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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Longest Storm (精裝本)(NYT Best Children's Books of 2021)
作者:Dan Yaccarino  出版社:Minedition  出版日:2021/08/31 裝訂:精裝
NYT Best Children's Books of 2021From New York Times Best Illustrated award winner Dan Yaccarino comes a heartwarming family story that will resonate for children who've experienced the Covid-19 quarantine -- or other kinds of loss -- featuring a dad and three children who rebuild their fraying bonds after being confined to their home together.No one knew where the strange storm came from, or why it lasted so long. The family at the center of this timely story has to hunker down together, with no going outside - and that's hard when there's absolutely nothing to do, and everyone's getting on everyone else's nerves. One night, when the storm takes a scary turn that leaves them all in the dark, the fractured family finds a way to reconnect and face whatever the future brings, together. This classic in the making will lift hearts with its optimistic vision of a family figuring out how to love and support one another -- even when their everyday world is shrunk beyond recognition.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Blips on a Screen:How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession
作者:Kate Hannigan; Zachariah Ohora  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/04/19 裝訂:精裝
An engaging picture book biography based on the incredible true story of a Jewish refugee who pioneered home video games and launched a worldwide obsession. Do you ever wonder how video gaming was invented? What came before your PlayStation or Xbox? This is the story of Ralph Baer, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who used his skills―and a lot of ingenuity and persistence―to make life a little more fun. Television was new when Ralph returned from serving in World War II, but he didn’t settle for watching TV. He knew it could be even more fun if you could play with it. He tinkered and tested, got help and rejected, but with perseverance and skill, he made his vision come true! This is the inspiring story of a fearless inventor who made TV video games a reality.
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
作者:Junot Diaz  出版社:Riverhead Books  出版日:2008/09/02 裝訂:平裝
The most talked aboutA-and praisedA-first novel of 2007, and winner of the Pulitzer Prize.Oscar is a sweet but disastrously overweight ghetto nerd whoA-from the New Jersey home he shares with his old world mother and rebellious sisterA- dreams of becoming the Dominican J.R.R. Tolkien and, most of all, finding love. But Oscar may never get what he wants. Blame the fukA§A-a curse that has haunted OscarA's family for generations, following them on their epic journey from Santo Domingo to the USA. Encapsulating Dominican-American history, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao opens our eyes to an astonishing vision of the contemporary American experience and explores the endless human capacity to persevereA-and risk it allA-in the name of love.
