Aircraft Performance Theory And Practice For Pilots 2E
出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
Aircraft Performance Theory and Practice for Pilots, 2ndEditionaddresses both European aircraft performance requirements (CS-23 and CS-25) and the Joint Aviation Regulations Operations rules (JAR-OPS 1) and so provides comprehensive and up to date coverage of the complex conditions within which all European public transport aeroplanes must operate today.
The subject of aircraft performance is an important part of the JAA Flight Crew Licensing syllabus for the examinations for commercial and airline transport licences, and this book provides a clear and authoritative text on a difficult topic.
It will also be of interest to commercial pilots for their annual standardization test and to flight planners, operations staff and airport operators.
The subject of aircraft performance is an important part of the JAA Flight Crew Licensing syllabus for the examinations for commercial and airline transport licences, and this book provides a clear and authoritative text on a difficult topic.
It will also be of interest to commercial pilots for their annual standardization test and to flight planners, operations staff and airport operators.
Squadron Leader Swatton joined the Royal Air Force in 1952. He qualified as an instructor in 1961 and taught, among other subjects, the then new subject of Scheduled Performance for Group “A” aeroplanes at the Argosy Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) as one of his duties. He was posted to the Andover OCU in 1964 as the senior navigation instructor and examiner, where he continued teaching and examining aircrew in scheduled performance until 1975.
Subsequently he completed tours at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough and at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment, Boscombe Down. His last tour of duty, before retiring from the Royal Air Force in 1988 was at the Empire Test Pilots School where he taught scheduled performance to trainee test pilots. In 36 years of service he amassed 7500 flying hours
On retirement from the RAF he joined the instructional staff at the Professional Pilot Study Centre where one of his duties was to teach scheduled performance to the trainee pilots. Subsequently he and two of his fellow instructors started their own ground school, Ground Training Services (GTS), for private, commercial and airline pilots where he currently teaches aeroplane performance to the JAA syllabus. He is the aeroplane performance consultant for the CAA and updated the CAP 698 at the request of the CAA.
Subsequently he completed tours at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough and at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment, Boscombe Down. His last tour of duty, before retiring from the Royal Air Force in 1988 was at the Empire Test Pilots School where he taught scheduled performance to trainee test pilots. In 36 years of service he amassed 7500 flying hours
On retirement from the RAF he joined the instructional staff at the Professional Pilot Study Centre where one of his duties was to teach scheduled performance to the trainee pilots. Subsequently he and two of his fellow instructors started their own ground school, Ground Training Services (GTS), for private, commercial and airline pilots where he currently teaches aeroplane performance to the JAA syllabus. He is the aeroplane performance consultant for the CAA and updated the CAP 698 at the request of the CAA.
List of Abbreviations
Weight and Mass
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Air Density
1.2 Speeds
1.3 Engine Performance
Self-Assessment Exercise 1
2 Level Flight Aerodynamics
2.1 Stability
2.2 Angle of Attack and Pitch Angle
2.3 The Four Forces
2.4 Mass
2.5 Lift
2.6 Drag
2.7 Analysis of the Total Drag Curve
2.8 The Effect of the Vareables on Drug
2.9 The CL v CD Polar Diagram
2.10 Analysis of the Lift/Drag Ratio
2.11 Thrust
2.12 Analysis of the Thrust Curves
2.13 The Effect of the Variables on Thrust
2.14 Power
