憂解Placebo Salon 》主講人) 【羅馬人的故事 系列特色】 ˙暢銷三十年的磅礴史詩: 描繪羅馬從誕生、發跡,歷經崛起壯大,終致破滅衰亡的過程,帶您一覽羅馬千年來的奮鬥、輝煌與殞落。想深入了解羅馬,本系列是不可錯過的必讀經典之作! ˙大時代下「人」的故事: 除了陳述事件發展外,本系列更琢磨於「人性」的描寫,以同理眼光凝視羅馬人的經歷,細膩刻劃羅馬人的內心與行事動機,為讀者建構出栩栩如生的「羅馬人」的形象。 ˙跨越時空的交流與對話: 作者詳盡蒐羅史籍與資料,如古羅馬史學家李維斯《羅馬史》、古希臘史學家波力比維斯《歷史》、凱撒《高盧戰記》等素材,以史實為基礎,透過生動的文字,帶您神遊古羅馬時代,與羅馬人進行一場跨時空交流。 系列Vol.1【戰火打造的輝煌】 《羅馬人的故事I──羅馬不是一天造成的》 《羅馬人的故事II──漢尼拔戰記》 《羅馬人的故事III──勝者的迷思 《羅馬人的故事IV──凱撒時代(盧比孔之前)》 《羅馬人的故事V──凱撒時代(盧比孔之後)》 自建國以來,命運總是將羅馬引導到戰爭一途。 最初是羅慕路斯兄弟二人的紛爭,以雷慕斯之死成就羅馬的誕生。接著是與周邊部族的征戰,讓羅馬版圖擴及整個義大利半島。但羅馬人並沒有停下腳步,反而用三次布尼克戰役,扳倒宿敵迦太基,將地中海化為內海。 國境擴張至此,羅馬卻仍未擺脫征戰的命運。平民與貴族之間因對立激化,爆發多次的衝突與鬥爭;而政治強人凱撒與元老院之間的矛盾,最終促使他領兵越過盧比孔河,改變了羅馬的命運。 《羅
定價:2270 元, 優惠價:85 1930
庫存 > 10
作者:塩野七生-著; 李曼榕; 李璧年-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
榮獲「義大利國家功勞勳章」的日本作家【暢銷30年代表作】全新改版 前所未見!充滿「人性」的凱撒跨越時空 走入王者的內心世界從浪蕩子變常勝將軍,他未竟的理想是?★全球熱銷千萬冊,一部述說「羅馬何以成為羅馬」的磅礴史詩★日本文化功勞者、司馬遼太郎賞得主──塩野七生代表作★從崛起、壯大到轉折、衰敗,全面剖析羅馬,帶您看見羅馬千年的輝煌與落寞 專文導讀|翁嘉聲(國立成功大學歷史學系教授)齊聲推薦|邢義田(中央研究院院士 歷史語言研究所通訊研究員)范姜士璁(中興大學歷史系助理教授)seayu(即食歷史專欄作家 )說書名家五星激推|楊照(知名作家)神奇海獅(作家、知名歷史部落客)金老ㄕ(「金老ㄕ的教學日誌」粉專創辦人)馬雅人(「馬雅國駐臺辦事處」大使)李文成(Podcast《一歷百憂解Placebo Salon 》主講人) 「羅馬人的故事」不是出自歷史學家之手,但它用三十年的時間證明──這絕對是部好看的作品!一九九二年至今不曾絕版,可想而知塩野七生的敘事筆法多麼引人入勝,凡對古羅馬有興趣的人,都不該錯過。 ◎3D列印凱撒,值得玩味的細節 西元前一〇〇年七月十二日,「羅馬唯一的創造天才」──朱利斯‧凱撒誕生了。西元前六〇年,他與龐培、克拉蘇組成「第一次三巨頭政治」,開始國家改造的第一步……等等,凱撒四十歲前在做什麼? 所有人談論凱撒,幾乎都從中年說起,雖是天才卻大器晚成。本書利用當代各種資料,介紹他的家世背景、教育、居住環境、家族關係,以及母親的影響。少年凱撒曾近距離面對死亡,姑丈馬留斯殺死兩位伯父,其後更使他受到蘇拉追捕。 年少的經驗對人影響甚鉅,凱撒或許因此下定決心改革腐敗的元老院?我們不得而知。但在結合史料的生動描述下,凱撒彷彿現身眼前:他擅長寫作與騎馬,非常重視打扮。女人緣極佳,聽說元老院議員的妻子,幾乎都與他有染。負債累累卻有能耐讓克拉蘇一再掏錢……。凱撒由一個凡人,一步步成為歷史上那個偉大的將領、皇帝的代稱。◎不敗將軍,為羅馬找回榮耀的男人 令羅馬人難忘的敗北,在羅馬七百年的共和政治歷史中有三次。其中一次是在西元前三九〇年,克爾特人(高盧人)占領了首都。因此,凱撒的「雪恥」非常重要。 西元前五十八年,
定價:570 元, 優惠價:85 485
庫存 > 10
Great Expectations (Children's Signature Classics)
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Union Square & Co.  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:平裝
Young Philip Pirrip, nicknamed Pip, is meant to become an apprentice for his brother-in-law, a poor blacksmith. But his destiny changes upon meeting three unusual people: an escaped convict, a tragic woman, and a captivating young girl. Pip's life is altered in an instant when a secret benefactor gives him a large sum of money. Pip has "great expectations" for his new life as successful and wealthy life as a young gentleman. Has his life actually changed for the better . . . or for the worse?
