Rethinking Violence ─ States and Non-State Actors in Conflict

Rethinking Violence ─ States and Non-State Actors in Conflict


:NT$ 1140 元


States, nationalist movements, and ethnic groups in conflict with one another often face a choice between violent and nonviolent strategies. Although major wars between sovereign states have become rare, contemporary world politics has been rife with internal conflict, ethnic cleansing, and violence against civilians. This book asks how, why, and when states and non-state actors use violence against one another, and examines the effectiveness of various forms of political violence.

In the process of addressing these issues, the essays make two conceptual moves that illustrate the need to reconsider the way violence by states and non-state actors has typically been studied and understood. The first is to think of violence not as dichotomous, as either present or absent, but to consider the wide range of nonviolent and violent options available and ask why actors come to embrace particular strategies. The second is to explore the dynamic nature of violent conflicts, developing explanations that can account for the eruption of violence at particular moments in time. The arguments focus on how changes in the balance of power between and among states and non-state actors generate uncertainty and threat, thereby creating an environment conducive to violence. This innovative way of understanding violence deemphasizes the role of ethnic cleavages and nationalism in modern conflict.

Erica Chenoweth is Assistant Professor of Government at Wesleyan University. Adria Lawrence is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University and a Research Fellow at Yale's MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies.

"Why do ethnic and nationalist movements sometimes turn to violence? And why do states sometimes indiscriminately attack or forcibly expel certain national or ethnic groups? The essays in Rethinking Violence offer fresh and empirically grounded answers to these important questions. This volume will interest political scientists, sociologists, historians, anthropologists, 'psychologists, students, and citizens interested in warfare, ethnic cleansing, insurgency, terrorism, and conflict resolution. Not least, it also offers important lessons for scholars and advocates of nonviolent resistance."uJeff Goodwin, Professor Of Sociology, New York University, author of No Other Way Out: States and Revolutionary Movements, 1945-1991

"This volume gathers an impressive cast of young scholars who critically examine the use of violence by, and against, states using a rich array of methodological approaches and empirical cases. Taken as a whole, this collection highlights the promise of a bold research agenda that argues for understanding political violence as a dynamic process whose nature and timing are shaped by balance of power considerations rather than ancient hatreds or modern ideologies."uJason Lyall, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yale University

"This pathbreaking collection forcefully destroys old paradigms and provides important new optics through which to study violence in war."uRobert I. Rotberg, President, World Peace Foundation, Former Director of the Program on Intrastate. Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Harvard Kennedy School


Erica Chenoweth is Assistant Professor of Government at Wesleyan University and an Associate of the Belfer Center at Harvard Kennedy School. Adria Lawrence is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University and a Research Fellow at Yale's MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies.







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