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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:吉莉安.麥卡利斯特  出版社:寂寞  出版日:2024/05/01 裝訂:平裝
只有對的時間,才能在對的地點,拯救對的人。而對的時間,竟然是──昨天!驚心逆行解謎,倒數開始!全球狂銷百萬冊,《衛報》年度最佳驚悚小說40國搶譯,索尼影業熱烈改編全面橫掃暢銷榜與讀書俱樂部 ★紐約時報暢榜 ★水石書店選書 ★週日泰晤士報選書 ★Red Magazine 年度選書 ★Good Housekeeping年度選書 ★英國圖書獎犯罪驚悚類入圍 ★Goodreads年度最佳驚悚小說提名 ★瑞絲薇斯朋讀書俱樂部選書 ★BBC電台讀書俱樂部選書 ★柴克斯頓老牌詭異犯罪小說獎入圍……陳雪/小說家、陳曉唯/作家、冬陽/電台主持人──驚艷推薦第 0 天 兒子殺了人,關警局,必須幫幫他。負 1 天 案件還沒發生,家裡一團和樂,但是只有她知道危機逼近。負 3 天 兒子什麼話也問不出來,包裡藏刀她已拿走,一切能回歸日常了?負12天負60天負7230天……珍很忙,當律師忙,教養青少年更忙。誰能想得到,那晚她竟成了兒子持刀殺人的目擊者!更想不到的是,一夜憂心之後,起床要面對的是──昨天。這一晚已過午夜,十七歲的陶德還沒回家,珍再忙還是幫兒子等門。沒想到,陶德竟然朝路旁陌生人衝去,手上還拿著刀……單純的兒子為何對陌生人痛下殺手,而且還在自家門口?兒子遭羈押,未來毀了。這一夜她只能帶著絕望入眠,一切等天亮再說。再次醒來,時間重回昨天!是上天給絕望的母親一個搶救的機會?或只是殘忍的絕望輪迴?一次次,珍清晨醒來,時間回撥逆行一點,但是每一天她的苦思努力,都在逆轉迴圈之中分崩瓦解。為何?怎麼會?怎麼做?答案一定在某時某地,一定有什麼觸發了這一切!珍必須找到,不只為兒子,不只為了這場逆行謀殺的真相,更為了挽救他們一家的「明天」。▲ 注意!高度驚心動魄,請備妥降壓舒緩品!▲※好評不斷:◎ 這是近期我看過最引人入勝的小說,更重要的是,這故事沒有辜負這個題材,夠大膽,勇於挑戰……非常厲害高明的設計,而且很有愛。──英國犯罪小說天王,伊恩.藍欽◎ 太完美了,每一個字,每一個片段,驚奇不斷的作品。──紐約時報暢銷作家,麗莎.傑威爾◎ 絕對是頂級之作。迷人的驚悚故事,節奏無懈可擊,快把握時間搶讀吧。──全球暢銷小說《別相信任何人》作者,S. J. 華森◎ 絕妙高明的顛覆性作品,對「為了救孩子能做到什麼程度?」給出極度燒腦的震撼解答。──《紐約時報》暢銷作家,露絲.韋爾◎ 大膽創新、曲折離奇,高超的說故事
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
Wrong Place. Wrong Time. Right Viscount.
