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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅伯‧唐恩  出版社:知田出版  出版日:2023/09/12 裝訂:平裝
我們和所有物種一樣,終將滅絕。動物物種平均約可存在兩百萬年,至少在這方面已獲得充分研究的生物分類族群皆如是。如果只考量我們所屬的物種―─智人,這表示我們還有一點時間。▍想要探究人類未來的命運,首先要知道:我們在生物歷史的什麼位置?就生物學的生命演化樹來看,那些最古老又最龐大的枝幹上面,都是我們得用顯微鏡才看得到的單細胞生物所構成的演化分支。在生物學界,這早就不是新觀念,而是很久以前就知道的事實──我們,哺乳類動物,只是生命演化樹上的其中一個小細枝。▍人類還剩下多少時間?生物法則告訴我們的是……動物物種平均約可存在兩百萬年,人類還剩多少時間?如果我們不至於太過揮霍的話。人類的生存活動已經足以改變地球的氣候、生物的分布與移動。但「生物法則」是一條鐵律,在所有的人類行為中發揮著無形的作用。當我們透過卓越的創新能力、運用科技,「懂得使用蒸氣與燃煤產生動力,也會使用核能、空調與中央暖氣,還興建海水淡化廠,打造其他光鮮亮麗的現代化設備,人類的生態棲位偏偏就是縮小了」。▍企圖掌控大自然的我們,是否讓自然走到了盡頭?1989年,比爾.麥克齊本(Bill McKibben)出版了知名的《自然的盡頭》(The End of Nature)。麥克齊本登高一呼,替自然發出反抗之聲,以強大的動能促成保育行動以及減緩氣候變遷的嘗試。但本書作者唐恩告訴我們:❝這些情況和自然走到盡頭無關。人類走到盡頭的時間,遠比自然走到盡頭要早得多。❞人類對於這個世界的生物所知依然太少,但可以從作者揭示的生物法則中瞭解:當一個物種──比如人類──滅絕以後,大自然會持續依照「規則」進行調整,最後達到某種動態平衡。這並不是說,人類可以繼續破壞自然。而是我們並沒有自己想像中那麼偉大。若是要讓人類能夠在這個星球上存活久一點,我們需要趕緊把握時間。▍我們能否打造一個讓所有物種都活下來的方舟?諾亞方舟的故事中,人類打造了一艘圓船,讓所有動物們乘坐以渡過洪災。生物學家發現,由於人類造成的氣候變遷,動物們也必須遷移才能生存──找到適合的氣候棲位(climate niche)。因此透過對自然法則的理解,建造物種移動所需要的「廊道」,就是生態保育的重要關鍵;作者所參與的夏蘭大計畫(Charlanta project)正是協助我們打造一艘「方舟」以延續物種生命的研究。密西西比河的一再氾濫,是自然給予人類的啟示。生物學家羅伯・唐恩透過各
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
The End of Reality:How four billionaires are selling out our future
作者:Jonathan Taplin  出版社:Transworld Publishers Ltd  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
Tablets Shattered:The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life
作者:Joshua Leifer  出版社:Penguin Putnam Inc  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:精裝
定價:1594 元, 優惠價:79 1259
Not the End of the World:Surprising facts, dangerous myths and hopeful solutions for our future on planet Earth
作者:Hannah Ritchie  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:2024/08/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:95 573
Minecraft: The End (An Official Minecraft Novel 4)(平裝本)
作者:Catherynne M. Valente  出版社:Del Rey  出版日:2022/05/31 裝訂:平裝
This official Minecraft novel is an epic battle for survival! When humans enter the End, a pair of endermen must decide which side they're really on. For as long as they can remember, the twin endermen Fin and Mo have lived in the mysterious land of the End. On the outskirts of the great enderman city of Telos, they explore ancient ruins under the watchful gaze of the mighty ender dragon. They have everything they need in the end ship they call home, and know everything there is to know about their world--or so they think until the strangers from another dimension arrive. The invaders are called humans, and they've come to steal artifacts and slay the ender dragon. Fin and Mo are ready to protect their home from the trespassers, but when they come face-to-face with the humans, they discover that they aren't as prepared for battle as they'd thought. Caught off guard, the twins are trapped in the middle of a war between the endermen and the humans, with the future of their home at stake.
定價:385 元, 優惠價:79 304
Food for the Future: Sustainable Farms Around the World
作者:Mia Wenjen; Robert Sae-Heng  出版社:Barefoot Books  出版日:2023/05/23 裝訂:平裝
"Go on a tour of eco-friendly farms around the globe! From urban gardens to farms under the sea, discover the many different sustainable ways people have been growing food for centuries, and new innovations that are battling the effects of climate change on farming. Rhyming text and inset boxes with definitions for new vocabulary words make the topic accessible to young learners. End matter includes detailed information about each country's farming practice, sustainable farming and more"--
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 277
Technology Is Dead: The Path to a More Human Future
作者:Chris Colbert  出版社:CRC PR INC  出版日:2024/08/07 裝訂:平裝
How did we end up here, masters of scientific insight, purveyors of ever more powerful technologies, astride the burning planet that created us, and now responsible for cleaning up the mess and determining the future direction of all of life? And what do we do about it? Technology is Dead attempts to answer both of those questions. It is a book of both challenge and hope, written for those who are able or willing to lead us out of our global predicament. It is for the politicians, CEOs, community leaders, everyday parents and young people who understand that we must change our ways to ensure a sustainable future for all living things and the planet we rely on. The book's premise is that technology (like capitalism) has been an unprecedented force for prosperity, while at the same time bringing unrelenting, and unplanned downsides. Technology has insinuated itself into every nook and cranny of modern society, ignoring many of our human truths while preying on our vulnerabilities. It has
定價:1587 元, 優惠價:9 1428
Gather (入選美國國家書卷獎)
作者:Kenneth M. Cadow  出版社:CANDLEWICK BOOKS  出版日:2023/10/03 裝訂:精裝
★入選美國國家書卷獎在佛蒙特州鄉村,有一名足智多謀的少年正努力陪伴患有毒癮的母親恢復過來並保住家庭...生活總有意想不到的事情會發生,伊恩在不能養狗的情況下,收養了一隻小狗蓋瑟,是隻非常好的伙伴,儘管生活困難重重,為了照顧長時間與毒癮對抗的母親,他選擇離開籃球隊並找一份工作,不惜一切代價來維持家人的生活。 雖然生活慢慢好轉,也認識了新朋友,不過不可預期的悲劇還是發生了....A resourceful teenager in rural Vermont struggles to hold on to the family home while his mom recovers from addiction in this striking debut novel.Ian Gray isn’t supposed to have a dog, but a lot of things that shouldn’t happen end up happening anyway. And Gather, Ian’s adopted pup, is good company now that Ian has to quit the basketball team, find a job, and take care of his mom as she tries to overcome her opioid addiction. Despite the obstacles thrown their way, Ian is determined to keep his family afloat no matter what it takes. And for a little while, things are looking up: Ian makes friends, and his fondness for the outdoors and for fixing things lands him work helping neighbors. But an unforeseen tragedy results in Ian and his dog taking off on the run, trying to evade a future that would mean
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 498
Our Planet! There's No Place Like Earth (精裝本)
作者:Stacy McAnulty; illustrated by David Litchfield  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:精裝
Stacy McAnulty與David Litchfield再次攜手創作《我們的宇宙》科普系列繪本。繼火星、月亮後,讓地球來自我介紹。也提及人類活動引發氣候變遷,而我們該如何守護這獨一無二的美麗星球。A new nonfiction picture book in the Our Universe series from the author/illustrator team behind Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years, this time looking at Earth’s current life and uncertain future, told with hope for cooperation and human resourcefulness in the face of climate change.In her first book, Earth (AKA: Planet Awesome) shared the story of her brief―cosmically speaking―life to date, with only a hint as to what the future may hold. Now, after being so warmly received, she’s eager to tell Earthlings even more. But this time, she’ll focus on her current life and her uncertain future. What is in store for Earth now and in the near future? In answer to the call for ways to talk with kids about climate change, this is not a book about fear, but about hope and cooperation and human resourcefulness. In the end, we know Earth and Earthlings are meant for each other!