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 497
The Tree of Life ─ A Book Depicting the Life of Charles Darwin : Naturalist, Geologist & Thinker (精裝本)
作者:Peter Sis  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2003/10/01 裝訂:精裝
In this brilliant presentation of a revolutionary thinker's life, the picture book becomes an art formAs far as I can judge, I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men . . . Charles Darwin was, above all else, an independent thinker who continues even now to influence the way we look at the natural world. His endless curiosity and passion for detail resulted in a wealth of notebooks, diaries, correspondence, and published writings that Peter S!s transforms into a visual treasure trove. A multilayered journey through Darwin’s world, The Tree of Life begins with his childhood and traces the arc of his life through university and career, following him around the globe on the voyage of the Beagle, and home to a quiet but momentous life devoted to science and family. S!s uses his own singular vision to create a gloriously detailed panorama of a genius’s trajectory through investigating and understanding the mysteries of nature. In pictures executed in fine pen and ink and lush wat
定價:875 元, 優惠價:79 691
Mia Mayhem Gets X-ray Specs (Mia Mayhem #7)
作者:Kara West; Leeza Hernandez (ILT)  出版社:Little Simon  出版日:2020/04/21 裝訂:平裝
Mia gets new glasses with x-ray vision in this seventh adventure of the Mia Mayhem chapter book series!Mia Mayhem is learning to control her x-ray vision! She can’t wait to see through walls and crack
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 193
作者:宇琦; 魯直  出版社:新視野New Vision  出版日:2023/01/11 裝訂:平裝
現代人越來越重視養生之道,養生已經不再是專屬於老人的事情了,更多的年輕一族也加入到這行列中來。修煉氣功、研究食療、宗教信仰 ……都是靠著養生之風而風靡。那麼你,為了健康,為了長壽,為了下一代,選擇了哪一種方法來修身養性呢? 俗話說:「一夜好睡,精神百倍;徹夜難睡,渾身疲憊。」為什麼人們會如此看重睡覺這件事,甚至認為睡覺也是一種大補?把睡覺也當成一種傳統的養生之道,睡覺為什麼如此重要? 早在老子的養生方法中「睡眠」就被重視了,即老子所講到的「一陰一陽謂之道」,意思是說晚間睡覺是休養生息,養精蓄銳;白天工作學習則是釋放能量。如此一張一弛,才能得到陰陽調和。 睡眠是健康的加油站,保持良好的睡眠可以保證身體各個環節各項功能的健康。睡眠可以消除疲勞,幫助身體生長,改善人體酸鹼度的平衡度。好的睡眠,能幫助人體達到治癒百病的功效。 為什麼我們感到身體狀態不佳的時候,好好地睡一覺就感覺神清氣爽,引起睡眠的特殊物質,實驗證明,這種叫SPU的睡眠物質既能促進睡眠,又能提高身體免疫力,有利於治療百病。 睡覺時,身體自身就會做氣血的調和,疏通各個經絡,所以人在醒來時會感覺到氣血順暢。睡覺對健康的恢復極其重要,能最快速地消除工作疲勞,緩解精神壓力,恢復體能。在睡眠中,人體自身的調理讓酸鹼度趨於平衡,不僅讓身體得到休息,還能預防急性病的發生。我們都有這樣的感受:比如正在沉睡之時,被人強行叫醒之後,無法保持意識清晰,往往頭昏腦脹或四肢無力,這就是因為在睡眠中進行的氣血調和被打亂,這種生理現象對疾病的防禦和治療都沒有好處。 現在醫學認為,在患者睡眠時,即使已經超過了正常的睡眠時間,也不應該強行叫醒病人。醫生認為,只要呼吸均勻,面色正常,就應該讓患者睡到「自然醒」。無論是從西醫還是傳統的中醫角度去看,都一致認為睡覺對於人體特別是患者極其重要。中醫記載有嚴重病患服藥後睡了三天三夜,醒來後疾病完全消除,恢復健康的紀錄,故對病患睡覺的處理是極其重要的。今日許多人不明此理,更怕病患一覺不醒而叫醒病患,對病患健康的恢復實在是一大傷害。 我們在安然入睡之時,人體的細胞分裂是最為積極的時刻。如果睡眠不好,人體就很難控制住細胞的分裂過程,很有可能發生突變而成為癌細胞。睡眠不僅對人身常見疾病有著預防和治療的效果,保證睡眠也是預防癌症的重要措施。 另一方面,健康人群都有著正常充足的睡眠,而睡眠過短,夜生活頻繁的人群,則
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
作者:健康人生研究會  出版社:新視野New Vision  出版日:2023/05/15 裝訂:平裝
