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★ 要訣1【透過『電影』、『名人故事』建立超強的論點】
【Part 1獨立題型篇】常見的媒體、教育、環境與人生觀4大類型題目。
【Part 2整合題型篇】必考的美國教育、歷史、文學、西洋藝術與科學,5大分類學術主題。

◎ 了解電影或名人故事與題目間的關連,以及延伸高分範文應用(中英對照):
1. 【先看題目、劇情簡述與重點句型】以電影《阿凡達》(Avatar) 為例,先著手熟悉此電影與下列環境類題目的關連,並聚焦重點句型……
 題目搶先看:
 “The world is losing lots of natural resources. Choose one resource that .......
 「這個世界正在失去許多自然資源。選擇一項正在.......

 劇情簡述以及重點句放大鏡:
 Worse yet, uprooting the indigenous peoples from .......

2. 【由高分範文搶先看】加強電影與論點的連結,達成一看到環境類的題目,即能用上高分範文的效果!
 當熱帶雨林迫切需要保育時,該如何提出具體理由,以支持保育的理由?
 Moreover, the destruction of tropical rainforests is as threatening as the annihilation of species in the movie, Avatar. The director of Avatar, James Cameron, has publicly acknowledged that....
 此外,熱帶雨林的破壞就如同電影《阿凡達》裡的物種滅絕一樣令人感到威脅。《阿凡達》的導演詹姆士.克麥隆曾公開表示……。

★ 要訣2【打好學術寫作基礎】

◎ 由【重要句型整理、解析與應用】開發考生個人化的句型資料庫……
1. 【建立獨立題型的寫作思路與架構】以《阿凡達》(Avatar) 為例,讀者看得到各段落的重要句型,同時做複習、延伸應用,加深印象……
 開頭句(Openings)搶先看:
 表達主旨句(thesis statement) 的重要句型為:We should V. … for not only…, but also…

 解析:在主旨句中先簡短帶出主文的兩個論點,兩個論點以not only…, but also連接。介系詞for表達原因,注意介系詞之後只能接名詞或動名詞。

 應用1
We should save tropical rainforests for not only ecological preservation, but also the protection of indigenous peoples.... (Part 1 Unit 7)
鑒於損害的嚴重程度,我們應該保護熱帶雨林,不只是為了生態保育,也是為了保護原住民族群……。《節選自Part 1 Unit 7》

 應用1.1
We should save tropical rainforests for not only preserving the wilderness, but also maintaining....

2. 【熟悉整合題型的整合技巧】整合題型最忌照抄閱讀短文和課堂講述,累積超強的換句話說(paraphrase)句型以及技巧是拿分關鍵,熟讀並融會貫通後,必能破解整合題型的挑戰!
 關於整合技巧1:「面對面結構」(也就是將主文其中一段總結閱讀短文重點,另一段總結課堂講述重點),以「網路教學的優點與缺點」(The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning)為例,看句型要如何整合!
 閱讀篇章主要論點 ─ 換句話說(Paraphrase)的重要句型、解析與應用
 解析提點:利用詞性轉換將論點原句重述,例如動名詞carrying out變化成被動語態的動詞is carried out。

 論點原句:They might find taking online classes is more like carrying out a monologue without immediate feedbacks from professors and classmates. (Part 2 Unit 20)
他們可能會發現上網路課程比較像是進行一場缺乏教授和同學的立即回應的獨白。《節選自Part 2 Unit 20》

 應用-換句話說2.1
Students tend to feel that their contribution to online classes is carried out in a one-way direction. (Part 2 Unit 20)
學生通常覺得他們對網路課程的付出是單向的。《節選自Part 2 Unit 20》

 應用-換句話說2.2
Participating in online classes seems making unilateral efforts.

