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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:伊恩‧布魯瑪  出版社:紅桌文化  出版日:2021/09/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:550 元, 優惠價:79 434
作者:瑪莉蓮‧亞隆  出版社:貓頭鷹  出版日:2022/03/10 裝訂:平裝
我寫下來,因為我們是最後的見證人。 ◎女性主義史學經典《乳房的歷史》作者瑪莉蓮.亞隆最後傳世作品◎美國亞馬遜書店 ★★★★★ 五顆星感動好評 在生命結束時,你會回想到什麼? 本書是知名女性主義歷史學家瑪莉蓮.亞隆,因為意識到自己將是二戰最後的見證人,而與五位友人一起留下的童年戰爭經驗書寫。這群八旬老人所寫下的並不是血肉橫飛的戰役,而是自己曾經如何以兒童的身分參與這場大人的戰爭,進而不可避免地被戰爭的經驗影響了日後的人生。 透過兒童視角凝視戰爭的多種面向 書中的主角們出身於不同國家,但童年都在二戰時期度過。身為兒童,他們對經驗有別於一般回憶錄描寫的戰場記憶。有人在非戰場的美國過著還算安穩的生活,有人卻身在法國淪陷區目睹血腥的屠殺;有人在德國直接遭遇種族主義的迫害,有人則是納粹家庭的小孩,懵懂地旁觀親人犯下違反人權的罪行。多樣的童年記憶最終匯流,呈現了二戰複雜的面貌。 由身體書寫邁向生命書寫的深刻旅程 身為歷史學家與女性,亞隆的作品以性別關係為主軸,帶出許多人類社會中存而不論的權力結構。在本書中,她將關懷轉往與自身息息相關的童年戰爭經驗,透過個人的文字與口說回憶,令每個人的故事成為二戰的微觀歷史。此外,作者以童年為題,也因為兒童往往是戰爭場面最佳的見證者。他們的天真,卻給如今依舊充斥暴力與失落的我們一絲希望。 國際好評 歷史與記憶有如華爾滋般共舞,雙方拉近、又分開。瑪莉蓮.亞隆展現了她的天分,以孩童的天真去透析其記憶中的故事。她精彩地帶領我們進入這段非常時期中普通孩童的生命。──海瑟‧莫里斯(奧斯維辛回憶錄《刺青師的美麗人生》作者) 在本書中,他們回想戰爭中的童年,其記憶的清晰度令人心碎。 重要的是,我們能聽到他們如何從這種創傷中倖存下來,並且持續活出具有創造力的生命。──湯亭亭(《女戰士:鬼魂中的少女回憶》作者) 作者們將是最後一批經歷過二戰的人類。這些故事無一例外,感人地為這個二十世紀最具災難性的事件提供了深刻的視角。 ── 大衛.甘迺迪(《免於恐懼的自由:經濟大蕭條與暫時的美國人1929-1945》作者) 這不僅是亞隆另一項饒富意義的歷史和文學成就,也是一本美麗而令人難以忘懷的書。──亞歷珊卓.扎普魯德(《撈回的書頁:大屠殺時期的年輕作家日記》作者) 他們的故事就像一面鏡子,我們必須在其中
定價:485 元, 優惠價:9 437
Nuke: Memories Of A Nuclear Weapons Technician
作者:John Reese  出版社:Publishamerica Inc  出版日:2008/08/30 裝訂:平裝
In the 1950s the world is shivering from the Cold War. Not just from the increasingly frigid relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, but from the threat of nuclear destruction. The b
定價:998 元, 優惠價:1 998
Carceral Entanglements:Gendered Public Memories of Japanese American World War II Incarceration
作者:Wendi Yamashita  出版社:Temple University Press;U.S.  出版日:2024/06/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:1379 元, 優惠價:95 1310
Carceral Entanglements:Gendered Public Memories of Japanese American World War II Incarceration
作者:Wendi Yamashita  出版社:Temple University Press;U.S.  出版日:2024/06/28 裝訂:精裝
Steady As She Goes: The poignant war time memories of a WWII Navy 'medic'
作者:Emmaline Severn  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/05/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:245 元, 優惠價:1 245
Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment #2)
作者:Rebecca Ross  出版社:Wednesday Books  出版日:2023/12/26 裝訂:精裝
The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals. Two weeks have passed since Iris Winnow returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over. Roman is missing, and the city of Oath continues to dwell in a state of disbelief and ignorance. When Iris and Attie are given another chance to report on Dacre's movements, they both take the opportunity and head westward once more despite the danger, knowing it's only a matter of time before the conflict reaches a city that's unprepared and fracturing beneath the chancellor's reign. Since waking below in Dacre's realm, Roman cannot remember his past. But given the reassurance that his memories will return in time, Roman begins to write articles for Dacre, uncertain of his place in the greater scheme of the war. When a strange letter arrives by wardrobe door, Roman is first suspicious, then intrigued. As he strikes up a correspondence with his mysterious pen
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
Making National Heroes:The Exemplarist Production of Masculinities in Contemporary China
作者:Jacqueline Zhenru Lin  出版社:香港大學出版社  出版日:2023/12/15 裝訂:精裝
Making National Heroes is an ethnography of the making of national heroes in the commemoration of the Second World War in contemporary China. Foregrounding the lived experience of men and women who participate in commemorative activities, it theorises how masculinity and nationalism entangle in recollecting war memories. Taking the feminist line of inquiry, this anthropological study develops an approach to capture the centrality of making exemplars in the realisation of hegemonic masculinities. It adds a gender perspective to studies on exemplarist moral theory and theorises exemplary men’s cross-cultural significance in defining masculinities. Researchers in the fields of critical masculinity studies, anthropology, feminist methodology, China studies, and memory studies will be interested in this book.
