作者:陳立華; 方幸福
規格:26cm*19cm (高/寬)
為了滿足外國語學院英語系“美國文學選讀”課小班上課的課程改革要求,滿足其他英語院校和社會英語文學愛好者對美國文學選讀教材的需求,我們編著了這部教材。之所以叫《美國文學選讀新編》,是為了體現它與傳統文學選讀教材的區別。其創新之處表現在以下幾個方面:第一,力求所選作家及作品具有代表性和經典性,突出美國文學各個歷史階段的文化特征和文學特性。第二,一改傳統文學選讀教材“文學史+文學作品”的慣常模式,強調作品的細讀,刪除了傳統文學選讀教材中對史料的重復編寫。第三,凸顯學生和讀者的自主性,增強教材的啟發性。每單元都以引人人勝的提問介入,替代了對文學史知識乏味的回顧。鼓勵學生在閱讀文本前通過尋找問題的答案,完成對相關背景知識的認知。這樣的編排不僅突出知識的重點,還鼓勵學生和讀者積極思考,自主尋求問題的答案,彰顯教材的啟發意義。每單元用一個短語或句子概述了認識和解讀該作家的重點(central issue of concern),并在作品前設計一些與所選文本相關的問題(background questions and preview questions),用以回顧必要的背景知識,便于學生的自主閱讀。在所選文本后設計了討論問題(discussion questions),以加深學生對文本的理解和掌握。第四,對所選文本中涉及的文學現象、文學理論與批評知識、歷史文化知識等讀者難以把握和查找到的內容,我們作了注釋,以方便讀者的閱讀。第五,為了加深讀者對所選作家及其作品的熟悉和理解,我們在所選文本后還附加了補充閱讀材料(assigned reading),并對其作了簡要說明。
Lecture 1 Washington Irving(1783-1859)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: An excerpt from Rip Van Winkle
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 2 Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: The Raven
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 3 Nathanial Hawthorne(1804-1864)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: Young Goodman Brown
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 4 Walt Whitman(1819-1892)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: I Hear America Singing
Text B: There Was a Child Went Forth
Text C: Excerpts from Song of Myself
3. Assigned readings
Lecture 5 Emily Dickinson( 1830-1886)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. Wild Nights--Wild Nights
Text B: This Is My Letter to the World
Text C: I Died for Beauty--but Was Scarce
Text D: I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I Died
Text E: Because I Could Not Stop for Death
Text F: A Narrow Fellow in the Grass
3. Assigned readings
Lecture 6 Mark Twain(1835-1910)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text, The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 7 O. Henry(1862-1910)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text. The Gift of the Magi
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 8 Sherwood Anderson(1876-1941)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: The Egg from The Triumph of the Egg
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 9 Stephen Crane(1871-1900)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text, The Open Boat
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 10 Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945)
Lecture 11 Francis Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940)
Lecture 12 Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961)
Lecture 13 William Faulkner(1897-1962)
Lecture 14 T.S.Eliot(1888-1965)
Lecture 15 Robert Frost(1874-1963)
Lecture 16 Eugene ONeill(1888-1953)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: An excerpt from Rip Van Winkle
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 2 Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: The Raven
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 3 Nathanial Hawthorne(1804-1864)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: Young Goodman Brown
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 4 Walt Whitman(1819-1892)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: I Hear America Singing
Text B: There Was a Child Went Forth
Text C: Excerpts from Song of Myself
3. Assigned readings
Lecture 5 Emily Dickinson( 1830-1886)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. Wild Nights--Wild Nights
Text B: This Is My Letter to the World
Text C: I Died for Beauty--but Was Scarce
Text D: I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I Died
Text E: Because I Could Not Stop for Death
Text F: A Narrow Fellow in the Grass
3. Assigned readings
Lecture 6 Mark Twain(1835-1910)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text, The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 7 O. Henry(1862-1910)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text. The Gift of the Magi
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 8 Sherwood Anderson(1876-1941)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text: The Egg from The Triumph of the Egg
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 9 Stephen Crane(1871-1900)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading
Text, The Open Boat
3. Assigned reading
Lecture 10 Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945)
Lecture 11 Francis Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940)
Lecture 12 Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961)
Lecture 13 William Faulkner(1897-1962)
Lecture 14 T.S.Eliot(1888-1965)
Lecture 15 Robert Frost(1874-1963)
Lecture 16 Eugene ONeill(1888-1953)
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