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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾蜜莉.芭絲苔  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2022/05/05 裝訂:平裝
面對挑戰與困境,為什麼有人覺得難如登天,有人卻勇於承受?其實,贏家與輸家的差別,往往取決於看待事情的角度!★ TED演講影片點閱率超過4,000,000次★ 結合視覺科學、行為科學、動機心理學,揭開成功人士如何看待世界的祕訣◎ 盲點,是人的天性你是不是這樣認為──.自己看見的世界,就是真實的世界.鏡中的自己,是別人看見的自己.看著食物,就能確信自己吃進的是什麼.自己看到的顏色,別人一定是看到相同的顏色眼睛是靈魂之窗、眼見為憑、拭目以待、百聞不如一見…….這些都可以說明,視覺是五感中最重要的感知,能帶來各種視覺體驗與感受,但人的肉眼往往有誤導的作用,會造成許多盲點和偏見,因此眼見不一定為真!◎ 既然無法避免,不如善用盲點紐約大學心理學家艾蜜莉.芭絲苔,鑽研感知與動機心理學超過15年,致力於研究用什麼方式能最快達成目標、哪些因素會阻礙成功。她發現,在努力邁向目標的過程中,視覺扮演著非常重要的角色,由於視覺經驗會讓人產生盲點、偏見與錯覺,因此許多眼前認為的障礙、難關、困境,也許在別人眼裡並非如此。她指出,雖然視覺造成盲點是人的天性,但也是一種塑造經驗的絕佳工具,只要深入了解眼睛與大腦的運作方式,就能用特定視角看待人事物,在關鍵時刻,克服眼前面臨的重大挑戰。◎ 成功人士看待世界的四大策略根據數萬名創業家、頂尖運動員、藝術家等成功人士的好習慣,芭絲苔發現,這些一流的成功人士都懂得善用錯覺,幫自己加分, 因此,她歸納出四大策略,教你善用觀點的力量,就能以不同角度看待世界,也可以利用偏見讓自己從中獲益,高效達標──.縮小注意焦點:賽跑專注視線在終點線,速度提升23%.把目標具體化:把照片裡的人像修圖變老,能幫助年輕人多存2%的退休金.景框的力量:如果想瘦身,最好把不健康的零食放在視線看不見的地方.善用「廣角鏡頭」:週計畫比日計畫更有助於把大工作拆成小工作,找出更多時間運用在目標本書還有更多執行四大策略的具體案例與方法,讓你更有效運動、更快存到退休金、有更多時間做自己真正想做的事、高效管理團隊,甚至能更有效察覺他人情緒,改善自己與他人的關係,面對各種挑戰,都能瞬間用成功人士的決勝視角看待世界!
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
庫存 > 10
The Closer ─ My Story
作者:Mariano Rivera  出版社:Hachette Audio  出版日:2014/05/06 裝訂:有聲書
The 19-year veteran pitcher for the New York Yankees describes his life, discussing the difficulties in being a Latino baseball player in the U.S., how he keeps his Christian values in professional sp
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:79 948
The Closer ― Young Readers Edition
作者:Mariano Rivera  出版社:Hachette Audio  出版日:2014/09/02 裝訂:有聲書
Ruth, Mantle, Gehrig, DiMaggio... Rivera. A top-five Yankee of all time, Mariano Rivera is the man who has intimidated thousands of batters by merely opening a bullpen door. Now, in an edition for yo
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
The Closer Walk. A Memoir of William Sutcliffe, Esq., Late of Hempsteads, Bacup
作者:William Lonsdale Watkinson  出版社:Outlook Verlag  出版日:2024/06/02 裝訂:精裝
定價:2116 元, 優惠價:1 2116
The Closer Walk. A Memoir of William Sutcliffe, Esq., Late of Hempsteads, Bacup
作者:William Lonsdale Watkinson  出版社:Outlook Verlag  出版日:2024/06/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:1316 元, 優惠價:1 1316
作者:羅絲‧華許  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2022/09/08 裝訂:平裝
熬夜也要看的超虐心小說!!他們共度了完美的七天,直到第八天…… ★《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜No.1話題作★全球銷售近1,500,000冊★版權售出超過34國英國脫歐前夕,剛和伴侶分手的莎拉遇見了艾迪。艾迪充滿魅力,他們墜入情網,共度了完美的七天。他們互許承諾,頭一次感受到自己真實地活著,了解彼此就是生命中下一個轉角邂逅那個對的人。直到艾迪踏上另一個行程。他承諾在機場會打給莎拉,但那一通電話讓她等得發狂,卻始終無消無息。之後艾迪的電話再也打不通,也不再回簡訊。他消失了。莎拉相信艾迪遇上了麻煩,讓他無法聯絡上她。她無視朋友說男人就是這樣、肯定有了新歡。她開始瘋狂在現實生活和網路上尋找艾迪可能的蹤跡。「他為什麼不回電?」「他明明在線上卻不回訊息?」「不,成熟的女人不該死纏爛打。」「他只是單純沒興趣了……就這樣。」依舊沒有回音。