《美國人及其文化:對認知、思維、行為模式、價值觀以及傳統的闡釋》內容簡介:There has been a growing emphasis on cultural studies over the past few decades. As the international success of cultural studies, the term culture has been expanded to include so wide a range that it is increasingly difficult to say what does not count as culture. Now, it has become a painful labor to produce a comprehensive survey of cultures pertaining to a given nation; therefore, the form of writings on cultures has undergone a considerable transformation.
周毅,男,四川成都人,英美文學碩士、中國文化史博士,在多所高校任過教,曾赴美國進修學習及講學。現任教于四川大學歷史文化(旅遊)學院,擔任旅遊文化系主任,研究生導師。自上世紀80年代初以來長期從事高校英語專業、旅遊專業以及歷史文化的教學與研究。目前指導研究生以及擔任研究生專業英語課程和文化課程的教學,還給本科生開設精品課程“中華文化(歷史篇)”、“西方文化(歷史篇)”和“美國文化”,擔任省級精品課、雙語課“美國文化”的負責人及主講人;給歐美留學生用英語開設“中國歷史”、“中國文化”等課程。 主要研究領域及成果:中西歷史文化、旅遊文化、旅遊專業英語。有多部專著、譯著和教材正式出版,并在有關學術期刊上發表多篇學術論文。
Chapter 1 Views about America, Americans and Their Culture
1.1 Views of Westerners
1.1.1 A Free Nation and a Slave Nation
1.1.2 Enlightened People and Outlandish People
1.2 Views of East Asians
1.2.1 Japanese: From Learner to Megalomaniac to Follower
1.2.2 Chinese: From Naive Fantast to Estranger-Antagonist to Rival-Partner
1.3 Exploration of American Culture
1.3.1 Characteristics of American Culture
1.3.2 Five Symbols of American Culture
1.3.3 Ten Pieces of Advice for Exploring American Culture
Chapter 2 Facts about Americans and Their Country
2.1 Favorable Natural-Historical Geography
2.1.1 Exceptional Natural Geography
2.1.2 Ambitious Colonization
2.2 Unique Cultural Heritages
2.2.1 Do Americans Have No Tradition?
2.2.2 Where Does the American Spirit Come from?
Chapter 3 Americans and Their Values
3.1 Basic Values
3.1.1 Individual Freedom,Self-Reliance and Privacy
3.1.2 Equality,Opporuniff and Competition
3.1.3 Material Wealth,Hard Work and Play
3.2 Foundations of the Values
3.2.1 Heritages from Europe
3.2.2 Individual Freedom,Self-Improvement and “Vocation” from Protestantism
3.2.3 Rugged Individualism,Equality and Effort-Optimism from the Frontier Heritage
3.2.4 Diligence,Competition and Material Wealth from Abundant Resources and Commercialization
Chapter 4 American Perception,Thinking and Verbal and Non.Verbal Behaviors
4.1 American Perception
4.2 American Thinking
4.2.1 Origin
4.2.2 Characteristics of American Thinking
4.3 American Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors
4.3.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and American English
4.3.2 Comparison between American English and British English
4.3.3 American Non-Verbal Behavior
Chapter 5 Patterns of Sodal Relations and Behavior of Americans
5.1 Social Identity and Interpersonal Relationships
5.1.1 Social Identity and Sense of Equality
5.1.2 Interpersonal Relationships and Rules
5.1.3 Friendships and live Affairs
5.2 Problem-Solving and Cooperation in Competition
5.2.1 Facing Up to the Music
5.2.2 Cooperation in Competition
5.3 Time and Space Orientations
5.3.1 Sense of Time
5.3.2 Sense of Space and Tactility
Chapter 6 Selfhood, American Dream and Materialism
6.1 Selfhood
6.1.1 Concept of Self
6.1.2 Individuality and Changeability
6.2 American Dream and Materialism
6.2.1 American Dream
6.2.2 American Materialism
General Index
Chapter 1 Views about America, Americans and Their Culture
1.1 Views of Westerners
1.1.1 A Free Nation and a Slave Nation
1.1.2 Enlightened People and Outlandish People
1.2 Views of East Asians
1.2.1 Japanese: From Learner to Megalomaniac to Follower
1.2.2 Chinese: From Naive Fantast to Estranger-Antagonist to Rival-Partner
1.3 Exploration of American Culture
1.3.1 Characteristics of American Culture
1.3.2 Five Symbols of American Culture
1.3.3 Ten Pieces of Advice for Exploring American Culture
Chapter 2 Facts about Americans and Their Country
2.1 Favorable Natural-Historical Geography
2.1.1 Exceptional Natural Geography
2.1.2 Ambitious Colonization
2.2 Unique Cultural Heritages
2.2.1 Do Americans Have No Tradition?
2.2.2 Where Does the American Spirit Come from?
Chapter 3 Americans and Their Values
3.1 Basic Values
3.1.1 Individual Freedom,Self-Reliance and Privacy
3.1.2 Equality,Opporuniff and Competition
3.1.3 Material Wealth,Hard Work and Play
3.2 Foundations of the Values
3.2.1 Heritages from Europe
3.2.2 Individual Freedom,Self-Improvement and “Vocation” from Protestantism
3.2.3 Rugged Individualism,Equality and Effort-Optimism from the Frontier Heritage
3.2.4 Diligence,Competition and Material Wealth from Abundant Resources and Commercialization
Chapter 4 American Perception,Thinking and Verbal and Non.Verbal Behaviors
4.1 American Perception
4.2 American Thinking
4.2.1 Origin
4.2.2 Characteristics of American Thinking
4.3 American Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors
4.3.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and American English
4.3.2 Comparison between American English and British English
4.3.3 American Non-Verbal Behavior
Chapter 5 Patterns of Sodal Relations and Behavior of Americans
5.1 Social Identity and Interpersonal Relationships
5.1.1 Social Identity and Sense of Equality
5.1.2 Interpersonal Relationships and Rules
5.1.3 Friendships and live Affairs
5.2 Problem-Solving and Cooperation in Competition
5.2.1 Facing Up to the Music
5.2.2 Cooperation in Competition
5.3 Time and Space Orientations
5.3.1 Sense of Time
5.3.2 Sense of Space and Tactility
Chapter 6 Selfhood, American Dream and Materialism
6.1 Selfhood
6.1.1 Concept of Self
6.1.2 Individuality and Changeability
6.2 American Dream and Materialism
6.2.1 American Dream
6.2.2 American Materialism
General Index
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