2.15 Analysis of the Power Curves
2.16 The Effect of the Variables on Power
2.17 Summary
Self-Assessment Exercise 2
3 Take-off and Climb Aerodynamics
3.1 Take-off
3.2 The Effect of the Variables on Take-off
3.3 Climbing Flight
3.4 The Effect of the Variables on the Climb
3.5 Climb Gradient
3.6 Rate of Climb
3.7 Aircraft Ceiling
3.8 Climb Regimes
Self-Assessment Exercise 3
4 Cruise Control
4.1 Specific Air Range (SAR)
4.2 Buffet
4.3 The Buffet Onset Boundary Chart
4.4 Cost Index
4.5 Turns
4.6 Types of Cruise
4.7 Range and Endurance: General
4.8 Cruise Techniques for Piston-engined Aeroplanes
4.9 Cruise Techniques for Turbo-prop Aeroplanes
4.10 Cruise Techniques for Jet Aeroplanes
4.11 Summary
Self-Assessment Exercise 4
5 Descent Aerodynamics
5.1 The Forces in a Descent
5.2 Gliding for Maximum Range
5.3 Gliding for Maximum Endurance
5.4 Descent Regimes
Self-Assessment Exercise 5
PART 2 Scheduled Performance Theory
6 Performance Planning
6.1 Regulations and Requirements
6.2 The Performance Class System
6.3 Performance Legislation
6.4 Aeroplane Performance Levels
6.5 Performance Planning
6.6 Altimeter Corrections
6.7 Flight Manuals
6.8 Performance Calculations and Limitations
6.9 Noise Abatement Procedures
Self-Assessment Exercise 6
7 Aerodrome Geometry
7.1 Field Lengths Available
7.2 Take-off Run Available (TORA)
7.3 Obstacles
7.4 Stopway
7.5 Accelerate/Stop Distance Available (ASDA)
7.6 Clearway
7.7 Take-off Distance Available TODA
7.8 Balanced and Unbalanced Field Lengths
7.9 Field-Length-Limited Take-off Mass Calculations
7.10 Runway Alignment Reduction
7.11 Runway Slope Calculation
7.12 The Effect of Runway Slope on Obstacle Calculations
7.13 Landing Distance Available (LDA)
7.14 Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
Self-Assessment Exercise 7
8 Runway Surfaces
8.1 Aerodrome Pavement Strength
8.2 The Pavement Strength Reporting System
8.3 Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)
8.4 Contaminated Surfaces
8.5 Braking Coefficient of Friction
8.6 Surface Contaminants
8.7 The Effect of Runway Contamination
8.8 Hydroplaning
Self-Assessment Exercise 8
9 The Variables
9.1 Air Density
9.2 Wind Component
9.3 Aeroplane Flap Setting
9.4 Aeroplane Mass
9.5 Runway Slope and Surface
9.6 Miscellaneous Variables
9.7 The Maximum Take-off Mass
9.8 Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 9
10 Speeds
10.1 General
10.2 Summary
10.3 Stalling Speeds
10.4 Take-off Speeds
10.5 V Speeds and Take-off Field Lengths
10.6 Climb Speeds
10.7 Control Speeds
10.8 Landing Speeds
10.9 Other Significant Speeds
10.9.1 VFE
10.9.2 VFO
10.9.3 VMO/MMO
10.9.4 VNE
10.9.5 VP
Self-Assessment Exercise 10
PART 3 Scheduled Performance Practice
11 Class ‘B’ Take-off
11.1 General Regulations
11.2 Take-off Speeds
11.3 Take-off Requirements
11.4 Take-off Distance Requirements
11.5 Class ‘B’ Take-off Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 11
12 Class ‘B’ Take-off Climb
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 Climb Minimum-Gradient Requirements
12.3 Obstacle Clearance Requirements
12.4 Take-off Climb Calculations
12.5 Climb Calculations – SEP1 & MEP1
Self-Assessment Exercise 12
13 Class ‘B’ En-route and Landing
13.1 En-route
13.2 Landing
Self-Assessment Exercise 13
14 Class ‘A’: Take-off Theory
14.1 General Regulations
14.2 Field-Length Requirements
14.3 Class ‘A’ FLL TOM Analysis
14.4 Field-Length Requirements Analysis
14.5 Rapid Calculation Methods
Self-Assessment Exercise 14
15 Take-off Calculations
15.1 Field-Length-Limited Take-off Mass
15.2 The Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM)
15.3 CAP 698 Section 4
15.4 Take-off Mass and Distance Calculations
15.5 Take-off Abnormalities
15.6 The Maximum Take-off Mass
Self-Assessment Exercise 15
16 Class ‘A’ Take-off Climb
16.1 The Take-off Climb Requirements
16.2 The Relationship of NFP to GFP
16.3 Climb-Limited TOM
16.4 MRJT Climb-Limited TOM Calculations
16.5 Obstacle Clearance
16.6 MRJT Obstacle-Limited TOM Calculation
16.7 Planned Turns
16.8 The Performance-Limited Take-off Mass
Self-Assessment Exercise 16
17 Class ‘A’ En-Route