漸漸地她只剩下一個問題要回答:她到底該怎麼放下這一切?莎拉忘不了他們之間浪漫的回憶,但絕望和羞恥幾乎要擊垮她。她失眠、也失去食欲,開始一個人在深夜跑步。直到有一天,她發現一個陌生的身影暗中窺探她;同時,她接到幾通無聲來電。莎拉不禁懷疑他們的相遇是否暗藏著祕密?艾迪的沉默是有原因的?他真的是她以為的那個男人嗎?真相看似將呼之欲出,這時,她收到一封匪夷所思的訊息……這是一段關於愛與失去、告別,最終找回人生的漫長等待────你和所愛之人在那個陽光普照的清晨微笑道別。你們曾共同擁有今天,但明天你卻永遠失去了他。然而最終,你在你們曾共度的夏天與山谷中,想起了你曾遺忘的自己。……【佳評如潮】「這本書會讓你心碎,然後重新找到愛。」——《Prima》雜誌「睿智、溫暖人心且敘事優美,巧妙的轉折鋪陳令人驚喜。」——《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)「精采、曲折,緊緊抓住讀者目光。」——《Closer》雜誌「我愛極了,捨不得放下。」——《丈夫的祕密》全球暢銷百萬冊作家黎安.莫瑞亞蒂(Liane Moriarty)「一本讓人無法釋手、意外熬夜到凌晨四點的小說。」——《今日美國》(USA Today)「關於人們的祕密與失去,令人脈搏加速的懸疑愛情故事。」——英國《婦女與家庭》月刊(Woman & Home)「華麗的愛情故事裡藏著一道黑暗的祕密。」——英國流行小說家露西・戴蒙(Lucy Diamond)「他為什麼不打電話?僅這一點就夠有趣了。但一次次的轉折讓整
定價:400 元, 優惠價:79 316
Ozu: A Closer Look
作者:Kathe Geist  出版社:香港大學出版社  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:精裝
Based on a close reading of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu’s extant films, this book provides insights into the ways the director created narrative structures and used symbolism to construct meaning in his films. Against critics’ insistence that Ozu was indifferent to plot and unlikely to use symbols, Geist demonstrates otherwise, revealing the director’s subtle iconographic paradigms. Her incisive understanding of the historical and cultural context in which the films were conceived amplifies her analysis of the films’ structure and meaning. Ozu: A Closer Look guides the reader through Ozu’s early, silent films and his sound films made during Japan’s wars in Asia and the subsequent American Occupation, then takes up specific themes relevant to his later, better-known films. These themes include religion, gender, and the influence of traditional Japanese painting. Geist also examines the impact that Ozu’s films had on specific directors in Europe, America, and Japan. Intended for film
定價:3160 元, 優惠價:79 2496
A Closer Walk with God: From the Book of Genesis
作者:Gene R. Hogg  出版社:Trilogy Christian Pub  出版日:2024/05/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:560 元, 優惠價:1 560
30 Day Wiccan Daily Devotional: Closer To The Devine
作者:Crystal Dawn Hagood  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/06/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:400 元, 優惠價:1 400
Closer Than Ever: The Unique Six-Decade Songwriting Partnership of Richard Maltby Jr. and David Shire
作者:Joshua Rosenblum  出版社:OXFORD UNIV PR USA  出版日:2024/06/03 裝訂:精裝
定價:1852 元, 優惠價:1 1852
Frenemies Unleashed: A Closer Look at the World of Fake Friendships
作者:Sarah El Yaman  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/05/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:480 元, 優惠價:1 480
God's Classroom: 366 daily devotions... Read through the Bible in a Year... Daily Encouragement to Draw Closer to God...
