Digital Color Management - Encoding Solutions 2E
出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
The second edition of this popular book explains the capabilities and limitations of existing color management systems and provides comprehensive practical solutions for communicating color within and among imaging systems, from the simplest to the most complex. Beginning with the fundamentals of color and human color perception, the book progresses to in-depth analyses of the nature of color images, digital color encoding, color management systems and digital color interchange. Fully revised and updated, this second edition of Digital Color Management features new and expanded coverage including:
* electronic displays and electronic imaging systems;
* scene-based and appearance-based color encoding methods;
* color management for digital cinema;
* a Unified Paradigm—a comprehensive, integrated color-managed environment for the color-imaging industry;
* four new chapters, two new appendices, and more than 80 new figures.
This book is an essential resource for engineers, programmers and imaging professionals designing and engineering color-imaging systems and for others simply looking to increase their understanding of the field. Scientists, researchers, advanced undergraduates and graduate students involved in imaging technology also will find this book of significant interest and usefulness.
Reviews for the first edition:
‘The absence of unnecessary jargon, the impeccable writing style, the material depth leads only to one conclusion: If you buy one digital color book this year, buy this one.’ W. David Schwaderer, Digital Camera Magazine
‘It [Digital Color Management] fulfils the need among engineers and scientists for a comprehensive understanding of color management, imaging, media, viewing conditions, appearance and communication.’ Arthur S. Diamond, Imaging News
Edward J. Giorgianni, Research Fellow, Eastman Kodak Company (EJG) and Thomas E. Madden, Research Associate, Eastman Kodak Company (TEM)
Edward J. Giorgianni and Thomas E. Madden are imaging scientists at Eastman Kodak Company. Together, they have more than 60 years of practical experience in designing photographic, electronic, and hybrid color-imaging systems. They hold numerous patents in the fields of color management and imaging technology. Among their inventions are the digital color-encoding methods used on many commercial imaging systems, including the Photo CD System.
They are the authors of the textbook Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions, 1998, 0201634260, Addison Wesley and contributors to four other books on color science and color imaging. In addition, both authors are award-winning instructors and frequent lecturers at technical symposia and universities. Their extensive writing and teaching experience are evident in the first edition of this book, which has been highly praised for making complex subject matter and concepts clear and understandable.
I Fundamentals
1 Measuring Color
2 Color-Imaging Systems
3 The Human Color-Imaging System
II The Nature of Color Images
4 Electronic Displays
5 Electronic Imaging Systems
6 ReflectionImages
7 ProjectedImages
8 Photographic Negatives
III Digital Color Encoding
9 Encoding Concepts
10 Densitometric Color Encoding
11 Colorimetric Color Encoding
12 Scene-Based Color Encoding
13 Color-Encoding Data Metrics
14 Output Signal Processing
15 Myths and Misconceptions
IV A Unified Color-Management Environment
16 Color-Management Paradigms
17 A Unified Paradigm: Basic Properties
18 A Unified Paradigm: Encoding Concepts
19 A Unified Paradigm: Encoding Transformations
20 A Unified Paradigm: Example Systems
21 A Unified Paradigm: Complex Systems
22 A Unified Paradigm: Color Interchange
23 A Unified Paradigm: Implementation
24 Closing Thoughts and Conclusions
V Appendices
A Colorimetry
B Densitometry
C Photographic Media
D Adaptation
E Viewing Flare
F Scene-Based Color Encoding Specifications
G Transformations for Color Interchange
H Color-Primary Conversions
I Mathematical Transforms
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