17.1 En-route Required Navigation Performance
17.2 Descent Gradient Diminishment Requirements
17.3 Terminal Aerodromes
17.4 En-Route Requirements for all Class ‘A’ Aircraft
17.5 En-Route Requirements for Three and Four-engined Aircraft
17.6 En-Route Requirements for Twin-engined Aircraft
17.7 Maximum Distance from an Adequate Aerodrome (Non-ETOPS Aeroplanes)
17.8 ETOPS Aeroplanes
17.9 Obstacle Clearance Requirements: All Class ‘A’ Aeroplanes
17.10 Ceilings
17.11 Drift-Down Technique
17.12 Stabilizing Altitudes
17.13 Route Profile Comparisons
17.14 En-route Alternate Aerodromes
17.15 Fuel Jettisoning
17.16 En-route Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 17
18 Class ‘A’ Landing
18.2 The Landing Field-Length Requirements
18.3 Approaches
18.4 Short-field Landings
18.5 The Climb-Limited Landing Mass
18.6 Climb-Limited Landing Mass Calculations
18.7 Normal Field-Length Limited Landing Mass Calculations
18.8 Scheduled Landing Mass Calculations
18.9 The Quick Turnaround Limit
Self-Assessment Exercise 18
19 Definitions
19.1 Speeds
19.2 Distances
19.3 Altitude, Elevation and Height
19.4 Weight and Mass
19.5 ETOPS
19.6 Obstacles
19.7 Performance
19.8 Power Unit(s)
19.9 Surfaces and Areas
19.10 Temperature
19.11 Formulae used in Performance
20 Answers to Self-Assessment Exercises
Self-Assessment Exercise 1
Self-Assessment Exercise 2
Self-Assessment Exercise 3
Self-Assessment Exercise 4
Self-Assessment Exercise 5
Self-Assessment Exercise 6
Self-Assessment Exercise 7
Self-Assessment Exercise 8
Self-Assessment Exercise 9
Self-Assessment Exercise 10
Self-Assessment Exercise 11
Self-Assessment Exercise 12
Self-Assessment Exercise 13
Self-Assessment Exercise 14
Self-Assessment Exercise 15
Self-Assessment Exercise 16
Self-Assessment Exercise 17
Self-Assessment Exercise 18
List of Abbreviations
Weight and Mass
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Air Density
1.2 Speeds
1.3 Engine Performance
Self-Assessment Exercise 1
2 Level Flight Aerodynamics
2.1 Stability
2.2 Angle of Attack and Pitch Angle
2.3 The Four Forces
2.4 Mass
2.5 Lift
2.6 Drag
2.7 Analysis of the Total Drag Curve
2.8 The Effect of the Vareables on Drug
2.9 The CL v CD Polar Diagram
2.10 Analysis of the Lift/Drag Ratio
2.11 Thrust
2.12 Analysis of the Thrust Curves
2.13 The Effect of the Variables on Thrust
2.14 Power
2.15 Analysis of the Power Curves
2.16 The Effect of the Variables on Power
2.17 Summary
Self-Assessment Exercise 2
3 Take-off and Climb Aerodynamics
3.1 Take-off
3.2 The Effect of the Variables on Take-off
3.3 Climbing Flight
3.4 The Effect of the Variables on the Climb
3.5 Climb Gradient
3.6 Rate of Climb
3.7 Aircraft Ceiling
3.8 Climb Regimes
Self-Assessment Exercise 3
4 Cruise Control
4.1 Specific Air Range (SAR)
4.2 Buffet
4.3 The Buffet Onset Boundary Chart
4.4 Cost Index
4.5 Turns
4.6 Types of Cruise
4.7 Range and Endurance: General
4.8 Cruise Techniques for Piston-engined Aeroplanes
4.9 Cruise Techniques for Turbo-prop Aeroplanes
4.10 Cruise Techniques for Jet Aeroplanes
4.11 Summary
Self-Assessment Exercise 4
5 Descent Aerodynamics
5.1 The Forces in a Descent
5.2 Gliding for Maximum Range
5.3 Gliding for Maximum Endurance
5.4 Descent Regimes
Self-Assessment Exercise 5
PART 2 Scheduled Performance Theory
6 Performance Planning
6.1 Regulations and Requirements
6.2 The Performance Class System
6.3 Performance Legislation
6.4 Aeroplane Performance Levels
6.5 Performance Planning
6.6 Altimeter Corrections
6.7 Flight Manuals
6.8 Performance Calculations and Limitations
6.9 Noise Abatement Procedures
Self-Assessment Exercise 6
7 Aerodrome Geometry
7.1 Field Lengths Available
7.2 Take-off Run Available (TORA)
7.3 Obstacles
7.4 Stopway
7.5 Accelerate/Stop Distance Available (ASDA)
7.6 Clearway
7.7 Take-off Distance Available TODA
7.8 Balanced and Unbalanced Field Lengths
7.9 Field-Length-Limited Take-off Mass Calculations
7.10 Runway Alignment Reduction
7.11 Runway Slope Calculation
7.12 The Effect of Runway Slope on Obstacle Calculations
7.13 Landing Distance Available (LDA)
7.14 Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
