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Jeroen C. J. M. Bergh (2)
Rob H. G. Jongman (2)
Carlo Rega (1)
M. Ann Edington (1)
Richard T. T. Forman (1)
李俊霖、李盈潔、黃書禮 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (6)
Springer Nature (1)
詹氏 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:李俊霖; 李盈潔; 黃書禮  出版社:詹氏  出版日:2024/06/01 裝訂:平裝
本書為【生態土地使用規劃】的再版。國內在1970年代末期開始將環境規劃理念引入景觀與區域規劃的教育與實務。2000年出版的【生態土地使用規劃】係呼應Ian McHarg於1969年所出版的Design with Nature,喚醒世人有關環境規劃理念在都市及區域規劃的重要性。近二十年來,人類該如何減緩並調適氣候變遷的衝擊已成當前國際社會的焦點。本書的再版,除作為環境規劃的專業書籍外,並配合臺灣在國土計畫法實行後的規劃體制轉型,包括下列四個目的:1.納入近年新興的全球環境變遷議題、思潮與規劃方法。2.加強環境規劃教科書的知識範疇與操作性。3.空間規劃專業者訓練時,更有效的納入環境規劃的觀念與操作。4.提供公部門與實務空間規劃專業者,進一步檢視目前規劃體制與方法之改善方向。本書在第一章緒論說明環境規劃理念與展望後,透過「生態系統與環境規劃」、「容受力觀念與成長管理」、「永續發展與空間規劃」與「地理資訊系統與土地使用規劃」等4章,協助讀者建立環境規劃中重要的系統與容受力觀念以及對新興議題的掌握,強化GIS工具在土地使用規劃中的應用能力。第六章在人文生態學的基礎下,具體的為讀者建立環境規劃中的自然與人文空間分析的能力後,延伸到第七章與第八章,說明國內外在前述各種分析下所進行的「土地分類」與「環境敏感地劃設與空間規劃」。第九章為本書中「土地使用適宜性分析」技術操作最重要的一章,不僅提供了土地適宜性分析源起與觀念,更為環境規劃年輕專業者的訓練提供一系列的操作程序與案例。最後,第十章回應了本次改版目標「全球環境變遷下的在地永續實踐」,為讀者提供都市化、環境變遷、氣候變遷減緩與調適等新興議題與案例,並在都市環境規劃的新思維論述下,點出本書各章對應不同尺度空間規劃專業者的訓練重點,提供公部門與實務規劃工作者,進一步檢視並反思臺灣規劃體制未來可改善的方向。整體而言,本書適合都市計劃、景觀規劃、地政、以及生態保育等專業者,在因應全球環境變遷的前提下,一同努力將環境規劃理念與方法推廣至各層級與類型的空間規劃,做為臺灣在地永續實踐的空間策略。本書特色◆回應全球環境變遷議題的環境規劃方法因應氣候變遷議題,國際學界陸續提出的新思維與解方,其實都是根基於「環境規劃」的理念發展而來。本書接軌國際前瞻性觀念與策略,同時提供環境規劃知識範疇中必須掌握的關鍵規劃方法,觀念與操作並重,理論與實務性兼具。◆各
定價:720 元, 優惠價:9 648
Ecological Rationality in Spatial Planning: Concepts and Tools for Sustainable Land-Use Decisions
作者:Carlo Rega  出版社:Springer Nature  出版日:2021/01/31 裝訂:平裝
Spatial Ecological-Economic Analysis for Wetland Management:Modelling and Scenario Evaluation of Land Use
作者:Jeroen C. J. M. Bergh  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/06/10 裝訂:精裝
Wetlands are very sensitive and valuable ecosystems that are subject to much stress from human activities. The study presented here has developed an innovative triple layer framework for analysis of wetland management. This approach provides support for spatial matching between physical planning, hydrological and ecological processes, and economic activities. The authors describe how integrated modelling at the regional scale can be achieved in practice. Following an introduction to wetlands, theoretical aspects of the contributing disciplines are discussed, as well as various aspects of integrated and spatial modelling. An applied integrated assessment of spatial wetland management for the Vecht area between Amsterdam and Utrecht is then presented. This assessment has resulted in a set of linked hydrological, ecological and economic models, formulated at the level of grids and polders, and various types of evaluations and rankings of scenarios. The results indicate the value of mainta
Spatial Ecological-Economic Analysis for Wetland Management:Modelling and Scenario Evaluation of Land Use
作者:Jeroen C. J. M. Bergh  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/19 裝訂:平裝
Wetlands are very sensitive and valuable ecosystems that are subject to much stress from human activities. The study presented here has developed an innovative triple layer framework for analysis of wetland management. This approach provides support for spatial matching between physical planning, hydrological and ecological processes, and economic activities. The authors describe how integrated modelling at the regional scale can be achieved in practice. Following an introduction to wetlands, theoretical aspects of the contributing disciplines are discussed, as well as various aspects of integrated and spatial modelling. An applied integrated assessment of spatial wetland management for the Vecht area between Amsterdam and Utrecht is then presented. This assessment has resulted in a set of linked hydrological, ecological and economic models, formulated at the level of grids and polders, and various types of evaluations and rankings of scenarios. The results indicate the value of mainta
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Ecological Networks and Greenways:Concept, Design, Implementation
作者:Rob H. G. Jongman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/07/01 裝訂:精裝