在偉大的科學時代下,人類的生活愈漸豐富,但另一面,空氣受到污染、水受到污染,自然環境正日漸荒廢中。不單僅是清淨的大自然被污染,就連人類的心靈也受到污染。這個事實從不論醫學如何進步,種種現代病依然不斷增加的現象來看也可以理解。種種的公害不單危害人類,就連其他生物也受到波及。 現代的醫學因為是以西方的醫學為基礎而進行研發的,所以它忘記了一件很重要的事。那就是在東方已有三千年歷史的丹田呼吸。 丹田呼吸能夠讓心靈以及身體澄淨。藉由丹田呼吸的冥想,會加深人類對自然界的想法,並指示在自然界生活的人類一個進步的方向。 要擁有和諧的人際關係,想要永保健壯的身體、安適的心靈,這個丹田呼吸具有著偉大的力量。 人生是一趟單程的旅行。因為這趟旅行只有去程沒有回程,所以我們會盡力地讓這趟旅行內容豐富。 一路有疾病相伴的生命之旅,不太會是一趟值得感激的旅行。因為它讓自己痛苦,也為他人帶來因擾。一個人縱使在經濟方面沒有過分地餘裕,只要他身體健康,要擁有內容豐富的生活也不是不可能的事。 對一個人生命之火的延續而言,呼吸和食物是必要而且不可或缺的東西。這兩樣就如同是鳥的雙翼、車子的雙輪一般,任一個都是十分重要的。這其中,人一天要攝取食物數次,呼吸不論晝夜也不停止,終其一生不允許有任何地中斷。然而儘管如此,還是有很多的人出人意外地對呼吸漠不關心。 在人的一生中,大部分的時間都是在無意識的情況下反覆呼吸的動作。相對於這種無意識的呼吸,也有另一種運用到意識的呼吸,如果人們了解到人生的旅程,會因為對這二種呼吸法之選擇的不同,而走向光明或是黑暗的話,就不會對呼吸如此馬虎了。 既是大哲學家亦是大宗教家的釋迦牟尼佛,是一個體認到運用意志的呼吸對人生而言何等重要的人。釋迦牟尼佛在成道後,每日徹底實行的呼吸法,就是被稱為吐納法的特殊呼吸法。這是在吸氣呼氣中投入心志的呼吸法,就是意識呼吸法。 這個呼吸法在最初的時候是要使用大腦的特殊呼吸法,但是隨著日經月累的修鍊,在不知不覺中就會變得不去注意也能做到。廣說大安般守意經有云,這個特殊的呼吸法可以整頓調節心靈和身體,可以為人帶來經常身心如一的生活,而且還可以讓人體驗到與自然共存的人生。 得道後的釋迦牟尼佛在此之後四十幾年間的生涯中沒有任何病痛,傾全力於佈道、傳教的活動中,他超越眾多苦難、忍受長年之傳教生活,一直到最後一刻的毅力,教化眾人的精神力量以及其傳教內容的豐富多樣,都
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:魯迅  出版社:新視野New Vision  出版日:2023/07/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
Sensation and Perception (Asia edition)
作者:E. Bruce Goldstein; Laura Cacciamani  出版社:Cengage Learning  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Time-tested features from previous editions -- including "Demonstrations" illustrating principles in action, "Methods" sections and "Developmental Dimension" segments -- have been updated and carried over into the 11th edition.The Exploration feature in MindTap -- the digital learning experience available with the text -- enables students to view experimental stimuli, perceptual demonstrations and short film clips about the research discussed in the text. These features have been thoroughly updated, and new items have been added to the labs carried over from the previous edition. Most of the items have been generously provided by researchers in vision, hearing and perceptual development.Reflecting the latest developments from the field, the 11th edition has been updated throughout with discussions of cutting-edge research. Especially noteworthy are a revised and more "student friendly" Chapter 1: Introduction to Perception and an expanded treatment of basic auditory mechanisms and musi
定價:1630 元, 優惠價:1 1630
Linda Evangelista Photographed by Steven Meisel
作者:Linda Evangelista; William Norwich  出版社:Phaidon Press Ltd  出版日:2023/09/13 裝訂:精裝
As featured in Vogue, WSJ. Magazine, New Yorker, New York Times Styles, Town & Country, People, and D la República A stunning tribute to one of fashion’s most iconic and enduring collaborations Evident from their first photoshoot in 1987, legendary photographer Steven Meisel’s images of Linda Evangelista, one of the original 'supermodels' of the 1980s, are the result of a remarkable creative symbiosis between photographer and muse. Featuring more than 180 images shot over the course of twenty-five years, this long-awaited book chronicles Meisel’s constantly evolving vision of Evangelista, pictured in a vast range of imaginative narrative contexts.Art directed by Jason Duzansky, the book includes an introduction by fashion editor William Norwich, which tells the story of their friendship and situates it in the wider context of the fashion industry. With gorgeous reproductions and packaged in a luxurious cloth case, this extraordinary title is Meisel’s first retrospective monograph.