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
NG書-Great Expectations 遠大前程
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:UK HarperCollins  出版日:2010/04/01 裝訂:平裝
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.''Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There''s no better rule.''Living with his sister and her husband, Pip is an orphan without any expectations. It is only when he begins to visit a rich old woman, Miss Havisham and her adopted niece that he begins to hope for something better. When it is revealed that Pip has inherited a large sum of money from a mysterious benefactor on the condition that he moves to London to become a gentleman, Pip''s adventure really begins. Epic, illuminating and memorable, Dickens mysterious tale of Pip''s quest to find the truth about himself is one of his most enduring and popular novels to date.
定價:150 元, 優惠價:5 75
Great Expectations
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:The Collector's Library UK  出版日:2016/09/08 裝訂:精裝
One of Charles Dickens's most renowned and enjoyable novels, Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an orphan boy who wishes to transcend his humble origins and finds himself unexpectedly given th
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
庫存 > 10
Great Expectations
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Vintage Classics UK  出版日:2016/07/16 裝訂:平裝
Pip's life as an ordinary country boy is destined to be unexceptional until a chain of mysterious events lead him away from his humble origins and up the social ladder. His efforts to become a London
定價:164 元, 優惠價:79 130
Great Expectations 遠大前程
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd  出版日:1992/05/05 裝訂:平裝
Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, Great Expectations traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From it
定價:219 元, 優惠價:9 197
Great Expectations 遠大前程
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:UK HarperCollins  出版日:2010/04/01 裝訂:平裝
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.'Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There's no better rule.'Living with his sister and her husban
定價:164 元, 優惠價:79 130
Great Expectations 遠大前程 (Collector's Edition)
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd  出版日:2020/09/06 裝訂:精裝
Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, Great Expectations traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From it
定價:494 元, 優惠價:9 445
Great Expectations ― A Babylit Storybook
作者:Stephanie Clarkson (RTL); Mike Byrne (ILT)  出版社:Gibbs Smith  出版日:2018/08/14 裝訂:精裝
In Great Expectations: A BabyLit Storybook, preschoolers follow Pip’s story, learning about the value of family and friends, fortune and loss, and love. Easy-to-follow, engaging text combined with ori
定價:455 元, 優惠價:66 300
Comic Classics: Great Expectations (平裝本)
作者:Jack Noel  出版社:Egmont Books UK  出版日:2020/04/02 裝訂:平裝
OLD books get NEW doodles - it's the classics as you've never seen them before!A hilarious new series that brings the classics to life with illustrations by Jack Noel. Perfect for fans of Tom Gates, Wimpy Kid and Dav Pilkey. And Charles Dickens.WHAT THE DICKENS?Ten-year-old Pip gets the fright of his life when he meets an escaped convict in a spooky graveyard. And that's just the beginning of an adventure that will lead him to a house full of secrets, a strange old lady and a journey to the big city to seek his fortune. But Pip is in for a BIG surprise . . .Join Pip in a rip-roaring story of family secrets, scary grannies and a REALLY annoying big sister in COMIC CLASSICS: GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens and Jack Noel.Look out for more COMIC CLASSICS:TREASURE ISLAND will have you HOOKED!Climb aboard with Jim Hawkins, a chatty parrot and a bunch of crazy pirates for a hilarious adventure across the seven seas.Get on the trail of THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLESSolve the case with Hol
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
庫存 > 10
作者:David Walliams; Adam Stower  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2022/09/29 裝訂:精裝
12歲的露絲與她糟糕的阿姨一起住在鳥不生蛋的農場裡,每晚她仰望星空,盼望著一場大冒險。有天,一台著火的飛碟突然墜落,蹦出一個神秘外星人,露絲的願望成真了!只不過…這名外星人似乎有個宇宙無敵大的秘密…?Go back to the Space Race with No.1 bestselling author David Walliams for a breathless cinematic adventure full of mystery, action, laughs and surprises – and a secret that could change the course of history… America. The 1960s.Ruth loves climbing trees, making a mess and throwing stones. But the thing she loves most is SPACE.The girl is OBSESSED. She spends her days reading comics about alien invasions, doodling UFOs, watching B-movies about Earth being invaded by creatures from Mars… and gazing at the stars through her old, battered telescope.Until one night, Ruth creeps out of bed in the attic room of her rickety old farmhouse to watch the stars – and is just dozing off when she spots something blazing across the sky. Something that looks like a flying saucer! Is she dreaming? No! And the flying saucer is on fire…But when the UFO crash-lands in the cornfield, and Ruth rushes to help,
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Little People, Big Dreams: Charles Dickens (美國版)(精裝本)
作者:Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Books  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:精裝
Introduce your child to the life of Charles Dickens, the great author of classic literature including Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, and many moreIn this book from the critical
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
Who Was Charles Dickens?
