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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Question of Political Community ― Sameness, Logos, Space
作者:Jonna Pettersson  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Intl  出版日:2018/11/16 裝訂:平裝
The Space of Community seeks to divert the thinking of political community from assumptions of calculability, unity, and boundedness by elaborating a notion of sameness that does not presuppose differ
定價:2805 元, 優惠價:1 2805
  • 電子書
作者:黃安明; 晏少峰  出版社:大是文化  出版日:2022/11/01 裝訂:電子書
◎「元宇宙」是全新概念嗎?其實30年前科幻作品《潰雪》已有預言。 ◎元宇宙時代人人都有分身,一個真我、一個假我,哪個我說了算? ◎元宇宙中有金錢交易,但財產被盜怎麼辦?可以在真實世界找對方要嗎? ◎你聽過「造夢者」這職業嗎?以後將取代建築師,幫你在元宇宙蓋自己的家。 什麼是元宇宙(Metaverse)? 就是Meta(超越)+Verse(宇宙)這兩個字的組合。 就是藉由虛擬實境(VR)、擴增實境(AR)等數位技術搭建的虛擬時空, 每個人只要創造出一個分身,就可以跟在現實世界一樣, 在元宇宙盡情的吃喝玩樂、上班工作、創作與交易。 很難想像?那就看看 史蒂芬‧史匹柏執導的電影《一級玩家》, 這部片是不錯的入門知識示範。 本書作者由兩位作者共同執筆, 黃安明是元宇宙(深圳)未來科技集團創始人兼CEO,研究虛擬貨幣多年; 晏少峰是信匯資本創始人兼CEO,專精財務規畫。 兩人結合各自專長,將元宇宙的概念、技術與發展脈絡, 用大白話解析,這三個字將如何改變你的吃喝玩樂,與賺錢模式。 ◎通向元宇宙的技術路徑,有些名詞你得先弄懂: VR、AR、MR,這三個R有什麼不一樣? 虛擬場景要能被看見,AI計算能力不可少, 模擬分身怎麼打造?3D技術太難用,現在改用立體像素方塊。 誰能保障你在虛擬世界的數位資產及交易?區塊鏈是底層的基礎。 ◎哪些企業正在布局,搶占紅利風口? 臉書的第二代虛擬實境頭盔,一年銷量已達到900萬臺, 不只做顯示卡,Nvidia已有辦法打造,你用肉眼也無法辨別的虛擬人類影像。 打造全球90%遊戲3D影像的Unity,蓋出了能完全正常運作的虛擬香港機場。 ◎人人都可參與的掘金時代,你想挖哪一塊? 線上逛街、線上試穿,就算網購也能讓人摸到滿意再買回家。 場地不再是限制,在元宇宙辦演唱會,觀眾不用搶票也能坐搖滾區。 找真人代言產品太貴又怕出包,創造一個虛擬偶像,便宜又聽話。 ◎元宇宙的理想很美好,但有些困境目前還無解: 真實的我和虛擬的我,誰說的話才算數?誰的行為定義我? 帳號被駭怎麼辦?不只是錢,身分可能也會消失! 手機已讓人們如此沉迷,倘若再創造出元宇宙,多少人根本不想回到現實? 什麼技術不能缺?誰目前的進度最誇張?哪些條件現在還差得遠? 最重要的是,我要怎麼成為其中一分子?
定價:380 元, 優惠價:7 266
  • 電子書
作者:冯锐; 赵志靖; 周静  出版社:南京大学出版社有限公司  出版日:2020/12/10 裝訂:電子書
定價:290 元, 優惠價:7 203
The Dilemma of Disintegration: Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan: 1931-1937(電子書)
  • 電子書
作者:丁守中  出版社:華藝學術出版社(AiritiPressInc.)  出版日:2012/06/21 裝訂:電子書
This study attempts to analyze systematically the rationale, evolution, and consequences of Chiang Kai-shek's "unity before resistance" doctrine, which was the basis of Nanking's appeasement policy. The author argues that there were a number of independent variables that influenced Nanking's attitude toward Japan: 1) the internal disintegration of China; 2) factional conflicts within the Kuomintang; 3) ineffective administration; 4) the vicissitudes of nationalism; 5) the material backwardness of China; and 6) international mediation. All of these factors were interrelated. The intervening variables were Chiang Kai-shek's personality, his patterns of political behavior, his way of ruling, and his perception of internal and external crises. By adopting the temporary appeasement policy toward Japan, Chiang hoped to gain enough time to consolidate China and his supreme leadership. But Chiang’s appeasement policy in fact engaged his government in two races - one with Japanese aggression an
定價:380 元, 優惠價:7 266
The Gifts of Kwanzaa
作者:Synthia Saint James  出版社:Albert Whitman & Co  出版日:1994/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Introduces the seven principles of Kwanzaa--unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith--and describes how African Americans ce
The Albanian National Awakening, 1878-1912
作者:Cox  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2016/04/19 裝訂:精裝
Professor Skendi, a native of Albania, traces the progress and setbacks of Albania's long struggle for national unity during this least-known period of its intricate history. He discusses the heritage
作者:日本真工作室  出版社:機械工業出版社  出版日:2024/04/24 裝訂:平裝
定價:774 元, 優惠價:87 673
Still a House Divided ─ Race and Politics in Obama's America
作者:Desmond S. King; Rogers M. Smith  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2013/12/08 裝訂:平裝
Why have American policies failed to reduce the racial inequalities still pervasive throughout the nation? Has President Barack Obama defined new political approaches to race that might spur unity and
定價:1481 元, 優惠價:9 1333
The Future of Law in a Multicultural World
作者:Bozeman  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2015/03/08 裝訂:平裝
Examining the unique cultures of the Islamic Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, Indianized Asia, and China, Adda Bozeman attacks the supposition that world unity can be achieved through the application
定價:2491 元, 優惠價:9 2242
Abelian Varieties With Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions
作者:Goro Shimura  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:1997/12/08 裝訂:精裝
Reciprocity laws of various kinds play a central role in number theory. In the easiest case, one obtains a transparent formulation by means of roots of unity, which are special values of exponential f
Science and Scepticism
作者:Watkins  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2014/07/14 裝訂:平裝
This book contains important technical innovations, including comparative measures for the testable content, depth, and unity of scientific theories.Originally published in 1984.The Princeton Legacy L
定價:3604 元, 優惠價:9 3244
Inheriting Abraham ─ The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
作者:Jon D. Levenson  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2014/10/26 裝訂:平裝
Jews, Christians, and Muslims supposedly share a common religious heritage in the patriarch Abraham, and the idea that he should serve only as a source of unity among the three traditions has become w
定價:988 元, 優惠價:9 889
Givenness and Revelation
作者:Jean-Luc Marion; Stephen E. Lewis (TRN)  出版社:OUP Academic UK  出版日:2016/05/30 裝訂:精裝
Givenness and Revelation represents both the unity and the deep continuity of Jean-Luc Marion's thinking over many decades of thought. The scope of this investigation into the origins and evolution of
定價:2369 元, 優惠價:9 2132
George Wilson's Vision of Early Victorian Science and Technology:Unity in Variety
作者:David F. (University of Texas at Dallas Channell USA)  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2022/10/14 裝訂:精裝
Bushmen ― Kalahari Hunter-gatherers and Their Descendants
作者:Alan Barnard  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/09/30 裝訂:平裝
The hunter-gatherers of southern Africa known as 'Bushmen' or 'San' are not one single ethnic group, but several. They speak a diverse variety of languages, and have many different settlement patterns, kinship systems and economic practices. The fact that we think of them as a unity is not as strange as it may seem, for they share a common origin: they are an original hunter-gatherer population of southern Africa with a history of many thousands of years on the subcontinent. Drawing on his four decades of field research in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, Alan Barnard provides a detailed account of Bushmen or San, covering ethnography, archaeology, folklore, religious studies and rock-art studies as well as several other fields. Its wide coverage includes social development and politics, both historically and in the present day, helping us to reconstruct both human prehistory and a better understanding of ourselves.