定價:6000 元, 優惠價:79 4740
The Baby-Changing Station
作者:Rhett Miller; Dan Santat  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2022/08/02 裝訂:精裝
奇妙的寶貝交換站帶來大好機會,把愛哭又煩人的弟弟與帥氣的吉他交換,你會如何選擇?交換,你又是爸媽唯一的寵兒;不交換,也許未來你們會開心地組起樂團。凱迪克得獎繪者幽默描繪令人又愛又恨的手足之情。Acclaimed singer-songwriter Rhett Miller teams up again with Caldecott Medalist and bestselling artist Dan Santat in a laugh-out-loud rhyming story about an older sibling who gets an opportunity to trade his younger brother for cool stuff when he finds a magical baby changing station. Before Joe rolled in / I was the ten-year-old King / of all I surveyed / Now that he's here / It's perfectly clear / That I / am in the way. James is NOT a fan of his new little brother, Joe. His parents adore Joe and don't have time for James anymore. What is an older sibling supposed to do?! When James stumbles upon a baby-changing station that can exchange younger siblings for much more exciting things, he is faced with endless options. Should he choose the night-vision googles, a cool chemistry set, a guitar, or keep his baby brother? James is put through the ultimate test until he realizes that being a big
定價:630 元, 優惠價:79 497
Heavenly Heavenly Masters:Two Thousand Years of the Daoist State
作者:Vincent Goossaert  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2021/09/01 裝訂:精裝
The origins of modern Daoism can be traced to the Church of the Heavenly Master (Tianshidao), reputedly established by the formidable Zhang Daoling. In 142 CE, according to Daoist tradition, Zhang was visited by the Lord on High, who named him his vicar on Earth with the title Heavenly Master. The dispensation articulated an eschatological vision of saving initiates—the pure, those destined to become immortals— by enforcing a strict moral code. Under evolving forms, Tianshidao has remained central to Chinese society, and Daoist priests have upheld their spiritual allegiance to Zhang, their now divinized founder. This book tells the story of the longue durée evolution of the Heavenly Master leadership and institution. Later hagiography credits Zhang Daoling’s great-grandson, putatively the fourth Heavenly Master, with settling the family at Longhushan (Dragon and Tiger Mountain); in time his d
定價:2220 元, 優惠價:79 1753
Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
作者:Henry Mintzberg  出版社:Free Pr  出版日:2007/08/21 裝訂:平裝
Henry Mintzberg revolutionized our understanding of what managers do in The Nature of Managerial Work, his landmark book. Now in this comprehensive new volume, Mintzberg broadens his vision to explor
定價:978 元, 優惠價:79 772
作者:張明玉  出版社:新視野New Vision  出版日:2023/02/13 裝訂:平裝
最近,百貨公司一定會設置健康食品專櫃,街頭巷尾都充斥著「創造健康」或「創造體力」的說法。現在可說是「疾病膨脹時代」,整個社會充滿了疾病,「健康」已經不再是廉價品了。 翻閱最新的百科全書,想要查其中的「健康」項目,但是其中只有「健康管理」和「健康保險」的項目,而沒有「健康」一項。不只是一般的字典,翻閱六卷長篇巨著《醫學生物學大辭典》,發現關於健康也只有十二行的敘述而已。 有的生物學家說,「健康是沒有自覺到自己生病的病人」;而有的醫學說則說「人為病之器」;人類文學家則說,「人是文化的毒瘤」,似乎有部分的人對於健康感到懷疑,因此即使閱翻醫學書,也沒有詳細探討關於「健康」的敘述。 追溯十八世紀時,人們較常罹患的是哪些疾病,結果調查以後發現有二四○○種。但是到了一九四三年時為三五○○種,到了一九五四年時為七○○○種。由此可知,在自然科學家聚集智慧,發現疾病的同時,「健康」卻日益衰退了。 包括人類在內的所有生物經過無數的變異和淘汰,邁入進化之路,但是其原動力是環境。生物與外界的物理自然環境保持平衡,維持生存。不論在任何時代,人類必須藉著環境的幫助或向環境挑戰,適應環境,才能夠持續進化。 但是現代的變化太迅速了。人類勉強自己去適應自己所製造出來的人為環境,因此現在必須重新考慮「健康」的問題。 度過「時光」是人生,而度過「好時光」才是好的人生。問題在於「時光」(壽命)無法按照我們的意思延續下去。 步行可以調節強度和量,也是可以應付各年齡層的運動,是適合今後時代的運動。 健康真正的意義並非要消滅所有的疾病,而是在所處的環境中沒有任何阻礙,能夠發揮力量的能力。 換言之,健康不只是不罹患疾病的消極水準而已。因此,我們要考慮各種健康法,同時也要認真考慮創造周遭良好環境的手段。
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Darkness Visible
作者:William Golding  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2007/05/15 裝訂:平裝