Self-Assessment Exercise 7
8 Runway Surfaces
8.1 Aerodrome Pavement Strength
8.2 The Pavement Strength Reporting System
8.3 Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)
8.4 Contaminated Surfaces
8.5 Braking Coefficient of Friction
8.6 Surface Contaminants
8.7 The Effect of Runway Contamination
8.8 Hydroplaning
Self-Assessment Exercise 8
9 The Variables
9.1 Air Density
9.2 Wind Component
9.3 Aeroplane Flap Setting
9.4 Aeroplane Mass
9.5 Runway Slope and Surface
9.6 Miscellaneous Variables
9.7 The Maximum Take-off Mass
9.8 Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 9
10 Speeds
10.1 General
10.2 Summary
10.3 Stalling Speeds
10.4 Take-off Speeds
10.5 V Speeds and Take-off Field Lengths
10.6 Climb Speeds
10.7 Control Speeds
10.8 Landing Speeds
10.9 Other Significant Speeds
10.9.1 VFE
10.9.2 VFO
10.9.3 VMO/MMO
10.9.4 VNE
10.9.5 VP
Self-Assessment Exercise 10
PART 3 Scheduled Performance Practice
11 Class ‘B’ Take-off
11.1 General Regulations
11.2 Take-off Speeds
11.3 Take-off Requirements
11.4 Take-off Distance Requirements
11.5 Class ‘B’ Take-off Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 11
12 Class ‘B’ Take-off Climb
12.1 General Requirements
12.2 Climb Minimum-Gradient Requirements
12.3 Obstacle Clearance Requirements
12.4 Take-off Climb Calculations
12.5 Climb Calculations – SEP1 & MEP1
Self-Assessment Exercise 12
13 Class ‘B’ En-route and Landing
13.1 En-route
13.2 Landing
Self-Assessment Exercise 13
14 Class ‘A’: Take-off Theory
14.1 General Regulations
14.2 Field-Length Requirements
14.3 Class ‘A’ FLL TOM Analysis
14.4 Field-Length Requirements Analysis
14.5 Rapid Calculation Methods
Self-Assessment Exercise 14
15 Take-off Calculations
15.1 Field-Length-Limited Take-off Mass
15.2 The Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM)
15.3 CAP 698 Section 4
15.4 Take-off Mass and Distance Calculations
15.5 Take-off Abnormalities
15.6 The Maximum Take-off Mass
Self-Assessment Exercise 15
16 Class ‘A’ Take-off Climb
16.1 The Take-off Climb Requirements
16.2 The Relationship of NFP to GFP
16.3 Climb-Limited TOM
16.4 MRJT Climb-Limited TOM Calculations
16.5 Obstacle Clearance
16.6 MRJT Obstacle-Limited TOM Calculation
16.7 Planned Turns
16.8 The Performance-Limited Take-off Mass
Self-Assessment Exercise 16
17 Class ‘A’ En-Route
17.1 En-route Required Navigation Performance
17.2 Descent Gradient Diminishment Requirements
17.3 Terminal Aerodromes
17.4 En-Route Requirements for all Class ‘A’ Aircraft
17.5 En-Route Requirements for Three and Four-engined Aircraft
17.6 En-Route Requirements for Twin-engined Aircraft
17.7 Maximum Distance from an Adequate Aerodrome (Non-ETOPS Aeroplanes)
17.8 ETOPS Aeroplanes
17.9 Obstacle Clearance Requirements: All Class ‘A’ Aeroplanes
17.10 Ceilings
17.11 Drift-Down Technique
17.12 Stabilizing Altitudes
17.13 Route Profile Comparisons
17.14 En-route Alternate Aerodromes
17.15 Fuel Jettisoning
17.16 En-route Calculations
Self-Assessment Exercise 17
18 Class ‘A’ Landing
18.2 The Landing Field-Length Requirements
18.3 Approaches
18.4 Short-field Landings
18.5 The Climb-Limited Landing Mass
18.6 Climb-Limited Landing Mass Calculations
18.7 Normal Field-Length Limited Landing Mass Calculations
18.8 Scheduled Landing Mass Calculations
18.9 The Quick Turnaround Limit
Self-Assessment Exercise 18
19 Definitions
19.1 Speeds
19.2 Distances
19.3 Altitude, Elevation and Height
19.4 Weight and Mass
19.5 ETOPS
19.6 Obstacles
19.7 Performance
19.8 Power Unit(s)
19.9 Surfaces and Areas
19.10 Temperature
19.11 Formulae used in Performance
20 Answers to Self-Assessment Exercises
Self-Assessment Exercise 1
Self-Assessment Exercise 2
Self-Assessment Exercise 3
Self-Assessment Exercise 4
Self-Assessment Exercise 5
Self-Assessment Exercise 6
Self-Assessment Exercise 7
Self-Assessment Exercise 8
Self-Assessment Exercise 9
Self-Assessment Exercise 10
Self-Assessment Exercise 11
Self-Assessment Exercise 12
Self-Assessment Exercise 13
Self-Assessment Exercise 14
Self-Assessment Exercise 15
Self-Assessment Exercise 16
Self-Assessment Exercise 17
Self-Assessment Exercise 18