定價:1619 元, 優惠價:9 1457
Islam Beyond Borders ― The Umma in World Politics
作者:James Piscatori  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Assuming a central place in Muslim life, the Qur'an speaks of one community of the faith, the umma. This unity of the faithful is recognised as the default aspiration of the believer, and in the modern era, intellectuals and political leaders have often vied both to define, and to lead it. Based on case studies of actors such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS, James Piscatori and Amin Saikal consider how some appeals to pan-Islam prove useful, yet other attempts at cross-border institutionalisation including the Sunni Caliphate or the modern Shi'i-inspired Islamic Revolution, founder on political self-interest and sectarian affiliations. Accompanied by a range of scriptural references to examine different interpretations of the umma, Piscatori and Saikal explore why, despite it meaning such widely different things, and its failure to be realised as a concrete project, neither the umma's popular symbolic appeal nor its influence on a politics of identity has diminished.
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403
Islam Beyond Borders ― The Umma in World Politics
作者:James Piscatori  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/11/30 裝訂:精裝
Assuming a central place in Muslim life, the Qur'an speaks of one community of the faith, the umma. This unity of the faithful is recognised as the default aspiration of the believer, and in the modern era, intellectuals and political leaders have often vied both to define, and to lead it. Based on case studies of actors such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS, James Piscatori and Amin Saikal consider how some appeals to pan-Islam prove useful, yet other attempts at cross-border institutionalisation including the Sunni Caliphate or the modern Shi'i-inspired Islamic Revolution, founder on political self-interest and sectarian affiliations. Accompanied by a range of scriptural references to examine different interpretations of the umma, Piscatori and Saikal explore why, despite it meaning such widely different things, and its failure to be realised as a concrete project, neither the umma's popular symbolic appeal nor its influence on a politics of identity has diminished.
作者:Craig S. Keener  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/03/31 裝訂:平裝
As the earliest narrative source for the origins of Christianity, Acts is of unrivalled importance for understanding early Christianity and the mission that originally brought it from Judea and Galilee to gentiles, and even the heart of the Roman Empire. This volume is an abridged version of Keener's monumental, four-volume commentary on Acts, the longest and one of the most thorough engagements with Acts in its ancient setting. Sensitive to the work's narrative unity, Keener's commentary is especially known for its direct engagement with the wide range of ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman sources. The original commentary cited some 45,000 references from ancient extrabiblical sources to shed light on the Book of Acts. This accessible edition, aimed at students, scholars, and pastors, makes more widely available the decades of research that Keener has devoted to one of the key texts of Early Christianity.
定價:2279 元, 優惠價:9 2051
作者:Craig S. Keener  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/03/31 裝訂:精裝
As the earliest narrative source for the origins of Christianity, Acts is of unrivalled importance for understanding early Christianity and the mission that originally brought it from Judea and Galilee to gentiles, and even the heart of the Roman Empire. This volume is an abridged version of Keener's monumental, four-volume commentary on Acts, the longest and one of the most thorough engagements with Acts in its ancient setting. Sensitive to the work's narrative unity, Keener's commentary is especially known for its direct engagement with the wide range of ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman sources. The original commentary cited some 45,000 references from ancient extrabiblical sources to shed light on the Book of Acts. This accessible edition, aimed at students, scholars, and pastors, makes more widely available the decades of research that Keener has devoted to one of the key texts of Early Christianity.
The Monstrous New Art ― Divided Forms in the Late Medieval Motet
作者:Anna Zayaruznaya  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/04/26 裝訂:平裝
Late medieval motet texts are brimming with chimeras, centaurs and other strange creatures. In The Monstrous New Art, Anna Zayaruznaya explores the musical ramifications of this menagerie in the works of composers Guillaume de Machaut, Philippe de Vitry, and their contemporaries. Aligning the larger forms of motets with the broad sacred and secular themes of their texts, Zayaruznaya shows how monstrous or hybrid exempla are musically sculpted by rhythmic and textural means. These divisive musical procedures point to the contradictory aspects not only of explicitly monstrous bodies, but of such apparently unified entities as the body politic, the courtly lady, and the Holy Trinity. Zayaruznaya casts a new light on medieval modes of musical representation, with profound implications for broader disciplinary narratives about the history of text-music relations, the emergence of musical unity, and the ontology of the musical work.
定價:1499 元, 優惠價:9 1349
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