A reissue of the tour de force by the Nobel laureate that is A"a vision of elemental reality so vivid we seem to hallucinate the scenesA" (The New York Times Book Review). It opens during the London
定價:665 元, 優惠價:79 525
Immense World, An
作者:Ed Yong  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2022/07/12 裝訂:精裝
A grand tour through the hidden realms of animal senses that will transform the way you perceive the world―from the Pulitzer Prize-winning, New York Times bestselling author of I Contain Multitudes.The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. But every animal is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving but a tiny sliver of an immense world. This book welcomes us into a previously unfathomable dimension―the world as it is truly perceived by other animals. We encounter beetles that are drawn to fires, turtles that can track the Earth’s magnetic fields, fish that fill rivers with electrical messages, and humans that wield sonar like bats. We discover that a crocodile’s scaly face is as sensitive as a lover’s fingertips, that the eyes of a giant squid evolved to see sparkling whales, that plants thrum with the inaudible songs of courting bugs, and that even simple scallops have complex vision. We learn wh
定價:700 元, 優惠價:79 553
Snow White & The Huntsman
作者:Lily Blake; Evan Daugherty (CON); John Lee Hancock (CON); Hossein Amini (CON)  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2012/06/05 裝訂:平裝
A breathtaking new vision of a legendary tale. Snow White is the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen who is out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the youn
定價:455 元, 優惠價:79 359
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Illustrated Edition (插畫版)(英國精裝本)
作者:J.K. Rowling  出版社:Bloomsbury Childrens UK  出版日:2019/10/08 裝訂:精裝
《哈利波特與聖杯的考驗》全彩插圖版是兩位才華創作者的結晶!吉姆·凱對J·K·羅琳經典系列的重新詮釋已經吸引了全球無數的讀者,而隨著系列的發展,戲劇性也越來越強烈。吉姆·凱獨特的視角通過150多幅插圖呈現了令人歎為觀止的場景和令人難忘的角色——包括首次登場的塞德里克·迪戈裡、芙蕾爾·德拉科和維克多·克魯姆。 這個全彩插圖版充滿魔力,充滿幽默,將會吸引粉絲和新讀者的注意。現在,哈利已經到了霍格華茲魔法學校的第四年,他發現自己要參加傳奇的三強爭霸賽,並面臨著兇險的任務、龍和黑暗巫師。通過繪畫、鉛筆和圖元製造魔法,這就是我們以前從未見過的魔法世界。 Dragons! Daring! Danger! The first fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an extraordinary creative achievement by two extraordinary talents. Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series has captured a devoted following worldwide, and the drama just gets bigger as the series progresses. With over 150 illustrations, Jim Kay's unique vision delivers breathtaking scenes and unforgettable characters - including fan favourites Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum illustrated by Jim Kay for the first time.Fizzing with magic and brimming with humour, this full-colour edition will captivate fans and new readers alike as Harry, now in his fourth yea
定價:1925 元, 優惠價:79 1520
Practical Opencv
作者:Samarth Brahmbhatt  出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc  出版日:2013/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Practical OpenCV is a hands-on project book that shows you how to get the best results from OpenCV, the open-source computer vision library.Computer vision is key to technologies like object recogniti
定價:2405 元, 優惠價:85 2044
作者:Sharky; Bamtol; DT GoodNote  出版社:高寶國際  出版日:2021/11/24 裝訂:平裝
自由度超高、不佔空間、修改方便,完美符合個人需求的電子手帳!買了iPad後,除了看影片玩遊戲以外找不到別的用途?那就試試用它來寫手帳、紀錄生活、管理行程,展開不受拘束的無紙化生活。為什麼要使用iPad寫手帳: 方便攜帶 容易保管 修改簡單 打造最適合自己的格式 親手做喜歡的貼紙、紙膠帶等裝飾 圖片輕鬆貼入手帳本書從最基本的應用開始,到如何打造自製手帳、製作個人化裝飾貼紙,以及如何上架販售自己的作品,一步步帶著你動作。只要跟著做,就能突破舊有手帳框架,邁入智慧無紙化生活。
定價:500 元, 優惠價:79 395
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