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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:達斯蒂‧寶林  出版社:親子天下  出版日:2022/06/30 裝訂:平裝
「如果能像仙人掌無所畏懼的矗立在沙漠,沒有雙手又有什麼好擔心的?」女孩版的奇蹟男孩以幽默感化解衝突、用同理心戰勝歧見無手少女艾玟充滿機智、勇氣與正能量的轉學日記入選美國各大圖書館推薦書單,亞馬遜書店超過2000個以上的五星好評獻給缺乏自信、苦於人際交友的你最棒校園生存指南!王意中 臨床心理師/王意中心理治療所所長|吳在媖 兒童文學作家|李貞慧 繪本閱讀推廣人|邱慕泥 戀風草青少年書房店長|沈雅琪 神老師&神媽咪|姜義村 國立臺灣師範大學特教系教授兼主任|陳志恆 諮商心理師暨暢銷作家|曾品方 教育部閱讀推手|歐玲瀞 佳音電臺節目主持人|諶淑婷 文字工作者一致暖心推薦如果要問艾玟天生無手有哪些好處?答案絕對出乎意料的多!比如偷挖鼻孔不會被發現、不必煩惱要做哪種指甲彩繪圖案;足球比賽時不必擔心使用雙手而犯規;在犯罪現場絕對不會留下指紋。甚至到哪都擁有專屬車位的皇家等級待遇!十四歲的少女艾玟總是坦然接受自己的先天缺陷,還為此編造了許多浮誇的玩笑和故事,她和父母都相信:只要雙腳勤快一點,一切都不是問題!即使必須比別人多花兩倍的時間才能扣上牛仔褲的釦子,或是耗費一小時才能穿好一件泳衣。好吧,少了雙手確實有些不便,但比起這點,舉家搬到偏僻沙漠裡的老舊樂園、轉入新學校,更像是艾玟的世界末日。無論是面對陌生同學的異樣眼光、被迫躲進廁所吃午餐,甚至被當成有嚴重傳染病的怪咖而飽受霸凌,都意味著新環境對這位無手少女的嚴苛挑戰。就在艾玟懷疑自己能否如仙人掌般越挫越勇時,她結識了患有妥瑞氏症的康諾、因外表肥胖而備受排擠的錫安。某天,三個校園裡的邊緣人在老舊樂園中發現一間神祕空屋,空屋裡的謎團又將為艾玟的八年級生活帶來怎樣的轉折與挑戰?◎本書3大特色特色1: 入選美國各大圖書館推薦書單,美國亞馬遜身障兒童書分類第3名、超過2000名讀者5顆星好評。特色2: 輕鬆詼諧、溫暖正向又略帶懸疑,貼近校園生活主題,體會特殊兒的心路歷程,同理差異。特色3: 國內外教育專家、閱讀推手齊聲好評推薦,書末附學習單,提升少年讀者閱讀思辨力。◎國外得獎紀錄:★榮獲美國青少年圖書館協會選書★榮獲2017年美國書商協會秋季獨立選書★2017年閱讀西部獎童書類得主★榮獲2018年國會圖書館52大閱讀清單★榮獲2020 March Book Madness Middle Grade★提名美國科羅拉多童書獎◎本書關鍵字
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:林小安  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2000/07/01 裝訂:平裝
作者:邱莉燕  出版社:貓頭鷹  出版日:1999/05/01 裝訂:精裝
1. 本書可說是踏入Swatch藝術錶的最佳入門書。不但對於藝術錶款、設計者、型號等有詳細標示,同時也更深入解說Swatch突破潮流、大膽開創的錶款設計內涵,這些深具原創性的藝術錶款在本書中均可一窺其堂奧。 2. 附錄也教導讀者如何認識Swatch手錶型號、Swatch大事記等,是國內第一本將Swatch依主題介紹、幫助讀者認識Swatch流行意向與藝術內涵的深度巡禮。 3. 本書80
Compton Valance ― The Time-Travelling Sandwich Bites Back
作者:Matt Brown; Lizzie Finlay  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2014/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Compton Valance has an incredible secret: he can travel through time using a stinky old sandwich. But now he’s in the biggest pickle ever! Compton’s evil brother Bravo has stolen the time machine sand
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
作者:謝明蓉  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2000/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Usborne Key Skills Workbook Dividing 6-7
作者:Holly Bathie  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/04/29 裝訂:平裝
An entertaining wipe-clean book filled with dividing activities, including dividing by 2, 5 and 10, creating equal groups and a dividing quiz. Part of the Usborne Key Skills series that supports the m
定價:219 元, 優惠價:75 164
Key Skills Workbooks Times Tables 5-6
作者:Holly Bathie  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Helped by a group of friendly animals, children can begin to explore times tables. The activities in this book build confidence in understanding multiplication, and provide practice for the 2, 5 and 1
定價:329 元, 優惠價:75 247
作者:Owain Mckimm-等作  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2022/02/18 裝訂:平裝
