Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Notions of IP, SSRA and Genre
1.2 Status Quo of Current Research
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Corpus and Method
1.4.1 The Journal Corpus
1.4.2 Methods of Analyses
1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Critical Literature Review on the Studies of IP in SSRA
2.1 Interpersonal Meaning in Functional Grammar and Beyond
2.1.1 IP Study in the Framework of Functional Grammar
2.1.2 IP in Other Disciplines
2.2 Study of Social Science Research Articles
2.2.1 Scientific Research Papers in Applied Linguistic Perspective IP at Micro-level in Research Papers: A Fragmental Exploration Move Analysis of Genres in Academic Papers Study of Social Science Research Articles
2.2.2 Academic Paper as Textual Constructs: A Social Constructivism Perspective
2.3 Summary of the Literature Review
Chapter Three An Integrated Model in IP Analysis of SSRA
3.1 Theoretical Background
3.1.1 Functional Linguistics Perspective
3.1.2 Pragmatic and Philosophical Perspectives
3.1.3 Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective
3.1.4 Academic Discourse Community and Genre Analysis
3.1.5 Social Constructivism Perspective
3.2 An Integrated Model for the Analysis of IP in SSRA
3.2.1 An Integrated IP Analyzing Model
3.2.2 IP features in SSRA and Key Realizing Devices
3. E. 2.1 The Major Relationships Involved in SSRA Global IP Features and Key Realizing Devices
3.2.3 Illumination of Analysing Model
3.3 Summary
Chapter Four Schematic Structures as Interaction in SSRA
4.1 Schematic Structure in Different Perspectives
4.2 Schematic Structures in Introduction and Discussion and Their IP
4.2.1 Schematic Structure in Introduction
4.2.2 Schematic Structure in Discussion
4.3 Persons and Tenses and Their IP
4.3.1 Personal Pronoun """"""""We""""""""
4.3.2 Simple Present Tense
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Modal Expressions as Heteroglossia in SSRA
5.1 Classification of Modality and Modal Expressions
5.2 Modal Expressions and Their IP in SSRA
5.2.1 Epistemic Modal Expressions
5.2.2 Deontic Modal Expressions
5.3 Distribution of Modal Expressions in Four Sections of SSRA
5.3.1 Procedures and Results
5.3.2 Discussion
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Hedges as Persuasion in SSRA
6.1 Hedges and Their Classification
6.2 Hedges and Their IP
6.2.1 Writer-oriented Hedges
6.2.2 Reader-oriented Hedges
6.3 Distribution of Hedges among Four Disciplines:A Comparison
6.3.1 Procedures and Results
6.3.2 Discussion
6.4 Summary
Chapter Seven Reporting Verbs as Evaluation in SSRA
7.1 Classification of Reporting Verbs
7.2 Reporting Verbs and Their IP
7.2.1 Research Act Reporting Verbs
7.2.2 Discourse Act Reporting Verbs
7.2.3 Cognitive Act Reporting Verbs
7.3 Distribution of Reporting Verbs in Three Subsections
7.3.1 Procedures of Collecting Reporting Verbs
7.3.2 Results and Discussion
7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 A Summary of Previous Research
8.2 Pedagogical Implications
8.3 Limitations and Future Research
Appendix: Corpus of Journal Artides
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Notions of IP, SSRA and Genre
1.2 Status Quo of Current Research
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Corpus and Method
1.4.1 The Journal Corpus
1.4.2 Methods of Analyses
1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Critical Literature Review on the Studies of IP in SSRA
2.1 Interpersonal Meaning in Functional Grammar and Beyond
2.1.1 IP Study in the Framework of Functional Grammar
2.1.2 IP in Other Disciplines
2.2 Study of Social Science Research Articles
2.2.1 Scientific Research Papers in Applied Linguistic Perspective IP at Micro-level in Research Papers: A Fragmental Exploration Move Analysis of Genres in Academic Papers Study of Social Science Research Articles
2.2.2 Academic Paper as Textual Constructs: A Social Constructivism Perspective
2.3 Summary of the Literature Review
Chapter Three An Integrated Model in IP Analysis of SSRA
3.1 Theoretical Background
3.1.1 Functional Linguistics Perspective
3.1.2 Pragmatic and Philosophical Perspectives
3.1.3 Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective
3.1.4 Academic Discourse Community and Genre Analysis
3.1.5 Social Constructivism Perspective
3.2 An Integrated Model for the Analysis of IP in SSRA
3.2.1 An Integrated IP Analyzing Model
3.2.2 IP features in SSRA and Key Realizing Devices
3. E. 2.1 The Major Relationships Involved in SSRA Global IP Features and Key Realizing Devices
3.2.3 Illumination of Analysing Model
3.3 Summary
Chapter Four Schematic Structures as Interaction in SSRA
4.1 Schematic Structure in Different Perspectives
4.2 Schematic Structures in Introduction and Discussion and Their IP
4.2.1 Schematic Structure in Introduction
4.2.2 Schematic Structure in Discussion
4.3 Persons and Tenses and Their IP
4.3.1 Personal Pronoun """"""""We""""""""
4.3.2 Simple Present Tense
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Modal Expressions as Heteroglossia in SSRA
5.1 Classification of Modality and Modal Expressions
5.2 Modal Expressions and Their IP in SSRA
5.2.1 Epistemic Modal Expressions
5.2.2 Deontic Modal Expressions
5.3 Distribution of Modal Expressions in Four Sections of SSRA
5.3.1 Procedures and Results
5.3.2 Discussion
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Hedges as Persuasion in SSRA
6.1 Hedges and Their Classification
6.2 Hedges and Their IP
6.2.1 Writer-oriented Hedges
6.2.2 Reader-oriented Hedges
6.3 Distribution of Hedges among Four Disciplines:A Comparison
6.3.1 Procedures and Results
6.3.2 Discussion
6.4 Summary
Chapter Seven Reporting Verbs as Evaluation in SSRA
7.1 Classification of Reporting Verbs
7.2 Reporting Verbs and Their IP
7.2.1 Research Act Reporting Verbs
7.2.2 Discourse Act Reporting Verbs
7.2.3 Cognitive Act Reporting Verbs
7.3 Distribution of Reporting Verbs in Three Subsections
7.3.1 Procedures of Collecting Reporting Verbs
7.3.2 Results and Discussion
7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 A Summary of Previous Research
8.2 Pedagogical Implications
8.3 Limitations and Future Research
Appendix: Corpus of Journal Artides
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