 關於整合技巧2:「點對點結構」(即主文的每一段落混合兩個篇章的重點,也就是一句閱讀短文重點和另一課堂講述重點互相穿插在同一段落),以中文學習潮(The Chinese Learning Craze in the U.S.)為例,看句型要如何整合!
 指出兩篇章的關係為論點相反的重要句型為:
While the reading points out that S+V, the lecture opposes the main idea in the reading by arguing that S+V

 解析題點:此句型表達閱讀篇章和課堂講述的論點如何互相抵觸。也可套用在每一段開頭的topic sentence。

 應用1.1
While the reading points out that the trend has reached its zenith, the lecture opposes the main idea in the reading by arguing that.... (Part 2 Unit 19) 雖然閱讀篇章指出此趨勢已達到近期的高峰,然而課堂演講反駁閱讀篇章的主題……。《節選自Part 2 Unit 19》

 應用 1.2
While the reading points out that more and more American students select Chinese courses, the lecture opposes the main idea in the reading by arguing that.... 雖然閱讀篇章指出越來越多美國學生選修中文,然而課堂演講反駁閱讀篇章的主題……。





Part 1 獨立題型篇 
Chapter 1 媒體與教育類型 
Unit 1媒體類:畫面過於聳動 ─ 搭配電影:《獨家腥聞》(Nightcrawler)
題目:“The media today present too many provocative images; instead, the media should place more emphasis on the deeper meaning behind those images.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 2媒體類:藉由電影學習外國事物 ─ 搭配電影:《三個傻瓜》(3 Idiots)
題目:"Movies tell us a lot about the country where they were produced. Name a movie and explain what you have learned about the country by watching it." Use specific details and examples to support your choice.

Unit 3媒體類:偏好電影還是小說 ─ 搭配電影:《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)與《瘋狂麥斯》(Mad Max)
題目:"Some people prefer watching movies, while others prefer reading novels. Which do you prefer?" Explain the reasons for your preference with specific examples and details.

Unit 4 教育類:大學教育在於培養價值觀,而不是為工作做準備 ─ 搭配電影:《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》(Mona Lisa Smile)
題目:“The purpose of university education is to help students form a set of values, not to prepare them for future jobs”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 5 教育類:年輕人是否能教導長輩 ─ 搭配名人故事:史蒂夫‧賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 與馬克‧祖客柏 (Mark Zuckerberg)
題目:“Young people can hardly teach anything to older people.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your standpoint.

Unit 6教育類:從人生中學習:聽取建議或親身經驗 ─ 搭配電影《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
題目:“Some people learn about life by listening to the suggestions of elders or friends, while others learn about life through personal experience”. Compare the advantages of these two ways and state your preference. Use specific details and examples to support your preference.

Chapter 2 環境與人生觀類型 
Unit 7環境類:正在消失的自然資源 ─ 搭配電影《阿凡達》(Avatar)
題目:“The world is losing lots of natural resources. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it’s urgent to save it.” Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 8環境類:保育瀕臨絕種動物的環境─搭配電影:《快樂腳》(Happy Feet)
題目:“Developing an industry is more important than saving the environment for endangered animals.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 9環境類:人類活動是否改善地球環境 ─ 搭配電影《永不妥協》(Erin Brockovich) 與名人故事:麥特.戴蒙(Matt Damon)
題目:“Some people believe human activities are harmful to the earth; others think human activities make the earth a better place. What is your opinion?” Use specific details and examples to support your standpoint.

Unit 10人生觀:擁有財富即是成功 ─ 搭配名人故事:德雷莎修女 (Mother Teresa)與瑪拉拉.尤瑟夫札伊(MalalaYousafzai)
題目:“Only people who possess a large amount of wealth are successful”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 11人生觀:取得成功應具備的特質 ─ 搭配名人故事:李安 (Ang Lee)與歐普拉(Oprha Winfrey)
題目:“In your opinion, what are the crucial characteristics that one must have to achieve success in life?” Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Unit 12人生觀:人們不滿足於現狀 ─ 搭配電影:《命運好好玩》(Click)
題目:“People nowadays are rarely content with the present; they always aim higher or desire more.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.

Chapter 3前六章重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 13 媒體類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 14 媒體類及教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 15 教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 16 環境類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 17 環境類及人生觀類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 18人生觀類重要句型整理、解析及應用

Part 2 整合題型篇
Chapter 4 美國教育、歷史與文學類型
Unit 19美國教育類:中文學習潮
題目:The Chinese Learning Craze in the U.S.