50篇主題多樣豐富精彩文章跨領域主題 X 生活化體裁 X 250道閱讀技巧訓練題有效鍛鍊英語閱讀整合能力從閱讀中高效培養核心素養!本套書共分四冊,專為英文初學者編寫。內容架構切合108課綱素養精神,重視跨領域多元學習,以文學、科技、文化、運動、生物、環保、性別等多樣議題打造核心素養,並以生活化的體裁,如短文、信件、廣告、網頁、對話、廣播、邀請卡等,寫成50篇生動有趣的文章,揉合生活經驗。文後搭配5道題目,訓練讀者解讀文意、推理意涵、判讀圖表來作答,有效鍛鍊閱讀整合能力,從閱讀中培養扎實的核心素養!本書以七、八年級範圍文法寫成,體裁符合會考出題趨勢,適合國中教育會考生選用,幫助奠定英文核心素養,英文閱讀能力直升!套書四冊難度循序漸進,主要以國中基礎1200字為範圍,讀者可依程度與需求選用:Book 1▶1200字占比:93%▶文章長度:120–150字▶句子長度:15字Book 2▶1200字占比:86%▶文章長度:150–180字▶句子長度:18字Book 3▶1200字占比:82%▶文章長度:180–210字▶句子長度:25字Book 4▶1200字占比:75%▶文章長度:210–250字▶句子長度:28字全書特點1. 四大單元訓練,教你輕鬆理解文章全書分為四大單元,每單元針對一個學習重點撰寫:閱讀技巧(Reading Skills)含明辨主題(Subject Matter)、歸納要旨(Main Idea)、找出支持性細節(Supporting Details)、辨認事實與看法(Fact Or Opinion)、理解因果關係(Cause & Effect)、做出推測(Inferences)等實用閱讀技巧,引導讀者聚焦關鍵文意,學會根據細節找出文章主旨,以及根據關鍵字判斷上下句關係、句子的主觀或客觀性等。字彙學習(Word Study)含認識同、反義字(Synonyms & Antonyms)、從上下文推測意思(Words in Context),幫助讀者舉一反三高效率增進字彙力,奠定聽力與寫作基礎,同時學會在遇到不確定單字字義的狀況下,仍從單字的上下文推敲文意,並正確作答。學習策略(Study Strategies)教導讀者看懂影像圖表(Visual Materials)、參考資料(Reference Sources),學會從表格、折線圖、長條圖、
定價:390 元, 優惠價:9 351
Ruffles and the New Green Thing *附音檔QRcode*
作者:David Melling  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/08/04 裝訂:有聲書
Ruff! Ruff! Meet Ruffles, the playful puppy who faces all the tricksy troubles of preschool life in this brightly coloured new picture book series.There’s a new green thing in Ruffles’ bowl and he does NOT like it. Not. One. Little. Bit.But look! Ralph has come to play. Ruffles REALLY loves Ralph. Ralph always finds the best sticks, jumps the highest fences and digs the deepest holes.So, when Ralph spots the new green thing and happily takes a BIG bite, well . . . Ruffles soon decides that broccoli can’t be so bad, after all. In fact, it’s DELICIOUS!Lovable and funny, Ruffles is a typical toddler in doggy form – sometimes he laughs, sometimes he sulks, but with a little bit of help and understanding, he always gets there in the end.Dog-lovers won’t be able to resist the adorable Ruffles in this new series from the creator of Hugless Douglas which has sold over 2 million copies worldwide.Other titles in the series include: Ruffles and the Red, Red Coat and Ruffles and the Teeny, Tiny Ki
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
The Oak Tree (Key Stage 1/Red - Band 2B/Non-Fiction)
出版社:Collins Learning  裝訂:平裝
A non-fiction, photographic picture book about the different parts of an oak tree and the creatures that live in its roots, trunk, bark, branches and leaves. The photographs and life-like illustration
定價:261 元, 優惠價:9 235
Leaders Who Lust:Power, Money, Sex, Success, Legitimacy, Legacy
作者:Barbara Kellerman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/09/30 裝訂:精裝
Among our greatest leaders are those driven by impulses they cannot completely control - by lust. Lust is not, however, an abstraction, it has definition. Definition that, given the impact of leaders who lust, is essential to extract. This book identifies six types of lust with which leaders are linked: 1. Power: the ceaseless craving to control. 2. Money: the limitless desire to accrue great wealth. 3. Sex: the constant hunt for sexual gratification. 4. Success: the unstoppable need to achieve. 5. Legitimacy: the tireless claim to identity and equity. 6. Legacy: the endless quest to leave a permanent imprint. Each of the core chapters focuses on different lusts and features a cast of characters who bring lust to life. In the real world leaders who lust can and often do have an enduring impact. This book therefore is counterintuitive - it focuses not on moderation, but on immoderation.
