Adolescent Literacy Inventory ─ Grades 6-12
出版社:Allyn & Bacon
作者:William G. Brozo; Peter P. Afflerbach; Courtney Gaskins (CON)
規格:27.9cm*24.1cm*3.2cm (高/寬/厚)
The Adolescent Literacy Inventory (ALI) helps teachers understand students' reading as it develops.
The Adolescent Literacy Inventory,Grades 6-12, is a revolutionary new assessment tool that makes it possible for middle and high school teachers to learn more about their students’ reading and writing abilities than ever before. Two premier adolescent literacy and literacy assessment experts Bill Brozo and Peter Afflerbach, have incorporated into ALI passages from actual science, social studies, English/Language Arts, and math textbooks, allowing teachers and literacy specialists to efficiently diagnose students’ academic literacy abilities. The ALI provides teachers with information not only on reading skill and strategy but also on how students use these in content areas, so teachers can determine the most appropriate text adaptations and instructional strategies for their students.
Take a peek inside...
- Includes authentic assessment passages from actual student textbooks in the four major content area domains
- Features alternative assessment passages for each grade level and content area
- Embeds comprehension questions within each passage that allow teachers and students to check for comprehension as they read
- Allows teacher to determine the best assessment path for each student with the "Decision Tree" feature
Dr. William G. Brozo was a co-investigator on a Carnegie Grant team that compiled an important report on best practice in adolescent literacy (Principled Practices for Adolescent Literacy: A Framework for Instruction and Policy, Erlbaum). He is a member of the Adolescent Literacy Committee, and member of the PISA/PIRLS Task Force responsible for analyzing international reading assessments. His other Pearson Education books include Content Literacy for Today’s Adolescents: Honoring Diversity and Building Competence, 50 Content Area Strategies for Adolescent Literacy, and Supporting Content Area Literacy with Technology: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. He has taught reading and language arts in junior and senior high school in the Carolinas and is currently Professor of Literacy in the Graduate School of Education at George Mason University.
Dr. Peter Afflerbach is a Professor in the Reading Center, Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Maryland at College Park. His most recent book is Understanding and Using Reading Assessment, K-12 (International Reading Association). His research interests include literacy assessment, the alignment of reading assessment with standards for reading and the strategies that readers use to understand text. His research has been published in numerous theoretical and practical journals. He is a past editor of the Reading Assessment column in The Reading Teacher, and he serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of The Reading Teacher, Reading Research Quarterly, and Journal of Educational Psychology. He is a co-editor of the Handbook of Reading Research. Currently, he serves on the Reading Committee of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Reading Framework 2009 Committee of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Reading Committee of the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS).