A Companion to Europe Since 1945 provides a stimulating guide to numerous important developments which have influenced the political, economic, social, and cultural character of Europe during and since the Cold War.
Includes 22 original essays by an international team of expert scholars
Examines the social, intellectual, economic, cultural, and political changes that took place throughout Europe in the Cold War and Post Cold War periods
Discusses a wide range of topics including the Single Market, European-American relations, family life and employment, globalization, consumption, political parties, European decolonization, European identity, security and defence policies, and Europe's fight against international terrorism
Presents Europe in a broad geographical conception, to give equal weighting to developments in the Eastern and Western European states
Includes 22 original essays by an international team of expert scholars
Examines the social, intellectual, economic, cultural, and political changes that took place throughout Europe in the Cold War and Post Cold War periods
Discusses a wide range of topics including the Single Market, European-American relations, family life and employment, globalization, consumption, political parties, European decolonization, European identity, security and defence policies, and Europe's fight against international terrorism
Presents Europe in a broad geographical conception, to give equal weighting to developments in the Eastern and Western European states
Klaus Larres is Professor in History and International Affairs at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. He has published widely on transatlantic relations during the Cold War and post-Cold War world, European integration, and American, British, French, and German foreign policy. His books include Churchill's Cold War: The Politics of Personal Diplomacy (2002), Uneasy Allies: British-German Relations and European Integration since 1945 (ed. 2000), and The Cold War after Stalin's Death: A Missed Opportunity for Peace (ed. with K. Osgood, 2006).
About the Contributors.
Introduction: Klaus Larres (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
Part I: Europe in Transition: From War to Cold War.
1. From War to Cold War: Mark Gilbert (University of Trento, Italy).
2. Federalism and the Beginnings of European Union: John Pinder(College of Bruges, Belgium).
Part II: Europe and the Cold War World.
3. The Cold War: The Western European Perspective: Ian Jackson (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
4. The Soviet Bloc and the Cold War in Europe: Mark Kramer (Harvard University, USA).
5. Economic Developments in Western and Eastern Europe since 1945: Ian Jackson (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
6. The End of Empires: Decolonization and Its Repercussions: David R. Devereux (Canisius College, Buffalo, USA).
7. European Integration from the Common Market to the Single Market: Desmond Dinan (George Mason University, Arlington, USA).
8. The United States and European Integration, 1945–1990: Klaus Larres (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
9. The Churches and Christianity in Cold War Europe: Dianne Kirby (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
10. The End of the Cold War and the Unification of the European Continent: Carine Germond (German Historical Institute, Paris).
Part III: Europe since 1990: Political and Economic Developments.
11. Transatlantic Relations since the End of the Cold War: Permanent Alliance or Partnership in Peril?: Robert Hutchings (Princeton University, USA).
12. Europe and Economic Globalization since 1945: Alfred E. Eckes Jr. (Ohio University, USA).
13. Economic Integration since Maastricht: Christopher Flockton (University of Surrey, England).
14. Political Parties in Europe since 1945: Roger Eatwell (University of Bath, England).
15. The Genesis of a European Security and Defence Policy: Ralph Dietl (Queen’s University, Northern Ireland).
16. Europe’s Expererience of Terrorism since 1945: A Brief Overview: Paul Wilkinson (University of St. Andrews, Scotland).
Part IV: Europe since 1990: Social and Cultural Developments.
17. The Quest for a European Identity: A Europe without Europeans?: Ruth Wittlinger (University of Durham, England).
18. Europe and Post-Cold War Nationalism: Claire Sutherland (University of Manchester, England).
19. The Participatory Revolution: New Social Movements and Civil Society: Ingolfur Blühdorn (University of Bath, England).
20. Postwar Europe: A Continent Built on Migration: Panikos Panayi (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
21. Changing Norms of Masculinity and Femininity: Developments in Gender Relations and Family Structures in Europe: Laura den Dulk (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands).
22. Europe and the Welfare State since 1945: Steen P. Mangen (London School of Politics and Political Science, England).
Introduction: Klaus Larres (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
Part I: Europe in Transition: From War to Cold War.
1. From War to Cold War: Mark Gilbert (University of Trento, Italy).
2. Federalism and the Beginnings of European Union: John Pinder(College of Bruges, Belgium).
Part II: Europe and the Cold War World.
3. The Cold War: The Western European Perspective: Ian Jackson (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
4. The Soviet Bloc and the Cold War in Europe: Mark Kramer (Harvard University, USA).
5. Economic Developments in Western and Eastern Europe since 1945: Ian Jackson (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
6. The End of Empires: Decolonization and Its Repercussions: David R. Devereux (Canisius College, Buffalo, USA).
7. European Integration from the Common Market to the Single Market: Desmond Dinan (George Mason University, Arlington, USA).
8. The United States and European Integration, 1945–1990: Klaus Larres (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
9. The Churches and Christianity in Cold War Europe: Dianne Kirby (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland).
10. The End of the Cold War and the Unification of the European Continent: Carine Germond (German Historical Institute, Paris).
Part III: Europe since 1990: Political and Economic Developments.
11. Transatlantic Relations since the End of the Cold War: Permanent Alliance or Partnership in Peril?: Robert Hutchings (Princeton University, USA).
12. Europe and Economic Globalization since 1945: Alfred E. Eckes Jr. (Ohio University, USA).
13. Economic Integration since Maastricht: Christopher Flockton (University of Surrey, England).
14. Political Parties in Europe since 1945: Roger Eatwell (University of Bath, England).
15. The Genesis of a European Security and Defence Policy: Ralph Dietl (Queen’s University, Northern Ireland).
16. Europe’s Expererience of Terrorism since 1945: A Brief Overview: Paul Wilkinson (University of St. Andrews, Scotland).
Part IV: Europe since 1990: Social and Cultural Developments.
17. The Quest for a European Identity: A Europe without Europeans?: Ruth Wittlinger (University of Durham, England).
18. Europe and Post-Cold War Nationalism: Claire Sutherland (University of Manchester, England).
19. The Participatory Revolution: New Social Movements and Civil Society: Ingolfur Blühdorn (University of Bath, England).
20. Postwar Europe: A Continent Built on Migration: Panikos Panayi (De Montfort University, Leicester, England).
21. Changing Norms of Masculinity and Femininity: Developments in Gender Relations and Family Structures in Europe: Laura den Dulk (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands).
22. Europe and the Welfare State since 1945: Steen P. Mangen (London School of Politics and Political Science, England).