作者:K. D. Miller  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2024/06/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:630 元, 優惠價:1 630
Wrong Place, Wrong Time: A Prequel To The Court Reporter Mystery Series
作者:Pamela Dehnke  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/06/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:520 元, 優惠價:1 520
Here Lies Daniel Tate
作者:Cristin Terrill  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2017/06/06 裝訂:精裝
A young, street-savvy runaway looking for a place to call home realized he might have conned his way into the wrong family in this fast-paced and thrilling novel from award-winning author Cristin Terr
定價:630 元, 優惠價:66 415
I Can Change the World... with the Toss of a Bottle精裝
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Prakash小姐和Sohn先生帶著他們的學生進行戶外考察時,眼尖的Sohn先生看到一群青少年準備把瓶子扔到不對的地方,他大喊「不能這樣做!」這些青少年把瓶子扔到了哪裡?他們應該怎麼辦呢?跟隨著Prakash小姐和Sohn先生的腳步,並教會我們:我們的一個小動作會對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn were with their class on a field trip when the sharp-eyed Mr Sohn saw a group of teenagers about to toss their bottles in the wrong place. "Don't do it!" Where were the teenagers tossing the bottles and what should they have done? Follow Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn as they teach us how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
I Can Change the World... with the Toss of a Bottle
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Prakash小姐和Sohn先生帶著他們的學生進行戶外考察時,眼尖的Sohn先生看到一群青少年準備把瓶子扔到不對的地方,他大喊「不能這樣做!」這些青少年把瓶子扔到了哪裡?他們應該怎麼辦呢?跟隨著Prakash小姐和Sohn先生的腳步,並教會我們:我們的一個小動作會對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn were with their class on a field trip when the sharp-eyed Mr Sohn saw a group of teenagers about to toss their bottles in the wrong place. "Don't do it!" Where were the teenagers tossing the bottles and what should they have done? Follow Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn as they teach us how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
庫存 > 10
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone:the heartfelt, funny memoir by a New York Times bestselling therapist
作者:Lori Gottlieb  出版社:Scribe Publications  出版日:2022/12/01 裝訂:平裝
A TIME magazine Must-Read Book of the YearEver wonder what your therapist is thinking? Now you can find out, as therapist and New York Times bestselling author Lori Gottlieb takes us behind the scenes of her practice - where her patients are looking for answers (and so is she). When a personal crisis causes her world to come crashing down, Lori Gottlieb - an experienced therapist with a thriving practice in Los Angeles - is suddenly adrift. Enter Wendell, himself a veteran therapist with an unconventional style, whose sessions with Gottlieb will prove transformative for her.As Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her own patients' lives - a self-absorbed Hollywood producer, a young newlywed diagnosed with a terminal illness, a senior citizen who feels she has nothing to live for, and a self-destructive twenty-something who can't stop hooking up with the wrong guys - she finds that the questions they are struggling with are the very questions she is bringing to Wendell. Taking place
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Scaredy Squirrel Gets Festive (graphic novel)
作者:Melanie Watt  出版社:TUNDRA BOOKS INC  出版日:2023/10/03 裝訂:精裝
Scaredy Squirrel has a holiday to-do list, and he's checked it way more than twice in this funny, reassuring graphic novel about getting ready for Christmas, perfect for fans of Narwhal and Jelly.In his third NUTTY ADVENTURE, Scaredy is getting ready for Christmas ahead of time . . . WAY ahead of time (June). When December finally rolls around, Scaredy has everything in place: perfect red-and-green decorations, a perfect get-together planned (no parties!), perfectly personalized gifts for each of his friends, all the required permits for gingerbread-house construction (perfectly filled out) and, of course, a perfectly secured premises with a perfect spot for Santa. Yup, nothing can possibly go wrong . . . until friends Rash and Tim break the decorations! But Scaredy is filled with the spirit of the holiday and happy to help his friends finish their Christmas shopping. (Unless they're shopping for Gary the germ?!) Prepare to get festive this Christmas with Scaredy and friends!Series Ove
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
The Gecko and the Echo
作者:Rachel Bright; Jim Field  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2023/02/02 裝訂:平裝
A flamboyantly fun tropical tale of love, fame, friendship from the creators of the international bestseller The Lion Inside. Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it's always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning 'til night.But when you're dazzled by the limelight, it's easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy's performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self-Destruct (graphic novel)
作者:Ben Sanders  出版社:EDC KANE MILLER BOOKS  出版日:2024/05/01 裝訂:精裝
This book will explode in 5 minutes. NO TIME TO LOSE! Agent Harrier must follow the red wire and defuse the bomb before it’s too late. Will our canine spy extraordinaire save everyone from being blasted to smithereens? And just WHO planted the wretched bomb in the first place?! Be careful not to bark up the wrong tree, Harrier – it looks like something very fishy could be *ahem* apaw .. . This stylish graphic novel is a funny, punny twist on the traditional spy caper. The first in a series by award-winning illustrator Ben Sanders (Clive Penguin), it’s perfect for early readers transitioning from picture books.
