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作者:林旭宏-總編輯  出版社:行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保  出版日:2023/03/01 裝訂:平裝
自然保育季刊夏季刊2023年3月 第121期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.121 MAR. 2023/ SPRING目錄CONTENTS 專論ARTICLES 42050淨零碳排下臺灣茶園碳權的可行方案──有機認證+企業ESGFeasible solution to the carbon credit of Taiwanese tea gardens under 2050 net zero CO2 emissions: organic certification plus corporate ESG陳忠義、黃盟元、林政賢、楊嘉棟、李麗華、薛美莉、林幸助、王經文Chung-I Chen . Meng-Yuan Huang . Cheng-Hsien Lin . Jia-Dong Yang . Li-Hua Lee . Mei-Li Hsueh . Hsing-Juh Lin . Ching-Wen Wang特輯REPORTS14從分類開始到河川生態工程的淡水魚研究經驗談From fish taxonomy to river ecological engineering: my research experience on freshwater fish曾晴賢Chyng-Shyan Tzeng26河狸大壩垮下來──河狸的自然工程與保育反思When a beaver dam collapses曾奕晴Sunny Tseng38橫行,或橫死──綠島陸蟹的生死關頭Crossing or roadkill: land crabs are between life and death on Green Island陳歆、許文文、莊育達、陳榮宗Sin Chen . Wen-Wen Hsu . Yu-Ta Chuang . Run-Tsung Chen48臺東縣綠島植物探索Exploration of flora on Green Island, Taitung County許再文、林維玲、黃啟俊Tsai-Wen Hsu . Wea-Lin Lin . Chi-Chun Huang 保育資訊INFORMATION 64野生動物醫療儀器設備的昨日與今日The history of equipment for wi
定價:150 元, 優惠價:85 128
作者:穆罕默德‧尤努斯  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2018/03/30 裝訂:平裝
諾貝爾和平獎得主 穆罕默德‧尤努斯 最新力作今天我們做的決定,影響下一代 30 年的生活品質擺脫資本主義副作用/自己的工作自己創造/永續的環境自己保護現在,就開始行動! 王絹閔 財團法人台灣尤努斯基金會執行長沈建文 中央大學企業管理學系副教授暨尤努斯社會企業中心主任林以涵 社企流共同創辦人暨執行長林傑毓 長榮大學管理學院院長兼尤努斯社會企業研究中心主
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
A World of Three Zeros ─ The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions
作者:Muhammad Yunus  出版社:Public Affairs  出版日:2017/09/26 裝訂:精裝
Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi economist who invented microcredit, founded Grameen Bank, and earned a Nobel Prize for his work in alleviating poverty, is one of today's most trenchant social critics.
A World of Three Zeros ― The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions
作者:Muhammad Yunus  出版社:Public Affairs  出版日:2018/09/11 裝訂:平裝
A winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and bestselling author of Banker to the Poor offers his vision of an emerging new economic system that can save humankind and the planet Muhammad Yunus, who created
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
Design Professional's Guide to Zero Net Energy Buildings
作者:Charles Eley  出版社:Island Pr  出版日:2016/11/15 裝訂:平裝
In the United States, direct energy use in buildings accounts for 39% of carbon dioxide emissions per year—more than any other sector. Buildings contribute to a changing climate and warming of the ear
定價:2067 元, 優惠價:1 2067
Achieving Inclusive Green Growth ― Planning, Incentives, and Finance for a Low-carbon Future
作者:World Bank (COR)  出版社:World Bank  出版日:2015/04/16 裝訂:平裝
The science is unequivocal: stabilizing climate change implies bringing net carbon emissions to zero. And this must be done by 2100 if we are to keep climate change anywhere near the 2oC warming that
定價:1647 元, 優惠價:1 1647
The Esg Investing Handbook: Insights and Developments in Environmental, Social and Governance Investment
作者:Becky O'Connot(EDI)  出版社:HARRIMAN HOUSE LTD  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:精裝
As global governments and regulators set an agenda for net zero carbon emissions, the focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria among investors, from pension scheme members to institutions, is on the rise. The ESG Investing Handbook is an indispensable guide to the history, developments and latest thinking into the future of ESG investing from some of the most influential names in the business. Featuring interviews with: Mark Campanale, Founder & Executive Chairman of Carbon Tracker, Richard Curtis, Film Director/Make My Money Matter, Andrew Cave, Head of Governance & Sustainability, Baillie Gifford, Lisa Beauvilain, Director, Impax Asset Management, Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School, Keith Davies, Chief Risk & Compliance Officer at Federated Hermes - International, Amy Clarke, CEO, Tribe Impact Capital, Bruce Davis, co-founder, Abundance Investment. Expert Editor, Becky O'Connor covers the big questions and key themes, such as the
定價:1649 元, 優惠價:79 1303
Pandora's Toolbox:The Hopes and Hazards of Climate Intervention
作者:Wake Smith  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2022/03/20 裝訂:精裝
Reaching net zero emissions will not be the end of the climate struggle, but only the end of the beginning. For centuries thereafter, temperatures will remain elevated; climate damages will continue to accrue and sea levels will continue to rise. Even the urgent and utterly essential task of reaching net zero cannot be achieved rapidly by emissions reductions alone. To hasten net zero and minimize climate damages thereafter, we will also need massive carbon removal and storage. We may even need to reduce incoming solar radiation in order to lower unacceptably high temperatures. Such unproven and potentially risky climate interventions raise mind-blowing questions of governance and ethics. Pandora's Toolbox offers readers an accessible and authoritative introduction to both the hopes and hazards of some of humanity's most controversial technologies, which may nevertheless provide the key to saving our world.