作者:Pamela D. Pollack; Meg Belviso; Mark Edward Geyer (ILT); Nancy Harrison (ILT)  出版社:Penguin Workshop  出版日:2014/12/26 裝訂:平裝
As a child, Charles Dickens worked in a shoe polish factory where his gritty surroundings inspired some of the most memorable characters and settings in literary history. Known for his masterful story
定價:210 元, 優惠價:79 165
The Invisible Woman ─ The Story of Nelly Ternan and Charles Dickens
作者:Claire Tomalin  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2013/12/17 裝訂:平裝
Now a major motion picture directed by Ralph Fiennes, co-starring Fiennes and Felicity Jones with Michelle Fairley, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Tom Hollander: the unforgettable story of Charles Dickens'
定價:560 元, 優惠價:79 442
Ghost Stories
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:The Collector's Library UK  出版日:2016/09/08 裝訂:精裝
Throughout his illustrious writing career, Charles Dickens often turned his hand to fashioning short pieces of ghostly fiction. Even in his first successful work, The Pickwick Papers, you will find fi
定價:604 元, 優惠價:66 398
Complete Ghost Stories 狄更斯鬼魅小說集
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd  出版日:1997/02/05 裝訂:平裝
Interest in supernatural phenomena was high during Charles Dickens' lifetime. He had always loved a good ghost story himself, particularly at Christmas time, and was open-minded, willing to accept, an
定價:219 元, 優惠價:9 197
作者:陳重仁-著  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2023/11/01 裝訂:平裝
「老化」是無可避免的生命歷程, 亦是經典作品中的不朽命題、人生意義的終極問答! 人類對「老化」的觀察記述,始自神話與史詩的時代。希臘眾神不老不死,對比凡人的脆弱無助;《荷馬史詩》裡歲月無情、造化難測,激發人類將有限生命活出永恆意義。柏拉圖、塞內卡跟西蒙‧波娃等哲學家,對「老」的過程進行思考辨證;希波克拉底、培根與虎克,則用理論與觀測,探求人體老化的秘密;莎士比亞、狄更斯、海明威筆下老人的遭遇,更豐富了人們對各式各樣老化情境的想像。透過經典作品的刻劃,「老化」從不可逆轉的命定,轉變成探索生命意義的不朽命題。 ★為什麼希臘神話與史詩裡面,神都不老不死,人類卻要面臨有限的生命與身體能力? 為了長相廝守,女神向宙斯祈求賜予愛人不死,卻忘記許下青春永駐的願望,讓美少年日復一日老去;大英雄阿基里斯都已經有刀槍不入的設定了,為什麼卻還是要留一個腳踝的致命傷?特洛伊戰爭因海倫的美貌而起,難道女性的青春美貌就只是戰利品? 在超凡神祇的對應下,希臘羅馬神話史詩所表現出的人類有限生命與身體能力,其實點出了積極的生命觀,正因為無法永恆,更應該積極把握、創造意義。 ★如果人體如同機械,是由精密的零件組合而成,那透過科學是否能汰換老朽的器官,甚至製造生命? 科學革命與啟蒙運動,為人類帶來理性的光輝。假如生命如同機械,是精密零件彼此連結運作的結果,那我們能不能透過科學來觀察、實證身體與宇宙的運行,甚至反過來製造生命? 於是科學家或者透過精密機械來模擬生命體,或者以科學實驗來驗證生命的運作方式,進一步再刺激對生命的想像,於是創造出《科學怪人》這樣影響後世深遠的文學作品。 ★一舉一動充滿「男人味」的海明威,其實對於老化感到焦慮不安?西蒙‧波娃如何透過哲學,思考老年與性別的一體兩面? 棒球、拳擊、狩獵、吃生蠔……,當我們提到海明威,除了他筆下作品的精采洗鍊,也很常連結到他本人的「陽剛」氣息。乍看之下,可能會覺得他是個豪放直爽的人,但細看他的作品角色,卻可以發現有很多老人與年輕人的對比,並從中流露出對於老化的恐懼與焦慮? 大家都知道西蒙‧波娃的《第二性》,以及她本人在性別論述上的重要地位。但其實西蒙‧波娃還有一本《論老年》,談論了老年所受到的歧視。也因此無論是女性或老年,都面對了不公平、不合理、不人性的壓迫歧視,不應該被
定價:330 元, 優惠價:85 281
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Merlin Missions #16: A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time (平裝本)
作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Sal Murdocca  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2012/09/25 裝訂:平裝
Jack and Annie are ready for their next adventure in the New York Times bestselling middle-grade series-the Magic Tree House! A spirited holiday mission! The magic tree house whisks Jack
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
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