定價:2030 元, 優惠價:79 1604
Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies:Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2022
作者:Maddie Mortimer  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/03/30 裝訂:平裝
2022 NomineeDesmond Elliott PrizeThe Goldsmiths PrizeLonglisted for the Booker PrizeWinner of the Desmond Elliott PrizeShortlisted for the Goldsmiths PrizeLonglisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize‘Original, memorable, shimmering’ - Sarah MossLia has only one child, Iris; her magical, awkward, endlessly creative daughter who has just entered the battleground of her teenage years. Lia and Iris have always been close, but there is a war playing out inside Lia’s body, too, and everything is about to change. As she confronts what might be the end, memories of her own childhood and a passionate love affair come rushing into her present, unearthing buried secrets and her family’s deepest fears. But Lia hopes: for more time, for more love, for more Iris.Dancing between voices within Lia’s body and without, flitting back and forth in time, this sweeping, dazzling story of a life and what it is to let go marks the arrival of an extraordinary novelist.'Restlessly inventive . . . delicate and persuasi
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Black Wings Beating
作者:Alex London  出版社:Square Fish  出版日:2019/09/03 裝訂:平裝
In this first young-adult fantasy novel in a trilogy, Alex London launches a soaring saga about the memories that haunt us, the histories that hunt us, and the bonds of blood between us. The people of Uztar have long looked to the sky with hope and wonder. Nothing in their world is more revered than the birds of prey and no one more honored than the falconers who call them to their fists. Brysen strives to be a great falconer—while his twin sister, Kylee, rejects her ancient gifts for the sport and wishes to be free of falconry. She’s nearly made it out, too, but a war is rolling toward their home in the Six Villages, and no bird or falconer will be safe.Together the twins must journey into the treacherous mountains to trap the Ghost Eagle, the greatest of the Uztari birds and a solitary killer. Brysen goes for the boy he loves and the glory he's long craved, and Kylee to atone for her past and to protect her brother's future. But both are hunted by those who seek one thing: power.Prai
定價:630 元, 優惠價:66 415
Still Life
作者:Sarah Winman  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/02/03 裝訂:平裝
From the author of When God was a Rabbit and Tin Man, Still Life is a big-hearted story of the families we forge and the friendships that make us.1944, Italy. As bombs fall around them, two strangers meet in the ruined wine cellar of a Tuscan villa and share an extraordinary evening.Ulysses Temper is a young British soldier, Evelyn Skinner a 64-year-old art historian living life on her own terms. She has come to salvage paintings from the wreckage of war and relive memories of her youth when her heart was stolen by an Italian maid in a particular room with a view. Ulysses’ chance encounter with Evelyn will transform his life – and all those who love him back home in London – forever.Uplifting, sweeping and full of unforgettable characters, Still Life is a novel about beauty, love, family and friendship.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 411
Memories of War—Visiting Battlegrounds and Bonefields in the Early American Republic
作者:Thomas A. Chambers  出版社:Cornell Univ Pr  出版日:2012/10/16 裝訂:精裝
"Charts the development of the public memory and historical understanding of the wars of the colonial and early national periods through the practice of battlefield tourism in the early American repub
定價:1348 元, 優惠價:1 1348
Out of the Mist, Memories of War
作者:Michael D. Mullins  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2011/09/12 裝訂:精裝
定價:1223 元, 優惠價:1 1223
Out of the Mist, Memories of War
作者:Michael D. Mullins  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2011/09/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:873 元, 優惠價:1 873
War Memories—The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in Modern European Culture
作者:Alan Forrest (EDT); Etienne Francois (EDT); Karen Hagemann (EDT)  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2012/04/15 裝訂:精裝
The memory of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars was so powerful across Europe because they constituted a crucial turning point in European history. The military expansion of France ensured that sc
War Memories, Monuments and Media—Representations of Conflicts and Creation of Histories of World War II
作者:Tito Genova Valiente (EDT); Hiroko Nagai (EDT)  出版社:Univ of Hawaii Pr  出版日:2012/07/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:1225 元, 優惠價:1 1225
An Album of Memories
作者:Tom Brokaw  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2001/05/01 裝訂:精裝
A seventeen-year-old who enlisted in the army in 1941 writes to describe the Bataan Death March. Other members of the greatest generation describe their war — in such historic episodes as Guadalcanal,
定價:1048 元, 優惠價:79 828
Unburied Memories ─ The Politics of Bodies of Sacred Defense Martyrs in Iran
作者:Pedram Khosronejad (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/08/16 裝訂:精裝
Today, almost a generation has passed since the Iran–Iraq war and the memory of it is set to diminish with each passing generation. The following questions emerge. Can we say that the gradual disappea
Thanks for the Memories—Love, Sex, and World War II
作者:Jane Mersky Leder  出版社:Potomac Books Inc  出版日:2009/07/31 裝訂:平裝
The collective consciousness of World War II revolved around the virtues of bravery, sacrifice, and commitment. Members of the Greatest Generation” toed political and social lines in hopes of winning
定價:698 元, 優惠價:1 698
Captured Memories 1900-1918
作者:Peter Liddle  出版社:Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc  出版日:2011/01/19 裝訂:精裝
Peter Liddle was a pioneer in the recording of memories of personal experience in the First World War and in the social background of those who lived through those years. Later he moved into the reco
定價:1750 元, 優惠價:1 1750
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