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
The End of the Future
作者:Jean Gimpel  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:1995/06/01 裝訂:精裝
This book represents the first calm, detailed, and rational description of the imminent end of western industrial civilization as we know it. Despite this alarming premise Gimpel is far from pessimist
定價:4948 元, 優惠價:79 3909
The End of Conceit: Western Rationality after Postcolonialism
作者:Patrick Chabal  出版社:Zed Books  出版日:2012/08/23 裝訂:平裝
In this radical new book, Patrick Chabal reveals how the future of the West is now inextricably linked to that of the non-West. The rise of the economic power of China and other Asian countries as wel
定價:1439 元, 優惠價:9 1295
The End of Conceit: Western Rationality after Postcolonialism
作者:Patrick Chabal  出版社:Zed Books  出版日:2012/08/23 裝訂:精裝
In this radical new book, Patrick Chabal reveals how the future of the West is now inextricably linked to that of the non-West. The rise of the economic power of China and other Asian countries as wel
定價:5525 元, 優惠價:9 4973
作者:莫文.金恩  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2017/09/28 裝訂:平裝
「經濟衰退停滯、市場失靈、全球性金融崩潰、民粹興起…… 原來這些問題,都從你錢包裡的那張紙鈔開始。」 ★季辛吉、葛林斯潘、沃克爾、桑默斯……全球經濟、金融界領袖一致重量級推薦★ 「這本書很可能會拯救世界。」 --麥可.路易士(Michael Lewis),《魔球》、《大賣空》作者 「莫文.金恩的這本書,可能是關於金融危機最重要的一本著作。不論你是否同意書中觀點,金充滿遠見的觀點值得各方注意,從經濟
The Boy at the End of the World
作者:Greg Van Eekhout  出版社:Bloomsbury USA  出版日:2012/10/16 裝訂:平裝 藍思:730L
In a future world, Fisher is the last boy on earth. But evidence suggests there may be a far-away survival bunk with other humans. In order to get there, he'll need to rely on a ragtag team he assembl
作者:山姆.哈里斯  出版社:八旗文化  出版日:2015/12/30 裝訂:平裝
恐怖行動時代,所有理性的人必讀的一本書。作者哈里斯戳破文化相對主義、自由主義和宗教溫和派,在文化和智識上對宗教非理性的妥協,是本驚世駭俗又充滿勇氣的書! ★《紐約時報》最佳銷售書★持續九個月名列亞馬遜書店暢銷排行榜★2005年美國筆會Martha Albrand獎非虛構類書籍得主 《信仰的終結》一書對當今世界在理性和宗教之間的崩壞,做了驚人分析。他對各種宗教信仰多角度批評,批判組織化宗教,探討宗教
作者:約翰.范.歐佛特韋德  出版社:高寶國際  出版日:2012/01/16 裝訂:平裝
歐元存廢關鍵倒數,全球經濟版圖大洗牌!2011年,全球股市因歐債危機市值蒸發6.3兆美元;2012年第一季,1567億歐元債務即將到期,歐洲債務危機讓歐元面臨生死關頭;2012年,歐債危機將引爆歐元區瓦解危機!第一本看懂歐洲債務危機、分析歐元未來的書。 本書重點◎歐洲經濟危機從金融海嘯過後就從未停過,葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、義大利、希臘與西班牙等歐豬五國的債務已經成為歐洲經濟的不定時炸彈,歐元區能否維繫
The Future of Computing Performance
作者:National Research Council (U. S.)  出版社:Natl Academy Pr  出版日:2011/09/15 裝訂:平裝
The end of dramatic exponential growth in single-processor performance marks the end of the dominance of the single microprocessor in computing. The era of sequential computing must give way to a new
定價:2070 元, 優惠價:1 2070
The Arm of the Lord ─ End Times Mystery
作者:G. Terrell Cotter  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/05/07 裝訂:精裝
You may want to know what this book is about. It isn't about the end of the world. Rather, it is an open portal to what the Bible says is an inevitable future when God reconciles His creation to Himse
定價:1933 元, 優惠價:1 1933
Words from God, by God Appearing to Us or Just Talking to Us, for the End Times ─ God Gives Us the Missing Future
作者:Apostle Frederick E. Franklin  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/01/12 裝訂:平裝
We write the future for you in this book. We fill in many of the gaps that are left with us from the Holy Scriptures of the Holy Bible. God Gives us the Missing Future.
定價:763 元, 優惠價:1 763
Animeat's End ─ A Future History of the End of Animal Meat
作者:Wilson J. Warren  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/10/18 裝訂:精裝
In the future, contact between people and animals is forbidden. Because interaction between people and animals leads to pain and suffering, eliminating contact has the highest priority. Eating animal
定價:1305 元, 優惠價:1 1305
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