Tourism English

Tourism English


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Tourism English 為一本初級觀光英文教材,內容包含各種觀光旅遊範例及實用會話,英語學習者可藉由本書,熟悉觀光旅遊英文的用詞,不論教學或自學,皆可增進讀者對觀光旅遊用語掌控能力。

Tourism English is an beginning level of tourism English textbook offering basic tourism English conversation and useful expressions for learners in tourism English. It is both suitable for classroom instruction and self-learning. Learners’ tourism English proficiency will improve by familiarizing the converstions and useful expressions in this book.


吳幸玲,美國北亞利桑那大學英語教學碩士,La Sierra 大學教育博士,現任僑光科技大學應用英語系副教授。

Hsing-Ling Carol Wu received her MA in TESOL from Northern Arizona University and her Ed.D. from La Sierra University. She is currently associate professor at the Applied English Department, Overseas Chinese University.


About the Book
About Author
Table of Contents

◎Section 1 Transportation

1. Purchasing a ticket at the airport A : customer B : ticket agent
2. Reservation date change A : reservation agent B : customer
3. Checking in A : check-in agent B : customer
4. An earlier flight A : check-in agent B : passenger C : passenger
5. Missing a flight A : passenger B : gate agent
6. A transit hotel A : transfer desk agent B : passenger
7. To a transfer gate A : flight attendant B : passenger C : gate agent
8. Changing an airplane A : captain B : Mechanic C : mechanic D : gate agent
9. Being delayed A : gate agent B : gate agent
10. A bad weather A : check in agent B : check in Supervisor C : passenger
11. Preparations for Boarding a. Too much weight A : check-in agent B : passenger
11. Preparations for Boarding b. Insuring baggage A : passenger B : customer service agent
11. Preparations for Boarding c. How luggage gets to destination A : passenger B : check-in agent
11. Preparations for Boarding d. Destination of baggage A : check-in agent B : passenger
12. Customs a. Non-English speaker A : passenger B : flight attendant C : gate agent D : immigration officer
12. Customs b. Directing passengers A : passenger B : gate agent C : passenger
12. Customs c. Late checking A : check-in agent B : ground staff C : passenger D : immigration officer
13. Boarding the Plane a. Confirming information A : gate agent B : gate agent C : gate agent D : passenger
13. Boarding the Plane b. Greeting passengers A : flight attendant B : passenger C : flight attendant D : passenger E : passenger
13. Boarding the Plane c. Getting settled A : flight attendant B : passenger C : passenger
13. Boarding the Plane d. A final count of passengers A : flight attendant B : purser C : flight attendant D : passenger
14. Taking Off a. The pre-flight announcements A : pilot B : Purser C : passenger D : flight attendant
14. Taking Off b. Taxiing to the runway A : First Officer B : pilot C : ground controller D : tower controller
14. Taking Off c. Reaching altitude A : pilot B : first officer C : tower controller
15. Food, drink and duty-free sales a. The in-flight meal service A : flight attendant B : passenger C : flight attendant D : passenger
15. Food, drink and duty-free sales b. Buying duty-free items A : flight attendant B : passenger C : purser
16. Final approach a. Air traffic control A : pilot B : first officer C : approach controller D : tower controller
16. Final approach b. Descending toward the runway A : pilot B : first officer C : passenger D : passenger
17. At a railroad station (1)
18. At a railroad station (2)
19. At a bus stop (1)
20. At a bus stop (2)
21. Taking a taxi (1)
24. Taking a taxi (2)
25. At a subway stations (1)
26. At a subway stations (2)

◎Section 2 Hotels

1. Taking a room reservation a. Reservation from overseas R : Receptionist G : Guest
1. Taking a room reservation b. Reservation from a domestic source R : Receptionist G : Guest
2. The hotel is full R : Receptionist G : Guest
3. The desired room being unvailable R : Receptionist G : Guest
4. Inquiries about the room type and room view (1) R : Receptionist G : Guest
5. Inquiries about the room type and room view (2) R : Receptionist C : Customer
6. A confirmation call R : receptionist C : customer
7. Changing and cancelling reservations (1)
8. Changing and cancelling reservations (2)
9. Changing and cancelling reservations (3)
10. Dealing with booking inquiries (1)
11. Dealing with booking inquiries (2)
12. Dealing with booking inquiries (3)
13. Check-in procedure R : receptionist C : customer
14. Confirmation of the way of payment R : receptionist C : customer
15. Tour group check-in TL : Tour Leader C : customer
16. Problems at check-in (1)
17. Problems at check-in (2)
18. Problems at check-in (3)
19. Problems at check-in (4)
20. Room number information R : receptionist C : customer
21. Paging R : receptionist T : Mr. Thomas B : Mr. Becker
22. Picking up a room key R : receptionist C : customer
23. Giving advice about local travel (1)
24. Giving advice about local travel (2)
25. Giving advice about local travel (3)
26. For nearby locations (1) R : receptionist C : customer
27. For nearby locations (2)
28. For faraway locations R : receptionist C : customer
29. Giving directions to places outside the hotel (1)
30. Giving directions to places outside the hotel (2)
31. Giving directions to places outside the hotel (3)
32. Giving directions to places outside the hotel (4)
33. Showing the way R : receptionist C : customer
34. About Shopping & Sightseeing R : receptionist C : customer
35. Taking a breakfast order S : server C : customer
36. Taking a lunch order S : server C : customer
37. Delivering of food S : server C : customer
38. Serving the guest S : server C : customer
39. Dealing with incoming calls C : Caller O : Operator
40. Paging a guest C : Caller O : Operator
41. The morning call O : Operator C : customer
42. Check-out procedure R : receptionist C : customer
43. Explaining credit limits R : receptionist C : customer

◎Section 3 Restaurants

1. Restaurant reservation (1)
2. Restaurant reservation (2)
3. Taking an order S : server C : customer
4. Recommending dishes S : server C : customer
5. Explaining the menu S : server C : customer
6. Service during the meal S : server C : customer
7. Complaints about food S : server C : customer
8. Complaints about the late (wrong) order Conversation 1 S : server C : customer
8. Complaints about the late (wrong) order Conversation 2 S : server C : customer

◎Section 4 Sightseeing

1. At a travel agency (1)
2. At a travel agency (2)
3. On a sightseeing bus (1)
4. On a sightseeing bus (2)
5. At a night club (1)
6. At a night club (2)
7. At a movie theater (1)
8. At a movie theater (2)
9. At a casino (1)
10. At a casino (2)
11. At a lunch counter (1)
12. At a lunch counter (2)
13. At an ice cream parlor
14. At a soda fountain
15. At a coffee shop (1)
16. At a coffee shop (2)

◎Section 5 Shopping

1. At a watch shop A : Alex B : Bruce
2. At a Jeweler’s (1)
3. At a jeweler’s (2)
4. At an optician’s (1)
5. At an optician’s (2)
6. At a photographer’s (1)
7. At a photographer’s (2)
8. At a milliner’s
9. At a hat store
10. At a boutique
11. At a draper’s
12. At a watch shop
13. At a cosmetics department
14. At a shoe department
15. At a men’s wear department
16. At a super market (1)
17. At a supermarket (2)
18. At a bookstore
19. At a stationer’s





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