Unit 20美國教育類:網路教學的優缺點
題目:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Unit 21美國歷史類:1960年代的嬉皮運動
題目:The Hippie Movement in the 1960s

Unit 22美國歷史類:美國內戰之後的重建時期
題目:The Reconstruction Period after the Civil War

Unit 23美國文學類:區域主義文學及馬克.吐溫的《哈克歷險記》
題目:Regionalism and Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Unit 24美國文學類:烏托邦文學及反烏托邦文學
題目:Utopia and Dystopia
Chapter 5 西洋藝術與科學類型
Unit 25西洋藝術類:塗鴉藝術及凱斯.哈林
題目:Graffiti Art and Keith Haring

Unit 26西洋藝術類:現代主義建築及貝聿銘
題目:Modern Architecture and I. M. Pei

Unit 27西洋藝術類:伍迪.艾倫對戲劇的貢獻
題目:Woody Allen's Contribution to Cinema

Unit 28科學類:火星真的適合居住嗎?
題目:Is Mars really habitable?

Unit 29科學類:CRISPR基因剪輯技術和其爭議
題目:CRISPR Technique and its controversy

Unit 30科學類:玩耍對動物的重要性
題目:The Importance of Play for Animals

Chapter 6 前六章重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 31 教育類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 32 美國歷史類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 33 美國文學類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 34 西洋藝術類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 35 西洋藝術類及科學類重要句型整理、解析及應用
Unit 36 科學類重要句型整理、解析及應用


Part 1 獨立題型篇 
Unit 1 媒體類


“The media today present too many provocative images; instead, the media should place more emphasis on the deeper meaning behind those images.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific details and examples to support your viewpoint.


傑克.葛倫霍(Jake Gyllenhaal)在《獨家腥聞》(Nightcrawler(又譯《夜行者》))扮演的路易斯.布魯(Louis Bloom)是一位靠著販賣贓物維生的年輕人。一晚,他偶然撞見拍攝車禍現場血腥畫面的攝影師,決定效法並販賣血腥畫面給電視台。他視自己為充滿野心的企業家,而販賣車禍及犯罪現場的聳動畫面給電視台,的確替他賺進豐厚的收入。另一方面,新聞節目製作人尼娜因為收視率低迷,勉為其難地同意買下路易斯拍的畫面。對雙方而言,這是一場雙贏的決定。

1. Presenting provocative images has evolved into one of the fastest ways to reach consumers, though occasionally ethical questions are raised.

2. News programs have no choice but to flow with the tide to boost ratings, and tabloids have to publish spine-tingling photos to increase sales.

高分範文搶先看 Track 01
Upon first glance, the statement seems like a justifiable critique, considering there's so much violence and risqué1content in the media nowadays. However, I concede that in a democratic society with limited censorship2 of the media, it is rarely the duty of the media to probe further into the concepts behind those images, and that provocative3 images are simply indicative of the vibrant competitions in the media.

First, all companies are pursuing the utmost profit, and those in the media are no exception. Besides, with the advent of the Internet, there has been an explosion of media resources, which leads to probably the fiercest competition in media history. Therefore, presenting provocative images has evolved into one of the fastest ways to reach consumers, though occasionally ethical questions are raised. For instance, advertisements often apply piquant4images to draw spectators’ attention. By the same token, news programs have no choice but to flow with the tide to boost ratings, and tabloids have to publish spine-tingling5photos to increase sales. If ethical issues are disregarded, utilizing sensational images is merely an efficient marketing strategy.

Moreover, what constitutes such images is highly disputable, as various people hold divergent standards for them. I would argue that it is not the media’s responsibility to provide deeper concepts. On the contrary, it is the viewers’ responsibility to research further should they be interested. For example, as tabloids and melodrama abound6, audience can turn to public television and education channels if they wish to have access to intellectual discourse. In other words, it is not mandatory for the media to emphasize profound meaning.



In conclusion, I disagree with the statement because it undermines7the diversity of the media. It is not the media’s job to instill8 concepts into us; rather, it is the viewers’ job to search for meaning.