The establishment of ecological networks in Europe and greenways in America has required some of the most advanced applications of the principles of landscape ecology to land use planning. This book provides a thorough overview of recent developments in this emerging field, combining theoretical concepts of landscape ecology with the actual practice of landscape planning and management. In addition to biological and physical considerations important to biodiversity protection and restoration, equal weight is given to cultural and aesthetic issues to illustrate how sympathetic, sustainable land use policies can be implemented. Examples are given for large scale areas (Estonia and Florida) as well as regional areas such as Milano, Chicago and the Argentinian Yungas. This invaluable book will provide a wealth of information for all those concerned with biodiversity conservation through networks and greenways and their relevance to the planning process, whether researcher, land manager or
Ecological Networks and Greenways:Concept, Design, Implementation
作者:Rob H. G. Jongman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/07/01 裝訂:平裝
The establishment of ecological networks in Europe and greenways in America has required some of the most advanced applications of the principles of landscape ecology to land use planning. This book provides a thorough overview of recent developments in this emerging field, combining theoretical concepts of landscape ecology with the actual practice of landscape planning and management. In addition to biological and physical considerations important to biodiversity protection and restoration, equal weight is given to cultural and aesthetic issues to illustrate how sympathetic, sustainable land use policies can be implemented. Examples are given for large scale areas (Estonia and Florida) as well as regional areas such as Milano, Chicago and the Argentinian Yungas. This invaluable book will provide a wealth of information for all those concerned with biodiversity conservation through networks and greenways and their relevance to the planning process, whether researcher, land manager or
Urban Regions ─ Ecology and Planning Beyond the City
作者:Richard T. T. Forman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/07/31 裝訂:平裝
With land planning, socioeconomics and natural systems as foundations, this book combines urban planning and ecological science in examining urban regions. Writing for graduate students, academic researchers, planners, conservationists and policy makers, and with the use of informative urban-region color maps, Richard Forman analyzes 38 urban regions from 32 nations, including London, Chicago, Ottawa, Brasilia, Cairo, Seoul, Bangkok, Canberra, and a major case study of the Greater Barcelona region. Alternative patterns of urbanization spread (including sprawl) are evaluated from the perspective of nature and people, stating land-use principles extracted from landscape ecology, transportation and hydrology. Good, bad and interesting spatial patterns for creating sustainable land mosaics are pinpointed, and urban regions are considered in broader contexts, from climate change to biodiversity loss, disasters and sense of place.
定價:3964 元, 優惠價:9 3568
Ecology, Recreation and Tourism
作者:M. Ann Edington  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1986/08/21 裝訂:平裝
In an increasingly leisure-orientated society, a proper understanding of ecological factors is necessary to reduce the scale of environmental damage associated with recreational and tourist activities. Ecology, Recreation and Tourism presents a comprehensive analysis of such effects on the environment. Using the framework of basic ecological principles, which are introduced and explained in the first chapter, the planning and design for recreation and tourism is considered from 3 major standpoints: the impact of recreational damage; the constraints imposed by biological agents, and finally the design of resorts and associated support facilities. The authors have been involved with the application of ecology to land use planning for many years, both in this country and overseas. With a wide geographical and environmental scope, this text shows clearly the crucial role that ecology has to play in maintaining the balance between recreation and the environment.
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754