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:9 1080
Regenerative Strategies: Exploring New Sustainable Business Models to Face the Climate Emergency
作者:Gregorio Martín-de Castro  出版社:CAMBRIDGE  出版日:2024/01/31 裝訂:精裝
In the current climate emergency, it is no longer enough for businesses to simply employ environmental strategy typologies focused on 'greening the business' and maintaining the 'business-as-usual' logic. Gregorio Mart璯-de Castro and Javier Amores-Salvad?argue that disruptive business models and solutions are now required, and they propose a new regenerative strategy linking climate science to management studies. The main features of this strategy are: cutting-edge climate science solutions (capturing and utilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce net-zero or net-negative emissions and positive environmental externalities) and a redefined firm purpose under an ecological, ethical and moral paradigm (integrating ecoemotional wealth, environmental performance, systemic socioecological resilience, wider stakeholder management and a very long-term perspective). They demonstrate that, by applying this strategy, companies can not only reduce their negative environmental externalities an
在各國環保意識加重的背景下,近年來國際上已逐步達成降低二氧化碳排放的共識。然而,目前各國的規劃,距離將全球暖化控制在1.5°C範圍內的目標甚遠,也因此,各國均面臨極為沉重的2030年減碳壓力,勢必需要提出更具雄心的作為。未來幾年,以歐盟及美國為首等國家均將陸續推出碳關稅的制度,依據目前國際情勢,碳關稅將基於產品生命週期的碳排放進行徵收。因此,盤點自家產品的碳足跡未來將成為各企業的例行功課,積極且持續擴大的減碳目標,了解自家產品的二氧化碳排放以及進一步評估如何降低二氧化碳的排放,都將是未來需要開始面對的問題。氣候承諾成為全球各國顯學,然而所採取政策作法,近期以歐盟與中國大陸最為積極。歐盟為達成新版氣候法案減碳目標,維護歐盟境內產業競爭力,降低碳洩漏(Carbon Leakage)風險,規劃對進口產品課徵碳關稅,實施碳邊境調整機制(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM),修訂能源效率、碳交易制度、能源稅等指令等,以達2030年減碳目標。居全球二氧化碳排放國之首的中國大陸,也提出要在2030碳達峰、2060碳中和的減碳目標,並將其明文納入「十四五」篇章。同時啟動全國性碳排放權交易所,先納入2,225家電力企業,未來將擴大到另外七個高碳排放產業:石化、化工、建材、鋼鐵、有色金屬、造紙和航空,有鑑於主要工業國家已針對國際氣候議題逐漸凝聚共識,全球產業將面臨不同程度的能源轉型壓力與去碳課題,影響企業短、中期之策略布局,同時也促進新的產業服務類型與商業模式形成。「淨零碳排」(Net Zero Emissions)概念形成趨勢,氣候科技(Climate Tech) 以產業明日之星姿態崛起,逐漸獲得投資者、企業、政府單位之支持。未來氣候科技的發展將可減少溫室氣體排放,以及對抗氣候變遷影響之技術方略。再加上永續金融、ESG(環境、社會與公司治理,Environmental, Social and Governance)等概念催動下,「減碳」儼然已成為企業重要的發展目標,也促使產業界積極轉型循環經濟。在上述趨勢下,全球發起各式綠能倡議督促企業減碳,進而影響旗下供應鏈的同步轉型。綠色供應鏈的興起,不僅將使綠電成為產業不可或缺的生產要素,更可被視為未來投資的新選項。淨零碳排的政策目標,彰顯了全球以「低碳永續」為核心、兼顧經濟與環境的產業發展策略,並
定價:14000 元, 優惠價:95 13300