Besides, with the advent of the Internet, there has been an explosion of media resources, which leads to probably the fiercest competition in media history.(此外,隨著網路問世,媒體資源已呈爆炸性的發展,導致可能是媒體史上最激烈的競爭狀態。)

1. 重點:利用形容詞子句及副詞片語增加句型的豐富度。形容詞子句中的關係代名詞 which 在此代替關代之前的主要子句,即which代替「媒體資源已呈爆炸性發展」。

2. with N. (副詞片語)表隨之發生的現象。例1:With accolades from movie critics, Gyllenhaal's performance might win him the Best Actor Award, which is predicted by some journalists.(隨著影評家的讚賞,葛倫霍的表演可能為他贏得最佳男主角獎,這已被一些記者預測。)例2:With the crowning of the Best Actress Award, Jennifer Lawrence elevated her status in Hollywood, which certainly will boost her income.(隨著最佳女主角獎的加冕,珍妮佛.羅倫斯提高她在好萊塢的地位,這當然會提高她的片酬。)

Moreover, what constitutes such images is highly disputable, as various people hold divergent standards for them.(而且,這種畫面的構成元素是高度可議的,因為不同的人對這些畫面抱持的標準有所差異。)

1. 重點:名詞子句what constitutes such images當作第一個子句裡的主詞,視為單數,故主要動詞為is。例:What marked a milestone in Gyllenhaal’s acting career was his performance in Nightcrawler.(在葛倫霍的演藝生涯裡劃下里程碑的,是他在《獨家腥聞》裡的表演。)

1. risqué adj. 近乎色情的,傷風敗俗的
The party was filled with risqué banter and laughter.

2. censorship n. 審查制度
The severity of censorship indicates the level of freedom of speech in a country.

3. provocative adj. 聳動的
Applying provocative photos to boost the sales of magazines is no news nowadays.

4. piquant adj. 辛辣刺激的,聳動的
Celebrities with piquant language seem to be favored by the media currently.

5. spine-tingling adj. 令人感覺激動的
The movie provides spine-tingling sensations.

6. abound vi. 豐富;富於
The philanthropist abounds in charity.

7. undermine vt. 削弱;輕忽
The king’s influence was gradually undermined after he stepped down due to health reasons.

8. instill vt. 灌輸
It is not only parents’ responsibility but also educators’ to instill concepts of telling right from wrong into children.

Part 2 整合題型篇
Unit 19 美國教育類
中文學習潮 The Chinese Learning Craze in the U.S.

Summarize the main points in the lecture, explaining how they cast doubt on those made in the reading.

 With China emerging as the economic superpower in the international arena in the late 1990s, more and more students in the U.S. are eager to follow the trend of learning Mandarin Chinese. Many learners who dare to battle this notoriously difficult language hope that the ability to speak Mandarin will help them to acquire a promising job with more preponderance. The fad of learning Mandarin has reached an unprecedented climax, which is demonstrated not only by Mandarin classes offered in schools, but also by the support of Federal government policies. A government survey indicates that roughly 1,600 American public and private schools are teaching Mandarin.

While Chinese programs were mostly offered on the East and West Coasts ten years ago, Chinese lessons have surged in the heartland states in the Midwest and the South over the recent few years. The academic status of the language was formalized in 2007 when the College Board introduced the Mandarin Advanced Placement test, encouraging more high school students to learn Mandarin. The educational input is further publicized by the“1 Million Strong” initiative announced by the Obama administration in 2015, targeting the number of 1 million U.S. learners of Mandarin by 2020. Besides school and government efforts, the linguistic interest is also sparked by more Chinese movie stars appearing in Hollywood movies, such as Jackie Chan in “Shanghai Noon” and Jet Li in “the Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor”.

請聽與短文相關的課堂內容 Track 13
Now listen to a lecture in a linguistics class regarding the Chinese learning phenomenon in the U.S.

(Professor) Nowadays, a lot of Americans are under the impression that being able to speak Mandarin will help lead to abundant opportunities in the world’s largest economy, China. Such a notion was partially built up by the stories about the migration of business elites to affluent Chinese cities. The recurring reports illustrating China as the new superpower have motivated high school and college students to learn Chinese. However, are the U.S. students actually zealous about learning Mandarin due to the reason aforementioned?