定價:525 元, 優惠價:1 525
The Duck with No Luck
作者:Gemma Merino  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/08/24 裝訂:平裝
★Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water / 鱷魚怕水系列繪本 ★拋開負面情緒,從生活中的小事來學習知足快樂 當一隻鴨子對於自己運氣不好甚至對生活感到厭煩時該怎麼辦呢?沒錯!趕緊去請教及智慧於一身的貓頭鷹,不過與此同時,還是要小心附近狡猾又肚子惡的狐狸唷! What's a fed-up duck who feels all out of luck supposed to do? Go and ask a wise owl for help, of course! But watch out for the hungry Fox . . . From the award-winning Gemma Merino, author of the The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water, The Duck With No Luck is a funny, uplifting and reassuring tale about how to tackle the ups and downs of life, take a more positive look at things and appreciate all you have. After a particularly unlucky moment, Duck has had enough! Heading off to ask Wise Owl why he's so unlucky, he comes across a lonely swan, a hungry fox and a bare tree, all looking for answers of their own. Will Wise Owl's advice help Duck to find his luck after all? And has he just been looking in the wrong place all along?
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
庫存 > 10
Agent Harrier: This Book Will Self-Destruct (graphic novel)
作者:Ben Sanders  出版社:Little Tiger Press Group  出版日:2024/04/11 裝訂:平裝
This book will explode in 5 minutes. NO TIME TO LOSE! Agent Harrier must follow the red wire and defuse the bomb before it’s too late. Will our canine spy extraordinaire save everyone from being blasted to smithereens? And just WHO planted the wretched bomb in the first place?! Be careful not to bark up the wrong tree, Harrier – it looks like something very fishy could be *ahem* apaw .. . This stylish graphic novel is a funny, punny twist on the traditional spy caper. The first in a series by award-winning illustrator Ben Sanders (Clive Penguin), it’s perfect for early readers transitioning from picture books.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 346
Wrong Place, Wrong Time ─ Trauma and Violence in the Lives of Young Black Men
作者:John A. Rich M.D.  出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr  出版日:2011/10/19 裝訂:平裝
Medical school taught John Rich how to deal with physical trauma in a big city hospital but not with the disturbing fact that young black men were daily shot, stabbed, and beaten. This is Rich's accou
定價:1080 元, 優惠價:1 1080
Wrong Place
作者:M. A. Comley  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2015/06/19 裝訂:平裝
DI Sally Parker has a serial killer on her patch. One thing that sets this killer apart from the others she's hunted before: his willingness to leave DNA at each of the crime scenes. It's up to Sally
定價:405 元, 優惠價:1 405
Wrong Place
作者:Mark Norfolk  出版社:Oberon Books Ltd  出版日:2004/09/15 裝訂:平裝
Trevor's in trouble with the law - again. But this time it's serious. He faces twelve years behind bars.Roddy, Trevor's dad, came to Britain in the '60s and has done the right thing ever since - worke
定價:808 元, 優惠價:1 808
Wrong Place
作者:Michelle Davies  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2017/06/01 裝訂:精裝
Wrong Place is the next gripping crime novel from Michelle Davies, following her critically acclaimed debut Gone Astray. When a man fails in his attempt to murder his wife and then commit suicide, DC
定價:838 元, 優惠價:1 838
Wrong Place
作者:Michelle Davies  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2017/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Wrong Place is the gripping sequel to the criticially acclaimed debut Gone Astray by Michelle Davies.When a man fails in his attempt to murder his wife and then commit suicide, DC Maggie Neville is as
定價:698 元, 優惠價:1 698
Wrong Place
作者:Michelle Davies  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2018/01/01 裝訂:平裝
When a man fails in his attempt to murder his wife and then commit suicide, DC Maggie Neville is assigned to be the surviving woman's Family Liaison Officer. As the husband lies in a coma in hospi
定價:488 元, 優惠價:1 488
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
作者:H. P. Mallory  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/05/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:400 元, 優惠價:1 400
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
作者:Gillian McAllister  出版社:WILLIAM MORROW  出版日:2022/08/02 裝訂:精裝
定價:1015 元, 優惠價:79 802
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