定價:1619 元, 優惠價:9 1457
Artificial Intelligence and Social Work
作者:Milind Tambe  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/02/11 裝訂:平裝
This book marries social work and artificial intelligence to provide an introductory guide for using AI for social good. Following an introductory chapter laying out approaches and ethical principles of using AI for social work interventions, the book describes in detail an intervention to increase the spread of HIV information by using algorithms to determine the key individuals in a social network of homeless youth. Other chapters present interdisciplinary collaborations between AI and social work students, including a chatbot for sexual health information and algorithms to determine who is at higher stress among persons with Type 2 Diabetes. For students, academic researchers, industry leaders, and practitioners, these real-life examples from the USC Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society demonstrate how social work and artificial intelligence can be used in tandem for the greater good.
定價:1799 元, 優惠價:9 1619
Strategies for Rapid Climate Mitigation ─ Wartime Mobilisation As a Model for Action?
作者:Delina; Laurence  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2016/06/15 裝訂:精裝
To keep the global average temperature from rising further than 2°C, emissions must peak soon and then fall steeply.This book examines how such rapid mitigation can proceed – in the scale and speed re
COVID-19:From Bench to Bedside
作者:Barh; Debmalya (UFMG; Brazil.); Lundstrom; Kenneth (PanTherapeutics; Switzerland)  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2021/12/23 裝訂:平裝
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world in an unprecedented way and this book provides an overview of the historical facts as well as ongoing approaches to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts of the respective domains provide details on anti-SARS-COV-2 drug strategies, including repurposing drugs used for other indications and development of novel drugs looking at different approaches to target virus entry and replication. COVID-19 vaccine development based on inactivated and attenuated live virus, protein subunit and peptide-based vaccines and utilization of vaccine candidates based on viral vectors, DNA and RNA are presented for both preclinical studies and clinical trials.Key Features* Explains the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, the current progress in the development of treatments and prevention of COVID-19 including future aspects of dealing with pandemics. * Serves as a timely repository of knowledge on COVID-19 for researchers and medical professionals engage
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras
作者:Markus Linckelmann  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/06/19 裝訂:平裝
This is a comprehensive introduction to the modular representation theory of finite groups, with an emphasis on block theory. The two volumes take into account classical results and concepts as well as some of the modern developments in the area. Volume 1 introduces the broader context, starting with general properties of finite group algebras over commutative rings, moving on to some basics in character theory and the structure theory of algebras over complete discrete valuation rings. In Volume 2, blocks of finite group algebras over complete p-local rings take centre stage, and many key results which have not appeared in a book before are treated in detail. In order to illustrate the wide range of techniques in block theory, the book concludes with chapters classifying the source algebras of blocks with cyclic and Klein four defect groups, and relating these classifications to the open conjectures that drive block theory.
Innovations in Hospice Architecture, 2nd Edition
作者:Stephen Verderber; Ben J. Refuerzo  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2019/12/13 裝訂:精裝
This fully revised, new edition of Innovations in Hospice Architecture responds to the need for an up-to-date, theoretically based reference book summarizing key historical and recent developments wit
The Prudential Carve-out for Financial Services ― Rationale and Practice in the Gats and Preferential Trade Agreements
作者:Carlo Maria Cantore  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/06/30 裝訂:精裝
The World Trade Organization's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) sets out a framework and rules for the liberalization of international trade in services. Paragraph 2(a) of the GATS Annex on Financial Services is generally known as the Prudential Carve-Out (PCO). Notwithstanding GATS obligations, it allows WTO Members to pursue prudential regulatory objectives. This book studies the GATS PCO in light of its negotiating history and economic rationale as well as PCOs in all preferential trade agreements notified to the WTO Secretariat up to the summer of 2017. The author clarifies the state of play of international cooperation on financial services regulation; provides a current understanding of the GATS PCO; analyses how PCOs are drafted in preferential trade agreements and, finally, he seeks to understand whether alternative approaches to the mainstream understanding of the PCO are possible and suggests options for reform.
The Leisure Commons ─ A Spatial History of Web 2.0
作者:Payal Arora  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2014/05/12 裝訂:精裝
Positing social networking sites as virtual leisure spaces, this book argues that the properties of these sites are by no means novel, but are rooted in historical, economic, social, and cultural spac
Health Policy and the Public Interest
作者:Lok-sang Ho  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2012/03/30 裝訂:精裝
This book is written with an acute awareness of the need for new insight to ensure (1) universal protection in basic healthcare; (2) providing choice; (3) efficient production and consumption of healt
Membrane Technology for Co2 Sequestration
作者:Zeinab Abbas Jawad  出版社:CRC Pr I Llc  出版日:2018/11/26 裝訂:精裝
Membrane Technology for CO2 Sequestration discusses the key aspects of membrane gas separation, which has attracted the attention of both engineers and researchers in recent years. This book is a com
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