編者:郭慶民 張衛平 (美國)王敏民 等 叢書主編:何其莘 (美國)楊孝明
何其莘博士,北京外國語大學教授,博士生導師。1994年-2005年任北外副校長,現為中國人民大學外國語學院院長、清華大學雙聘教授、廣東外語外貿大學等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英語專業教學指導委員會主任、全國翻譯碩士專業學位教育指導委員會副主任、全國英國文學學會會長、全國有突出貢獻的中青年專家。主要成果包括,Listen to This,《新概念英語》,《文化透視英語教程》,《英國文藝復興時期文學史》,《英國戲劇史》,《英國中古時期文學史》,《中國學者眼中的英國文學》等。
楊孝明博士,教授。畢業于西安外國語大學,后獲英國諾丁漢大學英語碩士學位、美國鮑陵格林州立大學英語博士學位。在俄亥俄州鮑陵格林州立大學和新澤西州海洋郡學院任教二十余年,教授英文寫作、英美文學和語言學等課程,現為新澤西州海洋郡學院英語系終身教授。主要成果包括:The Rhetoric of Propaganda,Error of Creativity,A Hundred Flowers Blossoming, 《中國式英語錯誤分析》,《文學批評理論的運用》等。
何其莘博士,北京外國語大學教授,博士生導師。1994年-2005年任北外副校長,現為中國人民大學外國語學院院長、清華大學雙聘教授、廣東外語外貿大學等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英語專業教學指導委員會主任、全國翻譯碩士專業學位教育指導委員會副主任、全國英國文學學會會長、全國有突出貢獻的中青年專家。主要成果包括,Listen to This,《新概念英語》,《文化透視英語教程》,《英國文藝復興時期文學史》,《英國戲劇史》,《英國中古時期文學史》,《中國學者眼中的英國文學》等。
楊孝明博士,教授。畢業于西安外國語大學,后獲英國諾丁漢大學英語碩士學位、美國鮑陵格林州立大學英語博士學位。在俄亥俄州鮑陵格林州立大學和新澤西州海洋郡學院任教二十余年,教授英文寫作、英美文學和語言學等課程,現為新澤西州海洋郡學院英語系終身教授。主要成果包括:The Rhetoric of Propaganda,Error of Creativity,A Hundred Flowers Blossoming, 《中國式英語錯誤分析》,《文學批評理論的運用》等。
Thinking Starters
Text A: Who Needs Love! In Japan, Many Couples Dont
Text B: The Breadwinner
Readings and Self-testingUNITTWO
Thinking Starters
Text A: Remarks of Bill Gates at the Harvard Commencement
Text B: Remarks of Bill Gates at the Harvard Commencement (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNITTHREE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Is Your Boss Spying on You?
Text B: Homeless Woman Living in a Car
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FOUR
Thinking Starters
Text A: Revolution Is U.S.
Text B: Pushing Beyond the Earths Limits
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FIVE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Capitol Hill
Text B: The U.S. Was Right/The U.S. Was Wrong
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SIX
Thinking Starters
Text A: Two Women, Two Histories
Text B: Psychology Constructs the Female
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SEVEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Age of Show Business
Text B: Consumerism: Its Hidden Beauties and Politics
Readings and Self-testingUNIT EIGHT
Thinking Starters
Text A: Phelps Is Golden
Text B: Phelps Is Golden (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNIT NINE
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Brain Candy Generation
Text B: Predictable Crises of Adulthood
Readings and Self-testingUNIT TEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: Chimp Talk Debate: Is It Really Language?
Text B: Body Art as Visual Language
Readings and Self-testing
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Ethanol Illusion
Text B: Saving Money, Oil, and the Climate
Readings and Self-testingUNIT TWELVE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Why a Christian in the White House Felt Betrayed
Text B: Propaganda in a Democratic Society
Readings and Self-testing
Thinking Starters
Text A: Smoking Is Not a Simple Matter of Nicotine Addiction
Text B: The Threat of Secondhand Smoke Has Been Overstated
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FOURTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: I Fought the Law in BIoombergs New York
Text B: I Fought the Law in Bloombergs New York (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FIFTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: The American Dream
Text B: What Is the Basis of American Culture?
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SIXTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: Constructing U.S. American Jewish Male Identity
Text B: Working Through Identity: Understanding Class in the Context of Race,
Ethnicity, and Gender
Readings and Self-testing
Thinking Starters
Text A: Who Needs Love! In Japan, Many Couples Dont
Text B: The Breadwinner
Readings and Self-testingUNITTWO
Thinking Starters
Text A: Remarks of Bill Gates at the Harvard Commencement
Text B: Remarks of Bill Gates at the Harvard Commencement (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNITTHREE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Is Your Boss Spying on You?
Text B: Homeless Woman Living in a Car
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FOUR
Thinking Starters
Text A: Revolution Is U.S.
Text B: Pushing Beyond the Earths Limits
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FIVE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Capitol Hill
Text B: The U.S. Was Right/The U.S. Was Wrong
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SIX
Thinking Starters
Text A: Two Women, Two Histories
Text B: Psychology Constructs the Female
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SEVEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Age of Show Business
Text B: Consumerism: Its Hidden Beauties and Politics
Readings and Self-testingUNIT EIGHT
Thinking Starters
Text A: Phelps Is Golden
Text B: Phelps Is Golden (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNIT NINE
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Brain Candy Generation
Text B: Predictable Crises of Adulthood
Readings and Self-testingUNIT TEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: Chimp Talk Debate: Is It Really Language?
Text B: Body Art as Visual Language
Readings and Self-testing
Thinking Starters
Text A: The Ethanol Illusion
Text B: Saving Money, Oil, and the Climate
Readings and Self-testingUNIT TWELVE
Thinking Starters
Text A: Why a Christian in the White House Felt Betrayed
Text B: Propaganda in a Democratic Society
Readings and Self-testing
Thinking Starters
Text A: Smoking Is Not a Simple Matter of Nicotine Addiction
Text B: The Threat of Secondhand Smoke Has Been Overstated
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FOURTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: I Fought the Law in BIoombergs New York
Text B: I Fought the Law in Bloombergs New York (Continued)
Readings and Self-testingUNIT FIFTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: The American Dream
Text B: What Is the Basis of American Culture?
Readings and Self-testingUNIT SIXTEEN
Thinking Starters
Text A: Constructing U.S. American Jewish Male Identity
Text B: Working Through Identity: Understanding Class in the Context of Race,
Ethnicity, and Gender
Readings and Self-testing
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