作者:Jerry Tapp  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/05/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:880 元, 優惠價:1 880
Experiencing the Greatness of God: Grow Closer to God in 6 Weeks - Let Him Lead the Way, Trust in His Power to Ignite a Joyful Transformation, and Res
作者:Oliver's Publishing  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/05/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:520 元, 優惠價:1 520
The Boy and the Mountain
作者:Mario Bellini; Marianna Coppo  出版社:Tundra Books  出版日:2022/06/21 裝訂:精裝
A boy sets off to draw a mountain in this thoughtful exploration of art and the creative process. For fans of Hike by Pete Oswald. A little boy, who is a keen artist, becomes obsessed with a mountain he can see from his house. One day, he tries to draw the mountain, but his drawing doesn't look anything like it, so he decides that he has to take a closer look. He sets off with his dog, drawing what he sees along the way, and making a growing collection of animal companions during his hike. But when he finally reaches the mountain, the boy makes a discovery about the importance of perspective and friendship which changes how he views the world around him. Both a powerful exploration of art and a sweet ode to hiking, this picture book from acclaimed author-illustrator Marianna Coppo and her partner, Mario Bellini, will inspire readers young and old to stop and take the time to appreciate both the world around them and others who inhabit it.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
The Girl And The Glim (graphic novel)
作者:India Swift; Michael Doig  出版社:IDW Pub  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:平裝
An original graphic novel about being the new kid in a different school, getting picked on by the class bullies, and what happens when a magical presence takes notice. Like, can things get any worse?Starting out at a new school is tough, and Bridgette isn’t having much luck, seeing as, well, she’s not great at making a first impression. Or, maybe, any impression. Ugh, all these nervous feelings!Will she fit in? Will she make new friends? Will they still like her once they get to know her better?Nope. For now the best she can manage is…awkward. This is not going great.That’s when she sees it. Something dark and scary…something only she can see. And she should be scared. But she isn’t. Maybe scary things just need friends, too. Maybe The Glim isn’t so bad after all.The Girl and The Glim is about accepting the fact that fear is okay, and that while letting other people see your vulnerabilities can be scary, it can also lead to closer friendships in the end.
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
The Kissing Booth
作者:Reekles; Beth  出版社:Corgi Childrens UK  出版日:2013/04/22 裝訂:平裝
When Elle decides to run a kissing booth at the school's Spring Carnival, she locks lips with Noah and her life is turned upside down. Her head says to keep away, but her heart wants to draw closer -
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Monsters in the Fog
作者:Ali Bahrampour  出版社:Abrams Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/06/14 裝訂:精裝
A donkey’s trip up the mountain turns eerie when he encounters “monsters” along the way in this humorous, suspenseful tale about challenging first impressionsHakim is traveling up the mountain to visit his friend Daisy, but the fog is so thick that he can't see the road ahead. Then an old goat appears out of nowhere and delivers a sinister warning: “Beware! Beware! There are monsters up there!”Hakim trots with caution, until he hears an awful groan, growing closer and closer. And out of the mist comes the strangest creature Hakim has ever seen. . . .Is Hakim doomed? Or are things not always what they seem? In this clever story about how appearances can be deceiving, Ali Bahrampour reminds us that everyone looks like a monster in the fog―until you get closer.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
The Little House
作者:Virginia Lee Burton  出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  出版日:1978/04/01 裝訂:平裝
The little house first stood in the country, but gradually the city moved closer and closer. Virginia Lee Burton won the Caldecott Medal in 1943 for her memorable picture book The Little House, a poig
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
The Earth Book
作者:Hannah Alice  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/04/06 裝訂:硬頁書
Take a closer look inside Earth with this incredible board book about our planet, with see-through acetate pages. Have you ever thought about how amazing our world is? What happens deep under the Earth's surface? How do volcanoes form? And how does our planet stay a healthy place for us to live? Children will love discovering the answers with amazing see-through pages and clear, friendly text. With labelled acetate diagrams - from outer space to super soil - alongside human and animal life too, this is a fantastic first look at our world for curious children everywhere.From weather systems to the water cycle, The Earth Book is an exciting way to explore all the amazing things our planet does. Other books in the series: The Body Book and The Tree Book
定價:659 元, 優惠價:75 494
庫存 > 10
The Met Hokusai: He Saw the World in a Wave
作者:Susie Hodge; Kim Ekdahl  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2021/11/09 裝訂:精裝
See the world through Hokusai's eyes and be inspired to produce your own masterpieces. Have you ever wondered exactly what your favorite artists were looking at to make them draw, sculpt, or paint the way they did? In this charming illustrated series of books to keep and collect, created in full collaboration with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, you can see what they saw, and be inspired to create your own artworks, too. In What the Artist Saw: Hokusai, meet groundbreaking Japanese artist Hokusai. Step into his life and learn what led him to create more than 30,000 works of art, including his famous woodcut views of The Great Wave off Kanagawa and Mount Fuji. Discover how he planned to live to 110 and even produced the first ever pieces of manga! Have a go at making your own printed artworks. In this series, follow the artists' stories and find intriguing facts about their environments and key masterpieces. Then see what you can see and make your own art. Take a closer look at landscap
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 415
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