 On the contrary, students’ interest in learning Mandarin is not as prevalent as some people think, and just as the heat of learning Japanese in the 1980s had faded, it’s only a matter of time that the trend of learning Mandarin will fade in the American educational system. First, over the past decade, a lot of public schools had no choice but to eliminate foreign language classes owing to state budget cuts. As schools are forced to cut down on their once popular European language classes, students simply have fewer foreign languages to choose from. Meanwhile, the Chinese government has been sending more Mandarin teachers to the U.S. and partially funding their salaries, which certainly came as a relieving subsidy to many schools with tight budgets.

 Secondly, the linguistic fever might be seemingly fortified by the“1 Million Strong” initiative announced by President Obama in 2015. Let’s not forget that the initiative is a collaboration between the Chinese and U.S. governments, with substantial resources from China. Moreover, 1 million seems a large number, yet it barely accounts for 2% of the number of all of the U.S. students. Lastly, Hollywood movies reinforce the illusion of Chinese fever by incorporating Chinese actors, such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li, yet I seriously doubt that students are motivated to learn Mandarin by watching their performances, since they still play the stereotype of Chinese reminiscent of Bruce Lee. That is, they mainly serve to fight and kick.

高分範文搶先看 Track 14
Both the reading and the lecture describe the recent trend of acquiring Mandarin Chinese in the U.S. While the reading points out that the trend has achieved its zenith, the lecture opposes the main idea in the reading by arguing that U.S. students are not truly enthusiastic about learning Mandarin.

To begin with, the professor elaborates on the reason why more and more students in public schools begin taking Mandarin classes, which he attributes to the budget cuts that prevented schools from offering as many foreign language classes as before. During the same period, many schools accepted Mandarin teachers who were funded partly by the Chinese government so that budget cut pressure might be eased. On the contrary, the reading merely states that Mandarin classes are increasing in many states.

Secondly, the professor rebuts the pervasiveness of the Mandarin learning phenomenon indicated by the “1 Million Strong” initiative mentioned in the reading. He explicates that even after the number of Mandarin learners in the U.S. reaches 1 million, it will be a relatively low percentage, hardly 2% in the entire student population.

Thirdly, the reading suggests that people are encouraged to learn Mandarin under the influence of Chinese movie stars in Hollywood, which the lecture refutes by claiming that those actors play stereotypical roles of Chinese characters.












While the reading points out that the trend has reached its zenith, the lecture opposes the main idea in the reading by arguing that U.S. students are not truly enthusiastic about learning Mandarin.

綜合題型在第一段須開門見山地描述閱讀和聽力內容兩者間的關聯。以上這句即是此篇範文的主旨句(thesis statement)。此兩篇題目的內容為主要觀點的牴觸,因此主旨句應使用表達兩個子句大意有所落差或對照的從屬連接詞,如while、whereas、notwithstanding……等從屬連接詞。

To begin with, the professor elaborates on the reason why more and more students in public schools begin taking Mandarin classes, which he attributes to the budget cuts that prevented schools from offering as many foreign language classes as before.

作文要獲取高分必須盡量使用正式的動詞片語及複雜句。如以上範例使用動詞片語:elaborate on / attribute to / prevent … from…,並利用形容詞子句濃縮課堂講述的重點。



中文課程在中西部和南部各州急速增加。當大學入學委員會在2007年開始提供普通話入學檢定考,此舉奠定了普通話正式的學術地位,並鼓勵更多高中生學這語言。當歐巴馬政府在2015年宣佈了「百萬強計畫」,教育界的挹注更為眾所皆知,此計畫的目標是在2020年之前,提升美國境內的普通話學習者數量達到一百萬人。除了學校和政府的努力,更多中國電影明星參與好萊塢電影,如成龍演出「西域威龍 (“Shanghai Noon”)」及李連杰演出「神鬼傳奇3:龍帝之墓 (“the Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor”)」,他們的表演也會激發對中文的興趣。









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