Universal Design Handbook, 2E
出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.
A fully updated, one-stop reference to designing products and facilities for the elderly, disabled, and children
Packed with examples of global standards and design solutions, Universal Design Handbook, Second Edition comprehensively covers residential, commercial office, transportation, and educational facilities as well as outdoor areas, products and furniture, and access to information technology, telecommunications, and electronics. The book encompasses vision, touch, cognitive, hearing, and motor impairment. The second edition has been updated to reflect the latest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design requirements, as well as those of the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA).
Universal Design Handbook, Second Edition features:
Comprehensive coverage of universal design:
Premises and Perspectives; Universal Design: An Evolving Paradigm; Toward Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability; Designing for Our Future Selves; Universal Design and the Majority World; Principles, Standards, and Guidelines; The Principles of Universal Design; UN Standards and Rules; ADA Standards and Challenges for Universal Design; The ADA Law and Accessibility: Interpretations in U.S. Courts; Life Safety Standards and Guidelines; Creating a Thesaurus for Universal Design; International Perspectives; Norway's Planning Approach to Implement Universal Design; The Impact of Aging on Japanese Accessibility Design Standards;. The Design for All Evolution in France; Accessibility as Universal Design: Practical Experience in Italy; Brazilian Legislation and Experiences in Introducing Universal Design; Accessible Design in Italy; Planning Accessibility in the Old City of Jerusalem; Public Spaces, Private Spaces, Products, and Technologies; Creating an Accessible Public Realm; A Capital Planning Approach to ADA Implementation; Universal Design in Transportation; Tourism Made Universally Accessible; Outdoor Play for All; Educational Environments: From Compliance to Inclusion; Office and Workplace Design; Smart Growth and The Next Generation Home; Fair Housing: Toward Universal Design in Multi-Family Housing; Home for the Next 50 Years; The LIFEhouse Project; Universal Design Living Laboratory; Selling Builders and Remodelers on Universal Design; Universal Bathrooms; Universal Design of Automobiles; Universal Design of Products; Access to the World Wide Web: Technical, Policy and Implementation Issues; Universal Design Media; Digital Content for Individuals with Print Disabilities; Education and Research: Inclusive Design Research Initiatives at the Royal College of Art; An International Web-Based Collection of Universal Design Exemplars; Assessing Universal Design Performance; Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom; Camp Aldersgate: A New Model for Architectural Education; Are Retrofitted Entrances for Wheelchair Users Separate and Unequal?; Pilot Research on Signage for Persons with Visual Impairments; Redefining Design and Disability: The P-E Fit Model; The Past and Future of Universal Design; A Critical Review of the Promises and Failures of Universal Design
Wolfgang F.E. Preiser is Emeritus Professor of Architecture, University of Cincinnati. As a researcher and an international building consultant, he has worked on topics ranging from universal design to facility programming, building performance assessments, health care facilities, and intercultural design. Preiser has written 16 books and more than 100 chapters, articles, and conference papers, and is the recipient of the Progressive Architecture Applied Research Award and Citation and the EDRA Career and Lifetime Achievement awards.
Korydon H. Smith is Associate Professor in the Fay Jones School of Architecture at the University of Arkansas. He teaches courses in architectural design and theory, and has received numerous teaching awards. Smith's scholarship focuses on the physical and political roles of design in society, resulting in a wide variety of publications and design works. He is actively involved in continuing education, as well as the transformation of housing policy and design practices throughout the U.S.